Affirming Words Podcast

Proverbs 8 - Lady Wisdom

Rick Tarrant Season 1 Episode 2004

Today our host, Rick Tarrant reads through Proverbs 8 MSG, in front of a live Zoom room audience. Join us at

Lady Wisdom is crying out, PLEASE….. and begging us to follow Her ways. We have a choice and have to choose… what will you choose? If you don’t listen to Lady Wisdom, life will teach you everything you need to know…Ouch!!!

She promises us that she loves those who love her and those who seek her will find her. Wisdom was dancing, applauding and rejoicing at creation, over us! Get a cup of coffee or tea and settle down and listen to this lively discussion. Join us daily as we go through the book of Wisdom, Proverbs.

Speak the Word
Renew the mind
Transform your life

Show intro:

Welcome to the affirming words podcast, where you're encouraged to speak the word renew your mind and transform your life. Here's your host, Rick Tarrant.

Rick Tarrant:

Yes. Hard to believe I know. But it is me, Rick Tarrant. You know, that still feels weird to me having my friend Danny Senate do that. Do that that intro I'm not used to being, you know, on on display for all the world to see. So actually, I do have good news I we hit 20 downloads on the brand new launch of the podcast. And yesterday morning. After after seeing that, I I opened up my my phone and hit the Mail app. And I saw an email from a lady you you may know named. Come on, Rick, Jennifer allwood. And the headline in Jennifer's email said, I can't believe it's been five years since I launched my podcast. And she was talking about how she didn't know if anybody would want to listen. And you know, she knew she liked to talk but wouldn't know anything about you know, doing this. And then she said, and five years later, we've had 40 million downloads. So, so I wrote her team a little note and said, Hey, thanks for the encouragement. We have 20 downloads. I'll check back with you in about five years and we'll we'll we'll we'll see what we're doing. So good morning, speak the word renew your mind transform your life is what we're all about on on the in the affirming words of abundance group and I see on my zoom camera this morning, we have John France in Minnesota and Jackie in London and John M. Stead in Kansas City. I assume you're in Kansas City actually on my screen. It looks like he's traveling to who knows where Leilani is in Colorado, Oberhiri in London. Sandy-Lynn. I think Nova Scotia, she'll have to correct me and Vicki Bey. Now I know. You're not in New Jersey, you're in Boston. Did I get the Boston? Did I say Boston? Right? Yeah, okay, maybe maybe you're maybe nuts?

Vicki Bey:

No, nobody who ever tries to say the accent gets the accent? Right?

Rick Tarrant:

Well, you know, it's crazy. It's I can't believe how difficult it is. It's really crazy. Well, you know, I have a session tomorrow with my voice acting coach. So I'll say can we work on some dialects? And? Well, today, we're not here to talk about Boston accents, but to go through Proverbs chapter eight, because all this month at least that's the commitment I made was that in February, we would read through a proverb a day. And most days, we've got some guests lined up, but my guest for today had to take a rain check. So he will be with us today. Not tomorrow, but next week, and that is the director of Joel Olsteen radio on Sirius Satellite. XM, my friend Chuck Pryor should will be with us next week. Tomorrow actually my friend Tom man who is a 40 year veteran of the radio industry, and now a video producer will be joining us from his home in his home studio. So what I've done is I've started calling up people that I've known from my past and whether it be musicians or radio guys, and or authors, but I know more radio guys and musicians at this point. So that's kind of what this experiment was. And we'll put this podcast out in the wild. And it may be just a February podcast that maybe I don't know yet. We're just taking it one day at a time. But this morning, I know I've got proverbs eight on my heart and also some stuff out of Romans five and if y'all feel like after we get through the proverb, if you want to chime in, feel free to unmute yourself and we'll just have a bit of a conversation today and see where it takes us. So first of all, Lord, we thank you for this time together. You're so good to us that we even woke up with breath in our lungs and vision in our eyes and thoughts in our head and in around in a right mind us. You give us the spirit of power and love and have a sound mind so we thank you for all those things. Today. We commit this time to you in Jesus name. Teach us to think your thoughts to speak your words and to renew our mind. So today, Proverbs eight I'm reading out of the message from Eugene Peterson. Lady wisdom is calling out. Do you hear Lady wisdom calling? Can you hear Madam Insight raising her voice. She's taken her stand at First and Main, at the busiest intersection. Right in the city square where the traffic is thickest. She shouts,"You, I'm talking to all of you, everyone out here on the streets! Listen, you idiots learn good sense! You blockheads, shape up! Don't miss a word of this. I'm telling you how to live well. I'm telling you how to live at your best. My mouth chews and savors and relishes truth. I can't stand the taste of evil. You'll only hear true and write words from my mouth. Not one syllable will be twisted or skewed. You'll recognize this is true - you with open minds truth ready minds, will see it at once. prefer my life disciplines over chasing after money and God knowledge over a lucrative career. For wisdom is better than all the trappings of wealth. Nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her. I am Lady wisdom and I live next door to sanity, knowledge and discretion. They live just down the street. The fear of God means hating evil, whose ways I hate with a passion, pride and arrogance and crooked talk. good counsel and common sense are my characteristics. I am both insight and the virtue to live it out. With my help leaders rule and lawmakers legislate fairly with my help governors govern along with all in legitimate authority. I love those who love Me. Those who look for me find me. wealth and glory accompany me. Also substantial honor and a good name. My benefits are worth more than a big salary, even a very big salary. The returns on me exceed any imaginable bonus. You can find me on Righteous Road. That's where I walk at the intersection of Justice Avenue, handing out life to those who love me filling their arms with life. Arm loads of life. God sovereignly made me the first the basic before he did anything else. I was brought into being a long time ago well before Earth got its start. I arrived on the scene before ocean Yes, even before springs and rivers and lakes. Before mountains were sculpted and hills took shape. I was already there newborn. Long before God stretched out Earth's horizons intended to the minute details of soil and weather and set sky firmly in place. I was there. When he mapped and gave borders to wild ocean, built the vast vault of heaven and installed the fountains that fed ocean. He drew a boundary for Sea when he drew a boundary for Sea posted a sign that said no trespassing, and then staked out earth's foundations. I was right there with him, making sure everything fit. Day after day I was there with my joyful applause always enjoying his company, delighted with the world of things and creatures happily celebrating the human family. So, my dear friends, listen carefully. Those who embrace these My ways are most blessed. Mark a life of discipline and live wisely don't squander your precious life. Bless the man bless the woman who listens to me awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day's work. When you find me, you find life, real life to say nothing of God's good pleasure. But if you wronged me, you damage your very soul. When you reject me, you're flirting with death. This is the word of the Lord from Proverbs chapter eight, the wisdom on this eighth day of February as we as we record this, so something had to have jumped off one of those pages for you this morning. So if so unmute thyself and come with full with Yan Heather, here in the AWA Zoom Room or you just have to listen to me keep yammering on and I do have thoughts but I wanted to hear yours let's see so I'm going to since pot you know radio and podcast don't like silence very well. Then I am going to call on John Umsted because he never lacks for a word of wisdom yet all we say is him dry like a road show the road are they actually see me It matters not actually. Let me see if you're breaking up for the for the audio they won't care about seeing yours whether they see your face or your road but you can see the road to the shop. Ah that's that's the so for those listening to the audio, where we see we see John Umsted highway ahead of him as he's driving, delivering cookies all around the wonderful land of Kansas City. So, Proverbs eight what jumped off the page to you this morning.

Jon Umsted:

Read that last sentence again. I want to make sure that I thought that appropriately. I'll read the last little passage. Bless the man bless the woman who listens to me awake and ready for me each morning alert and responsive as I

Rick Tarrant:

I start my days work. When you find me, you find life real life to say nothing of God's good pleasure. But if you wronged me, you damage your very soul. When you reject me, you're flirting with death.

Jon Umsted:

The thing that it was just those last few words of when you reject me, you're flirting with death. And what it was stood in contrast to the play at the beginning, where wisdom is crying out trying to get your attention, doing everything possible to have you listened, have you seen and have you understand? But in the end, it was we get to choose, right? There's no amount of admonishments. And, and we all experienced this, like with somebody is teaching us a new skill, I just finished a session for our men's group we have one of our friends is a as our group is like a renowned Potter. And, you know, he, he can give us directions and guidance. But ultimately, we have to choose to, like, put those into practice or try and do things as he's demonstrated, or we can continue to do it our way. And so he's this Master, Master Potter. And we one of the guys in our group is bound and determined to do it his own way. And he keeps doing the same thing over and over. And as Danny and I were talking about that, he's he's taught 1000s and 1000s of people. And he said, That gentleman is one of those he's gonna have to learn on his own. I can't continue to sit there and show him how to do things. And he continues to do in his own way.

Rick Tarrant:

In other words, you have to learn the hard way.

Jon Umsted:

He's going to have to this out, Danny put it. And he said, it's funny too, because he's like, pottery is like a Rorschach test is I can put, I can give you instruction, I can watch you in the wheel. And I can immediately understand how you're going to process things. And he said, this person is going to have to get to the point where they're tired of trying it their way. And no, no matter how hard wisdom screams out to us, because at the beginning it she's screaming at us trying to trying to draw our attention trying to get us there. She's begging, she knows what's on the other side, which is that last verse you choose. And this is the outcome. Yeah.

Rick Tarrant:

There was, when in yesterday's I believe it was the similar, same thing at the beginning. It's like Solomon saying, please listen to me. I know where this is going to end up, if you don't listen to me. And yet as having been a formerly unwise young man, nobody could tell me nothing. It was just, I had to experience it for myself. I remember a line that was kind of like Richie Rich Mo and said in an interview once, back in the 90s, he was talking about going through a rebellious season of his of his life. And he said, God, I know you're there, but you just just blink, just blink, because I'm just gonna go my way for a while. And he said, I had to experience this is exactly what he said. He said, I had to experience everything God wanted to save me from in the first place. Ouch. I just got to let that one sit there for a second. And I've told I've told my children my biggest mistake in life was not seeking counsel not seeking wisdom from those older than me who had been down the path before. I just thought no, I know more than my elders, and I'm just gonna run headlong down this street, even if it leads to my financial destruction, or whatnot, you know, and I and I say that with the with, with no boasting and only it's like, boy, there's a twinge of regret. I don't live my life with regrets, but there's a twinge there, I could have made wiser choices. And that's why I think this is so important. I think John and I were talking yesterday, we could probably read the Proverbs chapter every single day, until we're no longer on this planet, whether it was a podcast or in our own private time and still glean wisdom day after day after day after day after day after day after day, and have those little seeds planted so that when the when the situation comes up, whether it's like yesterday talking about the adulterous woman, like if you're if you've steeped yourself in this wisdom, then when that situation comes along you go Ah, I know exactly what this is. It's going on. I'm not surprised and I'm not, you know, taken off guard. So I appreciate you bringing that forward, Jon. Anything else jump off the page?

Jon Umsted:

No, I but I think But one of the things that's like the but we have choices, I think, sometimes in my journey it's been, it's the fader complete. My dad always said, if you're going to be dumb, you got to be tough. Right. And that usually came after in my younger days of staying out all night, drinking, partying, but at 7.30, every morning, I knew I was going to be out working on the farm. And I never had a curfew. And there was this reality discipline that kept coming that I just really never grasped. For, for many, many, many years. But that has always stuck with me, we, we choose these things at and we don't walk in humility. So that was the other thing that as you were talking react, that's, that's been my word for this year is humility. And it's not walking out of this. It's recognizing that no matter what God is showing us and learning us and drawing us into, it's, it's there's more to come in engineering school, when we would take statics and dynamics, they were the foundational courses your freshman year, you know, took a semester or two semesters or two quarters in our case, but you got done with that you're like, wow, I know so much more about engineering in them. The reality was, it just opened another door, it was in a larger room, it was filled with more things that you didn't know. And as you keep going and learning about strengths of materials and mechanics of materials, and the next discipline, the next thing, there's more doors that get open, that there's more that you don't know. And so humility is really understanding that I've just opened another door, I'm in this thing. And there's more things to learn. That's when I'm taking away in the season of Thank You, Lord, for the revelations that you're giving me that I am grasping these in a way that I never have, and I'm walking in those, but yet helped me to walk in humility for those that are in a different path, or have just begun the journey, to be able to come and walk alongside them. And to impart, right and be part of this unity that we're called to, and in the family is the old man, my old self is looking at, oh, well, you just need to, you need to get on the program, you need to come up and get up to speed. And in reality, the Lord has just been so kind to say just there's more doors to open, and walking and wherever that's at no matter where people are at and the things that are inspiring them that no longer that I used to be yokes upon me that they're on their journey, and I can accept that and I can celebrate them and I can honor people. And humility to me leads to honor, which again, that's what I see and wisdom, when we can honor other people than I avoid that.

Rick Tarrant:

Boy, absolutely. And without judgment, and that is so hard for me too. But you know, maybe I would have been more receptive as a young man, if people had come from a point of like you just said, from honor and respect, instead of you young whippersnapper, wet behind the ears, you don't know what you're doing, listen to what I'm telling you follow my advice. You know, it's kind of like, you know, a little more of the arm around the shoulder approach, I think would would win a lot more of us into the right ways of discipleship, instead of just being told what we're doing wrong now go do better. You know, that's so such an antithesis to what we've been learning in the renew your mind masters class and from Rick Osborne about, it's not about us doing better. It's about us surrendering this old man to say, Lord, it's not I that live today. It's it's but Christ in me. What do you want to do today, Lord? Let's go forward and do it. You know, and just trying to walk in that humility. And, and and in He is that work within to will and to and to, for us to want to do His good pleasure, right? So that's just a totally different thing that I ever heard coming up, which was just basically do better, do better, do better. You're not doing good enough, do better. And it's now that I'm walking in this freedom is like, it's not about my performance. It's about me just submitting and taking the next step wherever God wants us to go in wisdom. Thank you, Jon. I see a hand from Boston. I can't say Boston, Boston. I get it right Boston. Vicki I love brother see, I love love, love, love, love. I love that she was there in the beginning of us there whispering to God when He made the world and He put the waters just so and he did that. I love that. I love that she calls to us. I love love, love that. But my very favorite, very favorite passage was 30

Vicki Bey:

I was beside him as a master workman and I was his daily delight, rejoicing before him always rejoicing in the world is Earth, and having my delight in the sons of men Not Not only did she love the world, but but she was just a delight in she she found delight in creation. She found delight in people. The fact that He made people was like this. It was worthy of dance. Wow.

Rick Tarrant:

It's fascinating.

Vicki Bey:

I love that. It's like my favorite thing. All this joy. I mean, we think we're in the world and we're like, oh, the world was so terrible and people are so mean and blah, blah, blah, and wisdom dances over us. Wow. Even with all this stuff. And yeah, I just love that. It's just so and, and it's really His delight, you know, and that and that she dances even delights Him more. It just goes around and around in joy.

Rick Tarrant:

Especially in this world of acrimony and division and, you know, politics, it's, I think it's we all need a reminder that God rejoices over us with singing the Spirit of God rejoices? Well, let me tell you my favorite passage from from from Proverbs eight was something I've memorized years ago, when I was in my, I think, in my 20s or early 30s. And it's the passage and this was NIV, I believe, but it says, I love those who love me, and those who seek Me shall find me. With me are riches and honor and during wealth and prosperity, My fruit is better than fine gold, what I yield surpasses choice silver, I walk in the ways of righteousness along the paths of justice, bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full. And I was so enamored with that I sat down with my guitar back then, and wrote just a little, a little chorus, which is I still sing, you know, I go out on on walks and stuff. And if I'm just looking for something to meditate on all, I'll say, I'll sing that, you know, I love those who love me, and those who seek Me will find me, with me or riches and honor, and during wealth and prosperity. And then a little James Taylor, like thrown in along the way. Well, there was one other passage on my mind this morning, not in Proverbs, but if you'll indulge me I'd like to read this out of out of Romans because as I read the Proverbs, I go, Okay, Lord, but you know, the, the, you know, I don't look at the book of Proverbs in the same way that I might look at some prophetic prophecy promises, right, or some promises, even in the New Testament, or the words of Jesus. But as I as I sit there thinking about I was asking the Lord this morning, so what about the promise, you know, the promise of I love those who love me, I love you, I'm seeking you. And you know, those who seek me, shall find me with mere riches and honor, is this a promise I can lean on. And so I just start reading in the New Testament. And in the Lord started talking about

promises. So it's Romans 4:

13, for the promise, we're talking about Abraham, for the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through righteousness of faith. For those who are of the law, or heirs faith is made void, and the promise made have no effect. Because the law brings about wrath for where there is no law, there is no transgression. Therefore, it is a faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who have the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. You know, Paul, Paul has a lot of words in his like, you could just park on one verse, you know, to try to sort it out, so hang with me, as it is written, I have made you a father of many nations, in the presence of him whom he believed God who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did, who, contrary to hope, in hope, believed so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, so shall your descendants be. And not being weakened faith. This is what really jumps off at me. He did not consider his own body already dead since he was about 100 years old, and the deadness of Sarah's womb. It's like he didn't even consider that. In Genesis says he was 99 freakin years old. And he's talking about starting a family. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith giving glory to God and being fully convinced that what He had promised, He was also able to perform, and therefore it was accounted to him for righteousness. Now it was not written for his sake alone. But it was imputed to him, but also for us, including in the Zoom Room this morning, John Franz and Oberhiri and Jackie and Judith and Vicki and John Umsted said, and Sandy-Lynn and anybody else I may have missed, oh and Rick Tarrant. The promise is for us when he gives us a promise, and it shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus, our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification. Just a little bit more. Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we also have access by faith into this grace, in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, as if that wasn't enough, not only that, there's more. That's right, called before 100 tonight. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance, and perseverance, character and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint. Because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who was given to us. Wait a minute, is this the same Holy Spirit? That was just talking to us in Proverbs eight? Holy mackerel. There's the there's the period on the sentence Thank You, Lord. So when I read that, suddenly, it's like, all the tribulations and the you know, the troubles that we've been through start to come into context. To me, it's like, Okay, once you get on the other side, you can look back and go, ah, the tribulations brought perseverance, character, and the character hope. And I know that hope does not disappoint. So that's my circle for the day starting in the Old Testament, going to the New Testament. And real briefly, you know, I really encourage you to do the five steps that you know, that are in our guides in the affirming words of abundance Facebook group, and that is, take a verse of Scripture, maybe it's out of Proverbs, maybe it's one that the Lord leads you to, as you're pondering whatever you're dealing with in life, and, and write it down and then create an affirmation out of that, you know, I was thinking, I didn't get to that this morning, but it was like that hole. I love those who love me and those who seek Me will find me with mere riches and honor and during wealth and prosperity. That's a great verse to start with. What would my affirmation be? Lord, you love those who love you, you know, you, I love this could even be as simple as I love you. You love me. You are for me, you are not against me. You have riches and honor and enduring wealth and prosperity and begin to speak that out loud. And as our friend Rick Osborne taught us in the renew your mind masterclass, you know, create a mashup, go find whatever you're doing, are you dealing with lack? Well, then go find verses that confront that and begin to speak the truth. And I'll just say this morning, for the last two days, or ever since we left town because of the power outage, I think I ate poorly while I was in, in in Mississippi, they didn't have a lot of clean food down in Clarksdale, let me just say that, if you're looking for broccoli and asparagus, you've come to the wrong town. If you're looking for barbecue and everything fried, then you're in the right place. So I ate out of my normal routine. And so I have this sharp pain that's been hitting me about once an hour and last about 60 seconds. And in that moment, you're thinking, Oh, God, you know, and I'm just having to stand on the Word and say, Lord, by your stripes, I was healed. You said no sickness would befall me. No disaster would befall me no disease come near this tent of mine. You said I am the God that heals you that you will not have those diseases that they had in Egypt. So it's just like, I'm standing on that and speaking that out every time that that pain courses through my body. And I'll give you an update tomorrow. I see that hand Vicki. Now our podcast audience can't see the hands. So our friend Vicki in Boston is

Vicki Bey:

You stopped short, right for me. He said that hope does not disappoint. But the reason it doesn't disappoint is because God's love is poured into it. So it brings out that whole redemption piece. We're not just hoping for hope. We're hoping because God pours out hope. He pours his love into that. And that's what redeems and brings us back so that we don't have to hit our head against the wall. At least this is what stood up for me, correcting you and just saying for me the rest of that sentence is is what's part of these two chapters. That hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit has been given to us. So it's beyond us, we fail, but the Holy Spirit won't fail. He will do His job, He will pour out God's love, He will continue to retain, He will continue to make that hope, worthy of hoping and it's now it's more than just a wish, right. But as Christians, we try so hard to say good luck anymore. We don't say, Oh, I wish you well, but but we pray into that. And that's because the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us has poured into that hope to make a redemption so that we can say, oh, okay, now that reteams, my silliness and my foolishness of my youth or whatever, right? Because now it's got like God's element into it. So this is just what stood out to me, I got

Rick Tarrant:

here, and for if you're listening on the podcast, and you're wondering, what is other voices? Well, we have a, we have a group in Facebook, and we've had it for about a year called affirming words of abundance. And although I'm thinking, you know, maybe it's affirming words of wisdom that might be the, that might be what we are moving forward, because we just, we need more wisdom. And the whole idea of abundance was kind of based in a season of maybe walking through lack, you know, and maybe I'm not feeling that so much anymore, because I really feel God's abundance in every area and walk of life. And, you know, and that word abundance, I think, triggers things in some people. Oh, that prosperity gospel. Well, you're preaching the poverty gospel, I don't know, I don't know, I don't even want to get into those weeds. You know, all I know is that God is an abundant God, just look at the world he created. Just look at the you know, like you were saying, Vicki, wisdom was dancing and the creation of all this, you know, applauding and happy and singing in this, like, what an amazing place and these people that you're making Lord, it's like, what do you make a name for? We, we kind of had a goodbye ourselves, you know, I did have to invite them to the party. And yet God loves us so much, that he made a way for us to be able to join in. So I guess that's why it drives me crazy when I see all the craziness going on in the world today. And I have to speak to myself and preach to myself, No, this is there is abundance of bounding, and whatever we need, and if God has called you to build a $10 million project, and he's gonna provide that for you, if he's called you to, you know, build a daycare center, he's gonna provide that what's the saying? I've heard it said if God guides he provides, so if he, if he gives you a vision, he's gonna provide the provision. It sounds a little campy, but, you know, I see we have Danny Cosby on the screen this morning. He's called him to start a prison ministry that's gonna require dollars and it stands to reason that God would provide that for him and whatever amount that he needs, right? So that when I say abundance, that's I'm sorry, going off on that so long, but that that to me is just makes common sense. I mean, if John Umstead gives his daughters a job to do, he's gonna see that they have the the wherewithal to get her done, as we say, down south. Isn't that right? Danny? Boy?

Danny Cosby:

Amen. I know you got that. Right. I just jumped on here. Realize that Oh, wow. It's 1030. I got done early. I want to soak up some wisdom. So I'm just kind of a fly on the wall today with a big sponge soaking up everything. So well. We read we read Proverbs eight this morning. And again, for

Rick Tarrant:

for your for you. And for those who might be listening after the fact, Danny and I actually went live a few days ago that when the power outage hit during our ice storm, and my power went out, and I was in the truck, and then his power went out and went dead for a while. So all that to say, I didn't upload that. That bit of audio. It was pretty, it was pretty janky that day, Dan, he said, interesting to say the least. So you might want to you might want to come back on later in the month. And let's try that again. Maybe after your friend Gary going is on later this month. So anyway, so anything pop off the page to you this morning, just in terms of

Danny Cosby:

what you've heard what as you were a fly on the wall before I yeah, this. I mean, this one's always blown me away. I was looking at the amplified this morning, just was getting ready to kind of roll out we got a thing today at the forum and just kind of get my mind wrapped around a bunch of stuff. And when I thought it was interesting with the word before in the Amplified it starting in verse 23, from everlasting I was established and ordained from the beginning. Before the earth existed. I Godly wisdom existed when there were no ocean depths. Hello. I was born when there were no fountains and springs overflowing with water Before the mountains were settled before the hills I was born while he had

Rick Tarrant:

not yet made the earth and the fields or the first of the dust of the earth when he established the heavens I wisdom was there when he drew a circle upon the face of the deepening and he goes on and on and on. When he said see boundaries when he marked out the foundations of the earth I like this verse 30 Then I was beside him as a master craftsman and I was daily his delight rejoicing or dancing before him always rejoicing in the world is inhabited Earth it just it for me it's like Lady wisdom if you will cries out to me to go out into nature again. And to really soak it in and think about how she was there with the Lord be if you want to pronounce it as she wisdom you know rejoicing in God when the trees popped up out of the ground when the mountains winter womb. And when the sea you know, when the ocean with Wow, it was waving insight, wisdom, they're going wow, that was so cool. Love that. That's a way wisdom. Okay, wave. Wow. You know, and just getting excited like a little kid. I think God's calling me lately to not be childish, but to be childlike. So that's that's kind of what I guess brought me back to a childlike excitement about God's creation. So, you know, that was something I felt like the Lord put my heart. I don't know, weeks ago, and that, or maybe even months ago now, but that was to come with it as a child, and I was thinking, Well, I've been pretty childish in my bed is no, not childish. But as a child, and I think that has something to do with what that picture you just painted of, or the Proverbs paints of wisdom, dancing and rejoicing and enjoying God's presence. Wow. Again, back to the Don't be sitting in the presence of the tube that's telling you all the bad stuff going on. But get in God's presence, you know? And I know for me, I mean, I wake up with the same burdens that y'all do, I hear the same stuff. I mean, the same virus is going around for me as it is for everybody else, you know, it can weigh you down, it can weigh you down. But if that's why I think it's important for us to hide in the secret place. You know, he who abides in the shadow of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty as you know, I can't dwell it. Now I'm getting my, for a voice actor, I'm getting my, my tongue wrapped around my teeth this morning. But that's why I need a script, you know, but that's why we need to get quiet. That's why we need to go through this five step process of, of, you know, writing down the Scripture in the affirmation and then listening and writing it down as the Lord speaking to you and then going back and reading that, that's going to carry more weight than what a newscaster is going to tell you. I'm not why I'm always harping on the newscast that just seems to be my, the, the cocklebur under my, my saddle these days, at any rate, so that's why I always say speak the word, renew your mind, transform your life. And that's because I need it worse than anybody. I'm not I don't say that as a paragon of the guy that gets it right. I'm the guy that gets it wrong more days than not. That's why I have to keep coming back day after day after day after day, Lord, you know, continue this mind renewing process. And I'm sure when I get it perfected. That's when I will have crossed over. So Danny, thanks for jumping on today. I think that's all I've got. And let me remind the people who are listening or watching the replay if you'd like to come participate with us live, just go to affirming And any other announcements I need to make me Chalene is in court today. She usually keeps me on track with with what's coming up. So I'm just my administrative skills are what they are so firming wisdom, calm. Any other websites, join our Facebook group, and go like go like our podcast. Oh, yeah, that's it affirming words. And I am still going about the process of getting it listed in all the places that you're supposed to do. So. You're You're right here at the very beginning. So anybody have a parting word more pray us out before we rock on out of here. Then I'm going to call on Danny to pray us out


all right, it's a grateful Grateful for y'all man and John. John Armstead. I'm gonna ask you to shoot me a message whatever was you I think you said you have something that you wanted to tell me and then we had to roll out plus the power was going out like crazy so you could send that to me or whatever, man. I appreciate that.

Rick Tarrant:

John France I want to get out on the lake lady with a fishing pole one of these days. Well, I'm trying don't tell him that I'm wanting him to come down here and let's go to the Gulf of Mexico and catch some red snapper. I don't want to I don't want to sit freezing my butt on a on an icy lake. In a shack Got it. That just doesn't sound romantic at all. Come on Rachael.

Jon Umsted:

If you've not done it before you cannot you reckon Danny you should come ice fishing. I have been there.

Rick Tarrant:

No, yeah, it Daniel, Daniel, Daniel go on my drug Alright, Daddy's somebody prays out Danny, you gotta Yeah, I'm gonna say wisdom might be rejoicing in the ice fishing, but I don't do the cone that well, but anyone.

Danny Cosby:

Father, we just thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank You for Your truth. Thank you for the awesome privilege to be alive, Lord, to have breath in our lungs and our minds are working. I pray that you would renew our mind through the word that we would become people that rejoice in the trees in the sky and the clouds and in the mountains and in the sunsets and sunrises instead of complaining about and I'm talking about me Lord Ching complaining about everything under the sun, I pray that I would begin to rejoice about everything under the sun because the one that created the sun loves me and created me and died for me and then rose from the dead to live his life through me. So I pray and help me to bow myself out to all of us. When I pray we bow ourselves out in value into every conversation to every decision to every thought that we would that your word would be wrapped around our mind like John understands chocolate chips inside the cookie batter, I'm pretty sure you probably can't take the chocolate chips out of the cookie dough. Once they've been mixed together. It just the cookie dough is connected to the chips and the chips are connected to the cookie dough. I pray your word would be like that in our mind just


unable to be taken away and just as riddled in every thought. So Lord, we love you. Thank you walk with us today. Order our steps according to your word. Thank you for Rick. I live tend to you, especially Lord as he continues to create this platform for us to renew our minds and to sharpen one another with the word I know the enemy's got to be coming against him. Like all get out because this is something he definitely doesn't want to see happen. So continue to make his pathway straight. Let your word be a lamp and to Rick's feet and a light into his path, Lord, and we're going to continue to love you and trust you and rejoice and and dance till our shoes fall off because we're excited about who you are in Jesus name. Oh, I love that dance, tell our shoes fall off.

Rick Tarrant:

When you imagine that the scripture that says and he rejoices over us with singing. It's like what is God's rejoice looked like you know, I imagined ours pales in comparison. So tomorrow on the affirming words of wisdom. We're going to have Tom Mann video producer and friend of mine for a long time. In fact, well, he'll tell the story tomorrow of how he he brought his father to my studio and says, see Dad what you can do with this kind of equipment. So that's another story. But he's a he's a videographer. And he just finished up a music video for Big Daddy, we've recently so I want to hear more about that. And then on Thursday, of course, in the podcast world, there is no Thursday, but the day after will be my friend Bob sour, who is an amazing voice actor. His very first audio book project about 13 or so years ago was the entire Bible. You know, like the New King James from Genesis to Revelation. That was his introduction to being a audiobook narrator and now he just I think he said he's booked on well into the summer, to the end of the summer. I think reading audio books all all this year. So Bob Sauer will, will be with us. And then on Friday, our friend Danny Senate, who is a morning show host at a Christian radio station and in Australia down in the Land of Oz, she's actually going to get up at three o'clock in the morning her time to, to join us. So join us this week. And we've got folks coming alongside next week as well as we go through wisdom all during February of 2022 as we record this, so I'll leave you with this. Oh, homework, go live into the Facebook group. Share some of your takeaways from Proverbs chapter eight. And if you've dug out a promise and made an affirmation I'd love for you to share that because that gives us permission to do the same and it's all about confronting you know the negative voices with the word so speak the word, renew your mind, transform your life. And we'll do this again tomorrow.