Affirming Words Podcast

Proverbs 4 - Frank Reed/KLTY Dallas

Rick Tarrant Season 1 Episode 2002

Today on the Affirming Words Podcast:
People need HOPE more than ever before on the earth. Join our host, Rick Tarrant and his guest Frank Reed, Co-host on 94.9 KLTY Radio Morning Show, in today’s Affirming Wisdom discussion from Proverbs 4.

Today’s discussion is filled with real life examples of how they have applied God’s wisdom, practically, in both their lives. It’s always a tremendous blessing, when we ask God for His wisdom in making all decisions. You won’t know your faith is real until it is really tested.
God’s Ways Work…. PERIOD. If you’re wondering what they are, then do join us on the journey through the book of Proverbs, a chapter a day.

Show intro:

Welcome to the Affirming Words podcast, where you're encouraged to speak the word renew your mind and transform your life. Here's your host Rick Tarrant.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, hey there hi there. Whoa, there you are as welcome as can be. And welcome to the affirming words of abundance Facebook group, YouTube channel, and now podcast, which we are just launching. And this is just can I just say, for a guy who has spent his entire life in the radio business in audio, and more recently getting involved in video, this has been the most challenging launch I could have ever imagined. Because where I'm coming from in Memphis, Tennessee, we are without power, we had an ice storm as we're recording this podcast. And so the last few days, I've been in my truck. So in fact, my our guest today, Frank Reed from kitty in Dallas, Texas, I believe, has also been in a frozen situation down in Texas, and we are recording this before a live zoom audience. And, and if you'd like to learn more about that this whole wisdom, affirming wisdom journey, you can go to affirming And we'll have some more information there. So don't know when you'll hear this, but whether it's in February of 2022, or next month, or next year, or 10 years from now. Welcome and we all need wisdom. This world definitely needs wisdom. And that's why we're doing this so good morning, Frank. Greed. How are you my friend? Good morning, my brother.

Frank Reed:

I am in a warm home. I'm sorry, you're in your truck.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, so the background for the the podcast audience and whoever's watching the stream is that we did have an ice. It wasn't it, you know, Storm, it wasn't an ice storm. It did. It got cold and it rained a little bit but it has not gotten above freezing. So all the power lines and the trees. Beautiful as it may be. It's a winter wonderland here. Let me just move my phone here. This I'm at a Starbucks parking lot. And everybody's in line for a cup of coffee. As I was hoping to do but there's like 70 cars here. So I I guess I do I do have my water. And I do have my yummylicious cookies from our friend John Umstead, which we will be giving away some cookies today. So So anyway, so So here we are. And we're driving down to Clarksdale later today, I think to find a warm hotel and some Wi Fi so we can get get some work done. So. But I have a friend in the Marines who says improvise, adapt and overcome. And I thought if they can do it, we can do it. And you know, God has not given us a spirit of fear and anxiety but of power and of love and a sound mind. And that's where the wisdom is. So you want to go through proverbs for today?

Frank Reed:

Let's do it.

Rick Tarrant:

Alright, are you reading from the NIV I believe

Frank Reed:

Proverbs four. It says Get wisdom at any cost. Here we go. Listen, my son's to a father's instruction. Pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning. So do not forsake my teaching. For I too was a Sunday my father, still tender and cherished by my mother. And then he taught me and he said to me, take hold of my words with all your heart. Keep my commands and you will live and wreck you've got it from another version.

Rick Tarrant:

Yes. So let me I'll try to stop at the same place you did. But if we get off that's okay. Do a chapter for the headline that Eugene Peterson wrote was your life is at stake. Listen friends to some fatherly advice. sit up and take notice so you'll know how to live. I'm giving you good counsel. Don't let it go in one ear and out the other. When I was a boy at my father's need the pride and joy of my mother. He would sit me down and drill me. Take this to heart. Do what I tell you live. Sell everything and buy wisdom. forage for understanding. Don't forget one word. Don't deviate an inch. Never walk away from wisdom. She guards your life. Wow.

Frank Reed:

Verse five, get wisdom get understanding. Do not forget my words or turn away from them. Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you love her and she will watch over you. The beginning of wisdom is this. Get wisdom, though it cost all you have. get understanding.

Rick Tarrant:

Above all and before all do this, get wisdom. Write this at the top of your list. get understanding. Throw your arms around her. Believe me you won't regret it. Never let her go. She'll make your life glorious. She'll garland your life with grace. She'll festoon your days with beauty. Your turn.

Frank Reed:

I'm in verse eight. cherish her and she will exalt you. embrace her. And she will honor you. She will give you a garland to grace your head and present you with a glorious crown.

Rick Tarrant:

Your friend, take my advice, it will add years to your life. I'm writing out clear directions to wisdom way. I'm drawing a map to righteous road. I don't want you ending up in blind alleys or wasting time making wrong turns. Hold tight to good advice. Don't relax your grip. Guard it well. Your life is at stake. Wow. That is good. Clean is a fabulous writer.

Frank Reed:

All right, verse 10. Listen my son, except what I say. And the years of your life will be many. I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered. When you run. You will not stumble.

Rick Tarrant:

Don't take wicked bypass or don't take wicked bypass. Don't so much as set foot on that road. Stay clear of it, give it a wide berth. Make a detour and be on your way. evil people are restless unless they're making trouble. They can't get a good night's sleep unless they've made life miserable for somebody. perversity as their food and drink violence their drug of choice.

Frank Reed:

Verse 13, hold on to instruction do not let it go. Guarded well for it is your life. Do not set foot on the path of the wicked, or walk in the way of evildoers. Avoid it, do not travel on it, turn from it and go on your way. For they cannot rest until they do evil. They are robbed of sleep until they make someone stumble. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence.

Rick Tarrant:

The ways of right living people glow with light. The longer they live the brighter they shine. But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker. Travelers can't see a thing they fall flat on their faces. Hmm different. Listen well to my words, tune your ears to my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate, learn it by heart. Those who discover these words live really live, body and soul. They're bursting with health. Wow.

Frank Reed:

Verse 18. The path of the righteous is like the morning sun shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness. They do not know what makes them stumble. My son pay attention to what I say. Turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight. Keep them within your hearts for their life to those who find them and health to one's whole body.

Rick Tarrant:

Yeah, eat vigilant watch over your heart. That's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth. Avoid careless banter, white lies and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead. Ignore all Sideshow distractions. Watch your step and the road will stretch out smooth before you look neither right nor left. Leave evil in the dust.

Frank Reed:

Above verse 23. Above all else, guard your hearts for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity. Keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead. Fix your gaze directly before you. Be careful. I'm sorry, Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the left and keep your foot from evil.

Rick Tarrant:

This is the word of the Lord.

Frank Reed:

Wow. I like that format Rick. I like it. Who is that? Who is that version from?

Rick Tarrant:

This is the late Eugene Peterson. I believe he just passed away last year. He wrote. He wrote The Message Bible over a 10 year period of time

Frank Reed:

I love that. I love that. Well, Proverbs, man, Proverbs, you've got one for every day of the month. You know, you, you obviously did proverbs three yesterday, and, you know, Proverbs three, five and six one of my life versus, you know, trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight, which is what I want.

Rick Tarrant:

You know, whenever that first comes up, I am always reminded that my when, when my grandmother who I called nanny loved her, so and she loved me, you know, I was like the first grandson. So I was like, you know, there was just that special relationship. And, you know, when she passed away, I remember looking in her, change her change person, wallet, and she had on a little office supply, you know, three by five card or three by four card, that verse lean not unto thine own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct iPads in the King James, right. Yeah. So she lived her life that way.

Frank Reed:

Yeah, I've had that on three by five cards pasted onto the mirror many, many times, you know, so, wow.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, what jumped off out of Chapter Four for you today?

Frank Reed:

Well, you know, in talking about wisdom, period. Wisdom is something that we need every day, is it not? I think about the the decisions of life that we all go through, either small decisions are huge decisions. It's, it's crazy, we're remotely thinking about putting our beautiful house up for sale. Never saw this coming in a million years, but we feel like God might be moving us in that direction. So I told Patti, I said, you know, a lot of times you can emotionally get attached to something in this life, you can get emotionally attached to things or attached to maybe a home, we've loved living here. We've been here about six years. But if God is moving us somewhere else, or has something else for us, we're invited to ask for wisdom. And isn't it amazing that we have access to the creator of the universe, because of Jesus, we have access to the throne of grace. And we can humbly come to God and ask for wisdom for small decisions daily, or also for big decisions. You know, I look back over my life. And I look at the bigger decisions and remember asking for wisdom, Rick, I remember, you and I have known each other for a long time. And I remember when I moved from going from mainstream secular radio, into Christian music radio was 1988. Well, at that time, there was not a lot going on in the Christian music, radio industry. Of course. Now, if you go across the country, and hit scan on your radio, you'll hear Christian music all the way across the country. Now, it didn't used to be that way. So I prayed for wisdom. And I prayed for guidance center direction, God, do I leave this industry, and move to this industry. And it's been a tremendous blessing. And I look back on you know, I married later in life, I didn't get married till I was 40. And when Patti and I got married, we prayed for wisdom, we actually asked God, please write it in the sky if we're supposed to get married. And he made it crystal clear that this is the person that I had for you. So if you think about it, basing your life on proverbs basing your life on God's wisdom, seeking His wisdom in every area of your life, it's really the most exciting, fulfilling, and most satisfying ways to live, period. Rick, even your journey of what you're doing now with the podcast, and with the affirming words, I know that God has led you in this direction. And here we are. We have the technology that we can reach multitudes of people with this truth. For a time such as this in a time, in a time when people need hope, and need truth more than any other time in history. We have so many people going through anxiety, depression, worries, fears, and we have the answer in Jesus and we have the answer and the gospel And we get to share it with this technology.

Rick Tarrant:

It is extraordinary. And even though as you as you say, you know, reaching the multitudes I'm looking at, you know, we do have 14 people it looks like in our, in the Zoom gallery today, and but the thing about this is once it does go out to Facebook or YouTube or into the podcast realm, yes. Like, who knows, you know, it's like, I think of that despise not the day of small beginnings, right? Because you just don't know and I, where it'll go. But I do remember back to 1988. I had actually, and I didn't do a very good job of introducing my friend Frank Reed. Frank Reed has been on the morning show at KL T Y for how many years now in Dallas, Texas.

Frank Reed:

Well, I've been at KLTY for 30. So that means I've been doing the morning show now around 21 years.

Rick Tarrant:

Okay. And before that, I remember, it was just a little history. Back in it was 1985. And you're right, there was not much going on in terms of full time Christian music, radio. And one of my dreams and goals had been and this literally, I used to write goals. I used to follow Zig Ziglar his advice and make goals and my number one goal on my legal pad was to program a major market. FM Christian music station. Yeah, the opportunity came for the first incarnation of TLT. Why? Yeah, for a minute, I was officially program director, but never got a paycheck. But before sending her checks and thing, yeah, like, um, and I had, this was my goal. This was my, this was it, right? That's what I was dreaming up. And I'll never forget in prayer. One night, I really felt like the Lord was saying, No. Yeah. And I was like, No, this, no, this is what I want. And I really wrestled with that. And at the end of the, you know, the next morning when I woke up, I just say, Well, I can't I can't do this. I can't go. And I called up the owner. Yeah. Who was was a pre Christian will say that, right? And I told him, I said, I really, I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to turn this down. I have I just don't have any peace about it. Yeah. And, and he's, I'll never forget what he said. He said, I wish you were in the office with me. Right? He said, My jaw is on the floor. You said nobody has ever turned down a job and told me they didn't have peace about it. He was not, he was not a happy camper. And one year later, yes. He pulled the plug on that operate. Yeah, I remember your one year later. My first, my son was born with a heart problem in NICU and was in you know, they said he wasn't gonna survive. He was there for a couple of weeks. And I remember thinking back at some point, wow. If I had gone to Dallas, I would have had no job. No insurance, no support, no. To go through this season of life. So yeah, not to brag on me just to say I think that was wisdom speaking to this young man at that time saying, listen to me. Yes. Listen.

Frank Reed:

Yes. Yeah.

Rick Tarrant:

And I'm trying to get you to come to KL dy at that time, I was calling you looking for you. And you are not findable. So you had wisdom to?

Frank Reed:

What will you know what's interesting, you know, they eventually did you know, you did not accept that job. But a friend of ours, David Pierce did accept that. That's right. David Pierce reached out to me and I was working in Orlando. And I had left New York and I was building a lakefront home in Orlando, and my mom had come down with cancer. And I had lived away from home for many, many years. And they contacted me, and I just thought, I would love to be involved with a Christian music full time radio station in Dallas, Texas. But the timing wasn't right. It just wasn't right. And I said, Hey, I said, I'm really I'm really honored and flattered that you reached out to me, but I'm walking through the season with my parents, because I wanted to be there for them as they were walking through this cancer journey. And I was having a new home built. And it was, it was just it was just not the right time. However, the right time did come around in 1991. And we moved and I had since moved to New York and met my wife and got married and then we literally got married, gave notice, went to Hawaii on our honeymoon came back, packed up the SUV and moved to Dallas and we've been here ever since. So and it's been it's been it's been wonderful and God's ways are not often our ways, right? I remember I remember when I made the decision to get into Christian music, radio and I felt like that I was I literally left a beautiful custom made lakefront house outside of Orlando where I was on the way we drove by it the last time we were down there I was I was on the lake every afternoon and and and God told me to move I moved sight unseen to a basement apartment in Hackensack, New Jersey. And what's really cool, whoever's watching this, I encourage you to, to always team up with wise people around you when you're looking to make big decisions, right? I got to reconnect with the pastor who guided me through that decision. He's now in Boise, Idaho, and I got to have lunch with him and his new bride, because he was a widower a few weeks ago, and his name is Pastor Kurt hefele finger, and he's in three times. He's a he's an Idaho now. But But the coolest thing is, is when I made that decision, in, in 1988, he walked with me every step of the way. If God is leading you to a big decision, if you feel like that he's giving you wisdom, could I encourage you to have somebody wise or wiser than you, or even a small group of wise people to walk with you? So you can confirm what is going on and say, because I remember I remember I called Kurt. When I made that decision, I was down overlooking the lake. And why take that back? The lake was in the view, we didn't have cell phones, them but I could see the lake. And I called him and I said, Look, I said you've walked with me through this. I said, I'm I can't, I can't, I can't cut a deal with this station that I'm trying to work out because it's it's it's not working out. I'm knocking my head against the wall. I had another offer in Orlando. But it was a format that I didn't care for. I knew that I would not be a fit there. And in the meantime, this guy, a friend, dear friend named Joe Battaglia, who I'm still close to is calling me and saying, coming back, come back to New York and do Christian music, radio. And I thought, I told Kurt, I said, this has happened. This has happened, this has happened. My dad is remarried, he can move into the lake house. There's really nothing holding me here. Except I like being on the lake every afternoon. And I said to him, I said, I think I'm supposed to move to Hackensack, New Jersey. And he paused on the other end, and he said, Brother, you're out of here. So I had a wise I had a wise friend who had wisdom, who was walking with me through this journey. And that was the confirmation for me to up and move. And so many wonderful things have happened out of this one decision. I moved up to here and married my bride at a church, got involved with the industry and met great friends back in New York. And then that opened up the door to move to Dallas in 1991. And

Rick Tarrant:

let me put it in context for our friends and in in the Zoom Room and also listening in that, you know, Frank didn't, you know, obviously, he left a beautiful lake home down in Orlando. But to put it in more context he had before he was there. He was the midday man. On W NBC in New York City. We failed to mention that right W in BC, which was programmed by a gentleman who would later go and start a little thing you might have heard of called MTV, and he was sandwiched between two air personalities you may or may not have heard of one being named Don Imus and the other name Howard Stern. And I believe Howard's nickname for you is Captain Frank. So for a little context, so you've been on in the sea for crying out loud Rockefeller Center New York City, and now you're going to a little am station in Hackensack New Jersey. So no, no shade on New Jersey, Kathy thinking as a member of our community lives in New Jersey, and our Jersey girl but that that's it I just wanted a little bit of context there that yes, or a man with a big ego? Could have been going? Oh not no but no.

Frank Reed:

Rick, Rick here, here's what I found. Here's what I found. God knows you and god knows me. And God knows the people listening, watching or listening right now better than we know ourselves. He is our Creator and He made us and he knows where we're going to have the ultimate fulfillment and the ultimate satisfaction in life. I am I'm in the twilight of my on the air career, but I have never been more fulfilled or more satisfied in a career choice. It's been the most fulfilling exciting A satisfying thing or something that came down just in the last couple of days. I forgot though I forgot the lady's name but there's a there's a lady who has a song out that has exploded on Tik Tok. Let me see if I can

Rick Tarrant:

her name. Katie Nicole. Yes, I peed in the poll yesterday. Amazing. Katie Nicole. So

Frank Reed:

this lady, this, this lady has gone through all of these health issues and stuff like this. And she, she is led to pin this song, and record this song, and was picked up. And, and, and and now. And now it's this message of hope. It's an unbelievable song. And this message of hope, is now being shared all across America, on radio stations all across America, because God decided, this is your time, I'm going to use your experience. And here's another thing that I found is as far as wisdom goes, I have found in my own life, God will take the most difficult circumstances in your life, the most hardest things in your life, the things that you have to walk through, when you walk through them, and you get on the other side of them, you will look back and see how God has used that either in your life, or in the lives of others. So even as we walk through this life, and we hit the bumps in the road, and I've hit some big bumps, I've learned that you can take those bumps with a grain of salt and say, Wait a minute. God loves me. I am his God, a sovereign. This is hard. But in the end, it's going to be okay. It's gonna be okay. I don't understand it now. But if somebody's listening right now probably is here that I don't understand it right now. But I'm telling you, God loves you. He's for you. You're going to get to the other end. And you're going to look back and you're going to say, Okay, now I understand why that happened. Because I had to shift here, or maybe this person had, maybe I needed to leave this relationship. I don't know what your situation is. All I know is God is good. When you put your life in his hands. It's the only way to live. It's the only way to live the modern life. If I could cut it all down, if you only remember one thing that I say today, God's ways work through words. God's ways, work.

Rick Tarrant:

And if you're wondering what those are, you can look at wisdom as a good

Frank Reed:

God's laser in Proverbs.

Rick Tarrant:

So you're talking about hitting the bumps in the road. And most everybody in our affirming words, group knows my story. So I won't rehash and you of course, know my story. But you know, for those new you know, some 1820 years ago, I lost a business I used to preach the you know, Christian music countdown and 200 radio stations, all that stuff. That was my, you know, that was my high point, I guess you will, you could say, and when it all went away, I say I had a broken heart broken mind. And I did something very foolish. And I isolated myself, you were talking about the importance of getting around, you know, godly people with wisdom. I isolated myself I crawled under a rock I went into into a long dark depression. And and I didn't I didn't lose my faith, but I certainly lost my hope. Yes. And that is a devastating place to be. And in the world we live in you know, with pandemics and, and just the troubles and just all the acrimony and politics and the division strife there's just well it's it's like we're listening to all these other voices and that they get in our head and they they rattle around in there for a while we're not listening to the voice of wisdom. And just this morning I stuck my head into the one room warm warm room we had in the house until I turned the generator off. And and Christy had the the new the new station on talking about our ice storm the headline was, the worst is yet to come. The best is yet to come, Lord says Right, yeah. Anyway, the point of affirming words was not to just, you know, make up words that make you feel good but to go into if all you can hang on to is one verse of scripture, if all you can hang on to is one word from that voice of Scripture to repeat that truth. Yeah, face of the lie. Like I was pretty anxious as as Kerim our producer and believes this morning. I was pretty anxious an hour ago because my you know the generator thing and the tech thing and you know, here I am Mister Audio Video Guy and I can't even get it. gasps launched, you know, after 50 years in the business, right? But I had to say to myself, God has not given me a spirit of fear or anxiety, but a power and of love and a sound mind, we are going to persevere. You have need of endurance, Rick, that's out of Hebrews. And we're going to do this, and you have to speak the truth. Yeah, in the process, we renew our mind. And as we renew our mind, then we transform our lives. So again, just I guess I can't reiterate the why of why we're doing this. But as you navigated those bumps, I know, you went through something not so very long ago, I hit you financially, really, really bad. And I don't want to go into something you don't want to go into. But how did you navigate that? First, the shock, the trail, the disappointment, the despair in those early moments? How did you get through?

Frank Reed:

here's the here's what you do. We were actually on a plane in Israel, when we got the news that we had been betrayed by a friend of 25 years. And as soon as I got home, I called three couples that we were close to. And I said one word, hell, I cried out for help. I cry for No, Rick, there was a time in my life where something like this, that was such a big hit for us, emotionally, and just in all sorts of ways. There's a time in my life where I would have retreated, and thought, Okay, I'm going to deal with this on my own, or I'm not going to tell anybody, there was embarrassment. On my end, there was your mediation, there was, how could this happen? The whole shame thing. And you may be watching and going through that now, do not go do not go in alone, I went ahead and paid high dollars to get professional counseling for the emotions that I was going through, I found one of the best Christian counselors in town that was recommended by a pastor friend and said, go talk to this guy and work through all of the issues and all of the feelings worked through forgiveness, which I think was one of the I think the I think the forgiveness thing was the biggest gift out of the entire thing. And it's interesting, because I had a pastor friend, one of the pastors that came over that night said, I don't think you're going to realize this right now. But I think in time, you're going to realize what has happened is a gift. And I thought, you're out of your mind, you're crazy, why I don't know what you're talking about. So I took that, and I put it in my back pocket. And about eight or nine months later, there was somebody in Hillsong, united, forgot who it was, wasn't a key person, but somebody in Hillsong, United had walked away from the faith, walked away from the band. And somebody had written about it, maybe in Christianity today or something, I read a post about it. And the person who wrote the Post said, You won't realize that your face is real, until your face is really tested. That hit me right here. And I pulled that out, I pulled that ticket out of my back pocket, I said, Okay, I have found I have found the gift, I found the gift. So but the forgiveness part, working through forgiveness, when you've been really, really wronged by somebody, I think that was the biggest gift of learning how to do that, and getting free from bitterness. And, and, and, and because and by the way, forgiveness is not a feeling. Forgiveness is a decision. And forgiveness. And forgiveness is something that we are called to do. Jesus who did no wrong, hung on the cross and said, Father, forgive them they know not what we do. And he calls us to forgive others even when it makes no sense. So I've so my wife and I made the decision that we're going to do this. And if anybody's if anybody's watching right now, and you're dealing with something like that, if you can actually put something in writing, and put it in writing, and let somebody know that you have forgiven them. Here's the cool thing is once you do that, then what has happened is past tense. I've made a decision. It has been acknowledged. So therefore, when my mind starts to go there, I don't have to go there anymore. Because there's water under the bridge, and I can say whoa, whoa, I don't have to feel these feelings because I have dealt with it. And I've made I've already made a decision led by God, that this is what I was called to do. And this is what I'm going to do and now If you can be free, I'm free. I'm free from bitterness. And basically what it comes down to you have two choices, you can either get better, or you can get better. And and this is why Jesus died. So we can be free. Yes, we can, we can be free from that negativity, and we can move on and move forward with our life. So I didn't mean to get on in the preacher.

Rick Tarrant:

No, no, no, that's and and, you know, we it's, we don't often get a chance to sit down and have this kind of conversation. And I do want to be respectful of your time. So I'm keeping one eye one eye on on the clock here in the truck. And in a moment, I'd like to see if there's any questions from the our friends in the in here in the Zoom Room, our live audience, our live studio audience. Anyway, that's the broadcast for me. So if you do have a question for Frank, remember, it's not a counseling session. And this is probably

Frank Reed:

I am not a counselor to make it very clear.

Rick Tarrant:

But if you have a question in the conversation, just raise your electronic hand, and we'll let Kareem in Belize. Let me know what's going on. Because I'm kind of flying blind in the car with instruments. But I wanted to say that when I first went into my, well, actually, it was a year, just a year ago, when we started the affirming words of abundance Facebook group, I had asked the Lord, where did I go off the rails? Now, you know, I had been a Christian since I was 21. was head over heels in love with Jesus and then fell head over heels with love in love with Christie and got married and, you know, then turned my love for radio into production and in doing Christian productions, you know, wrote the toll CCM wave. And, you know, how did I Where did I go off the rails, and I just heard your anger. And I was like, what I felt like, you know, I'd heard somebody say, they need steps we need 123. I mean, I was like, Lord, I need a 123 and ABC, and he said, here's an ABC, your anger, led to your bitterness. And your bitterness led to your calamity. Oh, wow. And, you know, I allowed myself in a season of life where I'll really was kind of on top of the world new, beautiful home, soundproof Studio, you know, the radio show, and I allowed myself to become entitled, or to feel entitled, and to get arrogant and cocky. I'm not saying that was, you know, I was being punished for that. I'm not saying that. But along the way, I allowed myself to get to a point where things made me angry. Yeah, if they weren't, right, you know, the guy that built the house, you know, doing, you know, whatever. And, in my anger is where I got off the rails. And so that's where, you know, getting counsel and brothers and sisters of wisdom to lead in to just like you said, forgive, if you let go, and forgive truly forgive, and you're not walking around with all the stupid anger and I see all the anger in the world today, whether it's your political affiliation or whatever. We need to learn to love each other forgive each other, even in the world at large. Yeah, and, and for what, uh, you know, I was hearing Jackie the Shannon song What the world needs now is love sweet love. I mean, maybe a sappy song from the 60s. But ain't the truth. So true. So true. So we got your hands raised.

Frank Reed:

This is I don't see any. This certainly has been this certainly has been enjoyable. Rick, it's always good to spend time with you. You know, we have we have quite a history.

Rick Tarrant:

So yeah, it'd be really easy for us to do what you call it. Insider baseball. conversation, but no, yeah, this is Rich. Well, I count your friendship and and let me tell the people listening to that after I had gone into my dark despair and isolated myself. And really unlisted phone calls back when we had landlines unlisted phone number. I made it hard for somebody to find me and the first person from my radio background that did was this gentleman right here. Frank Reed. I believe at that time you were doing the morning show at Calle t y. And had been over to Nashville to a convention that we used to go to annually without without fail. I had done that thing for 20 years. I think you reached out and you and another friend a little bit later also a morning man in Dallas. My friend Tom Dooley reached out and and Tom played a big part of my restoration, as well. And I'll never forget he came to Memphis and we did this thing called the 100 guitar band. We played the halftime show at a Memphis NBA Grizzlies. It was the Grizzlies and the Mavericks actually that night playing And 100 guitar players are in the middle of Center Court. With Tom Dooley in the middle and a buddy of mine playing harmonica. And the next night, he led a worship service at a church. Yeah. And after worship service, I said, Tom, would you pray for me? And I'll never forget he did. He prayed. And he prayed, Lord, let Rick's latter days be greater than his former days. Amen. Out of the book of Job, and then one year ago, just one exactly one year ago, a friend, a dear friend in London, got on a zoom call like this, and said that to me, she said, Rick, the Lord told me that your latter days are going to be greater than your former days, and what that means or what that looks like. I don't know. But I'm just so excited to be walking with people in wisdom again, and people like you and people like Tom and, and I'm so grateful to have you guys in my life and to be willing to share your experience with whoever may stumble across this. This recording one day, you know,

Frank Reed:

Rick, and I pray? Yes, please, let's pray. Father, we come to you in the matchless name of Jesus, God, thank You that we have access to your throne. Not because of us, but because of your love, your grace, your forgive, goodness, your mercy, Your understanding your compassion toward us. Or thank you that as far as the east is from the west, you have removed our transgressions from us, and we are free. We are free people. To have relationship with you to have relationship with one another. God, Rick and I pray now for every person watching for every person that will be listening today. And in the days ahead, in the years down the road, find that you would take wisdom that we have talked about in your book of Proverbs, God, that you would write it on our hearts that we will be mindful of you and your wisdom. And the amazing thing that you can guide and direct every step of our lives in the days ahead. So God, we will give you praise for what you're going to do, in and through us. What a privilege it is. What a privilege it is just to be your children. And we love you and bless you. Thank you for my friend Rick. And for our time in Jesus name, amen. Amen.

Rick Tarrant:

Lord, I pray for Frank and Patti as they make decisions moving forward in their home and what to do in the next phase of their life. And we just know you've led them thus far with wisdom and just pray that that would continue. And we just asked him to Jesus. We haven't raised this. We have a raised hand raised. Graham is my eyes and ears. So Kareem, who are we calling upon? Get them on the screen with us? Yep. Go ahead, Vicki.


Hi, Vicki Bay. Hi, Becky. Hi. So there's a bunch of things I want to do all at once. And I'm just exploding. I am so grateful for your stories, and so grateful for your vulnerability and so grateful for your insights, both Frank and Rick, thank you so much for sharing the words or little but the sentiment is great. I am very grateful to think I'd like to introduce my friend Sandra Nissen, I invited her into the community. She's taught me some things that about with art that I've been struggling with and 3d pieces. And if you want to know any more than that, you've talked to her directly, because I have yet to put it in action. But I think I can I think I can I think I can. And, and I, the last thing I wanted to say is, when we were talking when you were talking about you know how God makes straights our path? Yes, it occurred to me that we're called to take one step at a time. And I think that when we're doing that, it's really hard to see whether we're going straight or we're going crooked. Like if we pivot just a little bit without realizing we're pivoting. Next thing you know, you know, we're falling off the cliff. But when he takes our like I said, you know, the word is a lamp unto our feet. So we take one step and then one step, he'll make sure that we don't pivot too badly to fall off the cliff right. And so yeah, that's everything. Say thank you for listening.

Rick Tarrant:

That's kind of like the lean not on your own understanding. I'm thinking you know, like even me in this podcast and not in the face of all the technological challenges. I'm like, this makes no sense at all like this makes No, I mean am I just being real here? Like this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever and then I think oh lean not to your own understanding. Oh yeah, that's what I'm doing. Okay. All right. It doesn't make sense to me but it it didn't make sense to go to Hackensack New Jersey once upon a time though did it?

Frank Reed:

Well, Rick, you stay warm in that truck man.

Rick Tarrant:

Right you do the same. Thank you sir. And, and anybody wants to join this crazy tribe. Just go to And I always like to leave you with speak the word. renew your mind. Transform Your Life.