Today on The Affirming Words Podcast: Rick Tarrant, our host, is joined by Garry Goin as they discuss Proverbs 14, in front of a live Zoom room audience. Garry is a true Memphis musician, who got into music through the music of Elvis and was mentored by another Memphis music legend, David Porter of Stax Records fame. He is currently producing an album for our friend, Danny Cosby.
Transformation is inevitable when you plant seeds of Wisdom into yourself and others, it’s just a matter of time, like seedtime and harvest time. Garry shares how the majority of things he has learnt in life, has been through Godly women in his life. He highlights the importance and need of right relationships as pointed out in Proverbs 14. We have the Spirit of God living in us. We can therefore bring solutions to the world’s problems, today, if we make a commitment, to continually sow the indestructible seed of the Word of God into ourselves and others.
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Today on The Affirming Words Podcast: Rick Tarrant, our host, is joined by Garry Goin as they discuss Proverbs 14, in front of a live Zoom room audience. Garry is a true Memphis musician, who got into music through the music of Elvis and was mentored by another Memphis music legend, David Porter of Stax Records fame. He is currently producing an album for our friend, Danny Cosby.
Transformation is inevitable when you plant seeds of Wisdom into yourself and others, it’s just a matter of time, like seedtime and harvest time. Garry shares how the majority of things he has learnt in life, has been through Godly women in his life. He highlights the importance and need of right relationships as pointed out in Proverbs 14. We have the Spirit of God living in us. We can therefore bring solutions to the world’s problems, today, if we make a commitment, to continually sow the indestructible seed of the Word of God into ourselves and others.
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Welcome to the affirming words podcast, where you're encouraged to speak the word renew your mind and transform your life. Here's your host Rick Tarrant.
Rick Tarrant:Well, thank you, Danny girl, our friend from the Land of Oz. And yes, welcome to the affirming words of abundance group where this month we are focusing on affirming wisdom. So I have an idea. Let's pray. Father, thank You that You are a light into our path, that your word is a light into our feet. And, Lord, as we go down this journey of seeking wisdom and speaking your word and renewing our minds, we just we just call them our hearts before you take a breath. And just ask Lord, that you'd fill the space with your presence. Thank you for our guests participating today. And just look forward to the conversation that will transpire as we seek your face and seek your wisdom in Jesus name. Amen. Well, if you'd like if you're listening to the affirming words podcast and you'd like to learn more about this group, affirming words of abundance, just go to affirming and you can join us on there on this journey. Now my special guest today is a world class guitarist, professional musician, and all around great guy. He hangs around people like our friend Danny Cosby, and Kirk Whalum. Amazing saxophonist from right here in Memphis, Tennessee and a gaggle of other talented musicians. Garry's father was a professional singer. And yet it's interesting to me that Garry didn't pick up a guitar until he was like 17. And that was his brother's guitar. But we'll get into that. He's a true Memphis musician. He got into music through the music of Elvis sort of kinda, and he was mentored by another famous Memphis music legend David Porter of Stax Records fame. And he's currently producing an album for our friend, Danny Cosby. And he's with us today to go through proverbs 14. So welcome, Garry going to affirming words. Thank you for doing this today.
Garry Goin:Thank you, Rick, for the invite, buddy. Thank you so very much.
Rick Tarrant:Well, it is my privilege and my pleasure. And when Danny was on a few days ago, actually, we just launched this podcast on the first of February, and we ran into all sorts of technical difficulties, including an ice storm and losing power. So Oh, Dan, Danny was booked on the day that my power went out one hour before we went live to record this. And then he jumped on and then his power went out. So it was it was kind of a mess. But anyway, he's gonna I think I think Danny's gonna be back with us next Monday. So you've got the Valentine's Day holiday, and Danny gets the President's Day holiday. So you know, voting for president. There's there's no no rest, no rest for the weary. So we have a live Zoom Room for those listening to the podcast, we have some some friends and affirming words of abundance community joins us via zoom. We may or may not let them unmute themselves. Later on. We'll just see how we'll see what see how well they're behaving. First, Gary, um, I will mention Gary went to see a dentist recently. And so I'm going to do the heavy lifting on proverbs 14 today and then we'll and we'll, we'll just have a conversation about whatever jumps off the page. So I thought I'd read from the new I normally read from the message but today I thought I would bridge the gap between translation and pair physician with the New Living Translation So shall we? Sure. There we go. Proverbs 14. A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. Those who follow the right path fear the Lord. Those who take the wrong path despise him. of fools proud talk becomes a rod that beats him, but the words of the wise keep them safe. Without oxygen, a stable stays clean. But you need a strong ox for a large harvest. An honest witness does not lie. A false witness breathes lies. a mocker seeks wisdom and never finds it. But knowledge comes easily to those with understanding. Stay away from fools, for you won't find knowledge on their lips. The prudent understand where they're going. But fools deceive themselves. Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation. Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy. The house of the wicked will be destroyed, but the 10 of the godly will flourish. There is a path before each person that seems right. But it ends in death. laughter can conceal a heavy heart. But when the laughter ends, the grief remains backsliders get what they deserve. Good people receive their reward. Only simpletons believe everything they're told. The prudent carefully consider their steps. The wiser, cautious and avoid danger. Fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence. short tempered people do foolish things and schemers are hated. simpletons are clothed with foolishness, but the prudent are crowned with knowledge. evil people will bow before good people, the wicked will bow at the gates of the godly. The poor are despised even by their neighbors. While the rich have many friends. It is a sin to belittle one's neighbor. Blessed are those who help the poor. If you plan to do evil, you will be lost. If you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness. Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty. Wealth is a crown for the wise, the efforts of fools yields only foolishness. A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness as a trader. Those who fear the Lord are secure, he will be a refuge for their children. Fear of the Lord is a life giving fountain. It offers escape from the snares of death. A growing population as a king's glory. A prince without subjects has nothing. People with understanding control their anger, a hot temper shows great foolishness. A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body. Jealousy is like cancer in the bones. Those who oppress the poor and salt their maker, but helping the poor honors him. The wicked are crushed by disaster, but the godly have a refuge when they die. Wisdom is enshrined in an understanding heart. Wisdom is not found among fools. Godliness makes a nation great. But sin is a disgrace to any people. A king rejoices in why servants but is angry with those who disgrace it. This is the word of the Lord. Yes, thanks be to God. Amen. Kind of a lengthy proverb today. And,
Garry Goin:yeah, but but it's a good one. Well, it's a good one I love the way it starts out, you know, with the wisdom builds our house, you know, wisdom, you know, one of the first steps that you had to have to be a follower. You know, it's every time I see Ricky and I was talking about, you know, wisdom, every time you know, I see a female, even I look over my, the journey of travel so far down, the majority of things I have learned was from women, and I start, you know, with my grandmother, and my mother. And my beautiful wife, you know, has shared a lot of insight with me, and sometimes, you know, just to open your eyes and your ears. So you can look at things a little bit differently. Because I wasn't a follower. You know, I wasn't one of those guys that was gonna, you know, pick up the Bible. Read it every day. Okay, this is what I must do. You know, because God wants me to do this. I was one of those guys. I wake up in the morning and say, This is what I'm going to do. And there was no structure to it. There was no reason arrive to it. You know, thank God for the women that God put in my life. They put me on a path. So I'm truly blessed guy. Truly, truly bless
Rick Tarrant:you. As you mentioned that, I don't know. I don't I don't even know if I'd be in the kingdom if it wasn't for my grandmother. I know. Yeah. No, I know. She prayed this boy in. And then my wife, I mean, she has personified wisdom. I'm sure that's what that interviewed he is what first drew me drew me to her and she's just always passing along wisdom. Like, like when I'm when the negative things are coming out of my mouth. She'll she said to me, not so long ago. Rick, you should be a better friend to yourself. Just to yourself, to myself, be a better friend to me, you know? Yeah, you know, nobody ever put it that way. It was like, oh, yeah, that's that's pretty good. That's pretty good counsel right there.
Garry Goin:That that is man. You know when we talk, but we have probably words. So I'll tell you the story and then we could get back to Proverbs how I sort of got introduce to come back to the Lord, I think I was always there just wasn't recognizing who I was talking to.
Rick Tarrant:I was gonna ask you a transformation story.
Garry Goin:I do. And it started back in 2003 was doing a project on Kirk Whalum. And you know, Kirk, well, his faith is, is quite strong. And he has no problems with letting you know where he's at.
Rick Tarrant:Now, just in case somebody doesn't know, Kirk Waylon, if you've ever heard the pop song, I Will Always Love You by Whitney. You have heard Kirk Whalen. That is the most heard saxophone solo in the history of recorded music. So just to put that in perspective, and, and Garry and Kirk are like, brothers, you are?
Garry Goin:Oh, absolutely, we, we talk, you know, we just kept in touch you know from that, from that project. Normally you work with a person on a project and you move on. And you very seldom talk to that person even more if you see them in in production or something like that. Your talk but it never a phone call or text or anything like that. You know, those those different types of relationships and Kirk was a different relationship. Refer when Kurt first walked into the studio, him and I just like me and Danny. First time we met, we went to each other gave each other a big hug. As though two brothers hugging each other. They hadn't seen each other in a while. You kind of like know that there's something different with that person. At that particular time. You don't know what it is. But here it comes Kirk. And before every session, Kirk would pray. And so and then our downtime, Kurt and I would talk a little bit he you know, he said let me read something for you. And he pulled out his his Bible, which he had on this. Oh, no, he didn't have it on his phone at that time. But he pulled it out in a read something and we were talking about outsell Okay, that makes sense. He said, Well, Gary, do you read the Bible? No, not really. But I have one. I guess I will get some points for that.
Rick Tarrant:dusted off my friend. Yeah.
Unknown:So he said, I'll tell you what he said, Garry, why don't you do this? Why don't you read the Bible. But go to Proverbs first read Proverbs. And read one every day. And I said, Well, okay. And that was a started him watering that seed, and the and so from that day, that's 2003. And, you know, it's been watering that seed and me going through the Bible. I don't pick it up as often as I should have, but I have one on my phone now. So sometimes, I'm thinking about it hits me, and I pull it out and start reading. And, you know, because sometimes it's meditation. It gives me a chance to pull back from things that we do in this world. And put focus on what really is important in this world. And, and I take you but as and that's how I got to Proverbs. And and I think when we talk about reading from 14 is at this day, how important it is for relationships. A person is in relationship with God with their significant others. It's all wrapped up together. Excuse me. You know,
Rick Tarrant:Proverbs always talks about or often talks about who we hang out with. And I think even through 14 It's like who we spend our time with. If you hang around with fools, you're gonna probably pick on there, you know, you're going to be a fool. You know, if you hang around with the wise you will become wise. And I think I hear that with you. Because I know that. I know that Kirk Whalen went to Memphis Theological seminar who he was serious about wanting to know the word not just, you know, know about it. And so this bin is it's amazing the things that he he doesn't just do anything half heartedly. He doesn't know. He's gonna put his hand to something. He does it, you know, full tilt, and whether it's his musicianship or studying the Bible, and, you know, getting becoming a minister or even the other day I reached out to him, and he said, I'd love to come on but I'm in Costa Rica right now learning me Yeah, like he's he's just dive straight into the culture, immersed himself so that he can learn, you know, be a better, he already speaks How many languages it's like,
Garry Goin:I know French and Spanish, but he wants to get better and he wants to work on Spanish a little bit more. You know, and I guess that's almost a perishable skill, if you don't use it enough, you start, you know, getting a little rusty at it,
Rick Tarrant:you're hanging around with him, his wisdom is rubbing off on you, and you're in the direction to go, yeah, get your own wisdom. I love that.
Garry Goin:And I, you know, I think that's so important. You know, the people that you around. It's just like, Danny, and I talk about this a lot about, you know, the situation that's going on in the world today in you take even our city is great city of Memphis, Tennessee, the problems that we have, there are solutions to the problems, but we're going to have to do the hard things to solve the problems. And one of the biggest problems that is going on in the city is seeing a you know, when you have so many kids as having problems would go on to stand respect, or honor or cherish or fear, you're going to create some problems. So and when you start taking the word out of the lesson, you know, the majority of times the cast was getting a lesson in school. So their prayer, you know, was a big part of that that was an introduction to their, and saying that you can't worship your God in school anymore. You'd like wait a minute, you know, what else can I not? Can? I cannot do? You know? And so when those things are brought down on you, it's no wonder when you look back, when that started happening, you can start seeing the decline of the family structure at that time, and where we at now. So if you want to change it, you got to be looking at a projection, you know, 1520 years from now, or whatever your rules and regulations are going to be to make a difference. Yeah. And will you say his wisdom in every neighborhood? Yes, it is. But it's just not as strong as it is in certain neighborhoods. And you have churches in every neighborhood. But his churches connecting with everyone in a surrounding areas. Yeah, no, they not, you know, but but that's okay. Because not everybody follow Jesus. You know, but you just have to get enough of them to say, Okay, this is what we need to do to make a difference. To say, we're not going to allow this city to be taken over by this. So I'm
Rick Tarrant:making a verse 12 of today's proverb, Proverbs 14. In the NLT, it says, there is a path before each person that seems right. But it ends in deaths that I recall memorizing that in the King James, when I first became a believer, there is a way that seemeth right into a man but the in there of are the ways of death. And I think that's what you're talking about. We have taken a very rapid course of removing wisdom from Yeah, we've not removed it from our schools. We've removed it from Hollywood, we've removed it from so many areas of the entertainment industry, which is why I'm all the more excited about people like yourself, like Danny Cosby, like Kirk Whalen staying engaged, not just in, in being relegated over to, let's say, a, you know, a gospel realm which nothing wrong with that, but you're also intermingling in the in the in the secular realm. And so I think Jesus called that being salt and light. Right. And, and you said something about the problems in our society. I've been influenced a lot lately by a gentleman named Myles Munroe, who wrote a book called Rediscovering the Kingdom. And Dr. Monroe says that we with the Spirit of God in us have the solutions to the problems because we have access to the to the giver of all good things, right? So it's like we're saying if more of us would just seek the Lord for the solutions to our problem not to go banging people over the head with a Bible but to bring guess what, when we start offering real solutions, they'll come run it don't knock our door down.
Garry Goin:Yeah. Oh, what? Without a doubt, and you know, I'm one that is not going to throw up a lot of verses and in the Bible, but, you know, I know what's right and I know what's wrong? Yes, yes. And I know what sin is. because I have seen, you know, when I've asked for forgiveness, and you know is, you know the great thing about having friends, such as yourself, Rick, you're able to talk and you're able to maybe hear and listen and learn some things. Danny has been a great teacher to me. You know, Danny and I tell you when we start working, we supposed to be in the studio recording. In Danny and I would talk for two hours about things in the Bible and what it says and what it means. You're just like a one thing on here. I'm gonna jump to 27 when it says, The fear of the Lord, is a found fountain a lie? Could it be a question I have? And I'm just throwing it out there when it says the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life? Seek? Could it be the love of the Lord is a fountain of life?
Rick Tarrant:Well, I think that includes that the fear of the Lord, the reverence of the Lord, I love you. Yeah, I think at all, it's not it's not being scared of the Lord. It's that it's that reverential. You know, he is, there's the creator of the universe at all, and yet he lives inside of you.
Garry Goin:Yeah, we'll see when I heard the fear of the Lord. I went to what, what the fear means to me that, you know, this is something I'm, you know, I'm past that now. But I was saying, before I got there, I'm saying, but someone's coming to lower and put certain words, the fear up here. You know, does that put does that stop a person from getting too close? To the lower, or you say, the love of the Lord, because love is much stronger? love of the Lord. Is is, you know,
Rick Tarrant:I guess it depends on how intense your experience in that has been. I have a friend who nine years ago had a very powerful encounter with God in a way that I have never experienced. He describes it, it sounds like something Paul writes about in the seventh heaven. I mean, it sounds. It's like, God showed His love to him in such an extraordinary way that he he said, I can't even listen to worship music without becoming a puddle. I can't interact with church service without just melting. And so he resists it. And I'm, I'm constantly working on my brother, you've had an experience that most of us have not had? I think I don't think that was for no reason. I think you need to press through and figure out what you're supposed to do with this. So I guess when you talk about that, I think well, I guess it depends on how powerful that experience you've had with the Lord's love is it might in my friends case that yeah, it's kind of it's kind of pushed him back because it's, he's, he's just uncomfortable. I tell what the problem is. He doesn't like to cry in public, but you know,
Garry Goin:well, you going in into an area, man, that's not for me, would you? Are you getting out of your comfort zone? Yes. So if you always I don't know who doesn't do it. You know, when something feels like you stepping out of your comfort zone. Probably the first thing you do is do this. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Rick Tarrant:That way? Yeah. You're slow, go slow. You know,
Garry Goin:you're right. You're right. So I can understand him. You know, man, I went to a good friend's funeral. Saturday, his sister passed away. And I knew her since she was 10 years old. And I'm sitting there and I didn't sit with the family. Because I didn't know how emotionally I was going to be. And I try not, you know, I tried to guard myself against that. But I was standing there and and in Amina it's just raining. And I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop the rain. You know, those emotions just had taken me over to saying here's a beautiful young lady is gone home. Before I think it was her time. But I don't get to decide that. I get to decide on how I love that person, why they hear how I get how I interact with that person while they hear. How often do I tell that person that I love them? And I truly do love them from the bottom of my heart that I have emotion. When you care about some somebody that much is hard to suppress your emotion. Just like your friend is talking about. He when He listens to that music, it a river starts flowing and is bringing something out of him that day. And he can't stop it. No matter how much he tried to stop, he can't stop that isn't there now. And so all he could do now is embracing.
Rick Tarrant:Just rolling on the river. Yeah. He has been touched in a deep way that he just can't deny. I'd like to bring our friend Danny in on the conversation just for a moment because because y'all do know each other so well and, and Danny, Danny knows where all the bodies are buried. So come on in here. So for those listening on the podcast, this is Danny Cosby who also as a, I was gonna say another great Memphis musician. But, you know, another world class musician and singing I believe is Danny's forte. And I really wanted to pull up a video that I found on YouTube that y'all did right before COVID struck when you're rehearsing for some Memphis music event. But I know I'll probably get slapped by the copyright police if I if I if I play it here in the in the Facebook. Well, they have silenced me before they've actually you know, kept me from going live when I played a clip from some people's music. So it's like I'm a little afraid of getting my toes stepped on there. But come on in here, Danny and engage with us about wisdom and how you traverse these waters of of the sacred and the secular in music and entertainment. Because a lot of you know, for many, many years, I used to work at W dia which was the first African American radio station in America for sure. Right? I mean, all black music all like DJs it was like a first in 1949 BB King used to be a disc jockey there and I just remember some of the some of the stories that that they used to tell me and I remember how, how a lot of the listeners would get upset because all day Sunday they play gospel music. But you know, during the week, you know they're playing the blues and Rufus Thomas and BB King and and they call it that devil music. Why are you playing that devil music you know? And so I know it can be tricky to to to traverse these waters. I can't think of a better way to say that. And I'm just curious for both of y'all. This is a question for Gary and Danny. How How did where does wisdom enter in?
Danny Cosby:Yeah, man is just awesome. Being a fly on the wall listening to Garry, it always is. Like he said, we talk for two hours and we record for 30 minutes. And it's always been that way ever since I met him walking through the hallways the whole church. And it wasn't even like he said it wasn't like a formal introduction. It was as if I'd known him my whole life. I said, Hey, man, and he said, Hey, man, and we just said how you began to write to friends that hadn't seen each other in about a year. But that began the trek of our relationship. And as he said, usually a project will hit pause. And then you'll you might see them a year or two later and say hi, but with me and him it's been in transition from by the grace of God transition from knowing of each other to knowing each other. And it's been over a decade now. And we've had the blessing of being able to go all around the United States and do music Canada together. We're on our third project release now that God used him to pull stuff out of me that I didn't know was in me. I remember our first little show thing that he had invited me on he had, he does all these corporate gigs and these wedding functions and all over the place. He's always going and I brought some lyrics with me. And he said, he said, Danny, he said, I'm gonna I'm gonna let you do that this time, but from here on out, you don't need to know these songs. And I thought how am I gonna memorize 30 40 50 songs but it brought me to a new level of excellence in what God has me doing. And just to kind of segue off of I don't want to sit here and Bogart the time but every one of y'all know. I'll start talking and it'll be 35 minutes later, next Monday.
Rick Tarrant:But yeah, you'll come on.
Danny Cosby:Please do man. I get Valentine's you get president. But uh, what was neat as Gary put together this show called American vinyl, we had to change it later to sound the vinyl and he's waking that thing back up again. And it was an hour. He did explain it better than I would. But it's Stax music, Motown music, top 40 hits and it's weaved together in a way that the presentation just really captivates the audience. The places we went in different spots in the United States said, Hey, these folks, it was a lot of casino banquet halls. So people were at high rollers were invited in, that spent a lot of money, they were going to feed them and give them drinks, and we were going to be the entertainment. They said, now, we're probably going to leave 30 minutes into your show, just know that there was not one show that was not continued a packed house as the show went on. So it was very entertaining. But I say, bring that up. For this reason. We're in a secular setting. We're doing the secular songs. People are drinking, people are eating excetera. And then after the show was over, almost every time Rick and Gary will tell you the same thing. We would get into conversations with people and they would ask, where do you go, where else to play, they'll play music your whole life. And we talk music and almost every time in my case, at least that I remember conversations on how to lead back to church and growing up in church and starting to sing in church and you would see it in the faces of these people talking to you. The memory of them maybe being in church a time where maybe they knew Jesus, and maybe they had ran from Christ. And there were several times we had opportunities to pray with people talk to people about rekindling their relationship with the Lord. I remember one case, in particular, this guy was clearly inebriated. I don't know how many crown incomes he had. But he was loving what we did. And he was talking to us. And I got to talk to him about the Lord and what the Lord have done in my life. And it's almost like Jesus just sobered him up in that moment. And he started to weep and cry, and we started talking about the goodness of God instead of and he I remember him saying, I think this was an Indiana, he said, I've always thought of Jesus as having a hammer wanting to chase me down. It's all condemnation. And you're telling me, he loved you as a heroin addict? I said, Yeah, man, that's when he really met me. When I sat there and prayed with that guy, next to a bar full alcohol. It was just amazing. What the Lord how the Lord Jesus Christ will just walk into a setting that you think he wouldn't be in. Very rarely have I seen the love of Christ in a church building. But I've caught his love many times, in the right in the middle of a bar or somewhere that we you know, our gigs. I'll say that No, shut up.
Garry Goin:That that was right on. That's right on Danny. You know, Rick, is Danny is is, is extremely gifted. You know, God is truly blessed him with a lot of talent. Yes. And definitely with the word in Danny's right, you know, now we can, we can pigeonhole ourselves to say, we can only play in the church, and that's our only crowd there. But that's not what Jesus did. So why not? You know, why don't we go out there? You know, it's like, there's a lot of we were, I was on church. So if there was a Danny that came along, earlier in my life, I probably would have been connected a little earlier. But Danny had to come on, on my platform for me to hear him. And so, you know, the one thing about all our shows that we design, is that it's about love, and it's about loving each other in love with our neighbor. It may be a blue show, but I guarantee you, there's a line that goes to all shows, it's about love, and caring, and loving your neighbor, talking to that person that you sitting next to that you've never met before. He realized that hey, man, you know, this world is much beautiful that I thought it was yeah, you know, I think those are things that we really try to go after. And, you know,
Rick Tarrant:I see wisdom in that Garry, and I'm sorry to interrupt, but I just know, you know, I mean, you know, if you let's let's say for instance, you went into a casino in Vegas, and you and and you and you start doing you know what a friend we have in Jesus, I'm probably like what they were predicting, you know, a lot of folks are probably gonna take their drink and leave. Thank you very much. Right. Right. When you've got the backdrop of, you know, Isaac Hayes, David Porter, Booker T and the MGS green onions rolling on the river. I'm so man. I mean, it's like, you know, not even mentioned Elvis is repertoire. And with that as a backdrop, and you know, the soundtrack of many of our lives, especially baby boomers, right? Yeah. Now you're now you have a setting where you can meet them where they are. And I just love that. I think that's definitely definitely wisdom. And not to say that your show is a evangelical showcase. I don't mean that. But it's just you get to be salt and light wherever you go. And however you're doing it.
Garry Goin:That's the whole approach to everything that we do, and it's got to be driven by that. Are you know, you take it was one part of our show in South Africa. I know where we do like to unplug. And we come down front stage downstage and be closer to the audience in is all acoustic. So we take all love songs and you know that we do and and we created where Danny a sing a song Candace sing a song Kritsa sing a song Keisha sing a song, can No sing a song and it would go back and forth. In sometimes they will pair up and sing do West together. Because just to show in songs that wasn't do it. We sometimes turn them in to do it. So so we did stop like a no sunshine. When she's gone. Oh, girl, be in trouble. He left me now. Shall I do that? Yeah. And so we were in the whole thing with what's the Whitney Whitney Houston song, Danny, I will always love you. Yeah, always love you. And Candice was singing that song. And every night, every night, people will cry on that song. Because it was so emotional. And so touching. Yeah. You know, because the thing what we could do, what we have control over as musicians, artists, is that we figure out how to tap into a person's emotions, to drop these other seats in the sea, the love. And that's the only thing we just want to open them up to drop a seat in and drop another seat in. So normally when a person you know, go to a concert, they feel great, right then and there. And as they leave, it starts to wear off. You know, they remember the evening, but it starts to wear off that fill it when you drop seats, and now it doesn't Well, hey, trying to figure out hey, man, something is changing. You know, why do I you know, like my neighbor more now than I did before he realized what they was upset with a neighbor wasn't that big of a deal. So you start talking to each other. So it is that seed of love that we after? We hopefully hopefully, in our in our lifetime journey here on this earth. We can move the needle just a little bit in the direction of love. That's our mission.
Danny Cosby:Yes. And speaking of seeds, I don't mean to just jump in here but yes. Okay. I know. Right? Yes, a conversation, right. The speaking of seeds, because then you know that I'll forget it if I don't say I was looking at verse 21 of chapter 14. And I've got my old King James here the covers coming off, you know, and it's all marked up, but they say if your bibles falling apart, your life might be staying together so he got hit with a shotgun.
Rick Tarrant:I'm gonna have to go get nanny's King James, if y'all keep it. Come on.
Danny Cosby:Yeah, bring it up, bring it in. But verse 21, says, in the King James, at least he that despiseth his neighbor, Senate. But he did have mercy on the poor, happy as he I forget how your translation was Rick, I really liked it. It was something like you're the one that has mercy on those that are down and out or something but one, one of the many reasons I love the relationship God's given me with Gary, and with other folks that have come into our musical life is a you we talked about the casinos and the other things that God's given us the opportunity to do, as Garry said, to drop seeds. But you look at that second half of that verse. But he did have mercy on the poor, happy to see, there hasn't been one prison ministry concert that I've done, or one homeless shelter, musical thing that I've done that I've told Garry, Hey, man, this is going on. And he said, Well, I can't be there for that one. He's been in every single prison ministry thing. I've done every single homeless ministry, we've even been able to go into recovery centers where people are jittery and shaking because they're coming off of cocaine, or they're coming off of heroin or whatever it might alcohol, they're going through recovery. And we'll go in there. And I've literally seen the Holy Spirit you remember when David would Play the lyre or the acoustic guitar he had and it said that the evil spirit that was bothering King Saul would depart from him and Saul would calm down, and I've seen the music and we'll go in there with whatever songs we've planted. We even took hold on. Common. Hold all we took. We said hold on. Oh, God's coming. Oh, no.
Rick Tarrant:Dave action there.
Danny Cosby:Yeah. And I've seen the I've seen the Lord just calm people down using music and how the Holy Spirit can just enter into the atmosphere. And I'm gonna tell you something. When God shows up, the devil kicks, rocks, he takes off and God use music. He used it. But anyway, I just wanted to say that it's so true where it says, But he that has mercy on the poor, happiest, he Gary even went with me one time we were outside, I think it was and there were just some homeless people there. And we just started playing music. And it's just that being able to take to have somebody, a friend, a brother in your life that's willing and you rake I mean, you sowed one of the biggest seeds I've ever received from people into my homeless or into my prison ministry. And God's taken that and unpacked it in an amazing way. So it's like, it's all about the seeds that we drop, and we sow, and it's just good to have brothers and sisters in your life that go, Hey, man, I don't know what's going to happen. But yeah, let's go into the prison to where there's no cameras, there's no smoke and mirrors. There's no fancy outfits. There's no good food. It's just a bunch of dudes looking at you that are broken from the floor of the room in their in their eyes, they ruin their lives. And then we get to go in there with music and words of encouragement and say, Hey, let me tell you them. I was here where y'all are in God's put me where I'm at now y'all can do it too. And then for Garry, and then it's over with he The music's over with and Garry and me and the rest of the band, we walk up to the guys that are in Bates. spend another hour talking to him. So it's just man what a blessing to walk in love to sow seeds. And to me that's That's wisdom, the wisdom of God opening those doors.
Garry Goin:You know what else was going on? I'm sorry. Another thing that was so cool. Danny and I was at the game the other night. We were performing
Rick Tarrant:the NBA Grizzlies game, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And one
Garry Goin:of the inmates that was in there, came up to us and was talking to us that we ministered to.
Danny Cosby:He got released from prison, I think three months ago, and he said, Hey, man, he says, I'm out. I'm at the game. This is so and I said, Oh my God, I didn't want to go hey, man, you're free from prison. I didn't want to. But you know, he may not want everybody know, but it was cool to see oh, wow, this guy that was locked up that we ministered to out. Now he remembered us. We're able to love on him and hug him. You know, he's got his his hamburgers, Grizzly hamburgers and cost of $800. But he's a game.
Rick Tarrant:pro ball food is not cheap. So no. And there's another example of of you guys being salt in life. Here's, here's here's Danny and Gary and your band playing halftime at the National Basketball Association. You know, Grizzlies game? Yeah, I just, I just love that you, you could have just as easily chosen a life of just and again, nothing wrong with this if you just wanted to be in the four walls of the church. But you know, I just think how much more productive and profitable to, to be out there in the world. You know?
Garry Goin:Oh, you know, another thing is as we as we be going through the book, A, the one thing he talks about a lot is action. You know, worse without action is, is nothing.
Rick Tarrant:And what I think James had something to say about that in the book. I think he had a lot to say about that being doers of the word. Yeah. Yeah. You know, you have to.
Garry Goin:And this is something that wasn't conscious out, you know, at thought of to do, but, you know, Dan is my hero. He's the one that took me out of my comfort zone. So I don't know if I ever told him the first time invited me to go to the prison to play. I was scared as I don't know what because it was out of my reach. I haven't been in a prison. And God knows when. I mean since I was a kid. So I did not know I didn't know what to expect. Or, but I followed that Danny in there. And I see zero fear on Danny. Zero fear on Danny. And I said, we're gonna be okay. A, you know, for me and I, and I see the, the inmates in there. They, they are on the edge of a seat, waiting on the next word to fall out of daddy's mouth to see what's going on. And I like NASA, these people, you know, they want something. They want something, they looking for something and they're going to find it. All you have to do is just keep searching, and they're gonna get it and who's better to give it to them. Danny, and folks like Danny,
Rick Tarrant:and Gary asked you this there has been kind of a threat Since our first guest was on at the beginning of the month, Rick Osborn, who helped us create a course called The renew your mind masters class. And it's all about meditating the words speaking it out loud speaking it to your mind to your heart, you know, get that heart mind soul connection going so that we actually renew our mind not just trying to put a, you know, like a Jesus bandaid or a sticker over something, you know, I'm saying to try to hide, you know, a wound or something, but to actually get in there and do the work and, and chain and be changed and be transformed. And his theme he felt like the Lord was saying earlier in the month was that, if you feel like you've been disqualified, that it ain't over. You can still get in the game. And Danny was talking about that. And you just talked about it with when you see people who are incarcerated, looking at you like, is it? Is it? Maybe it's too late for me?
Garry Goin:Never. It's never too late.
Danny Cosby:Yeah. Can you look at verse 26. I'm going to say that I'm sure Garry would give me permission to mention what I'm about to say concerning parenthood and being a father. But verse 26, says in the fear of the Lord, and I don't want to take up too much time at all ever, but I'd like to hear what everybody else is thinking about all of this. But it says in the fear of the Lord or in my opinion, reverential knowledge, wow, this is God, He created me and he can take me out. And he loves me, you know, in that kind of fear that like wow, I'm with the one that can take me out. And he's not he loves me, is a fountain or excuse me, his strong confidence now, here it is, and his children shall have a place of refuge. I just wanted to park on that for just a second I wrote down. Aaron, Andras and Garry being a, I don't like to say stepfather. But bonus that, you know, he took on, as well as I did, by the grace of God with Christopher, my bonus son. You know, Garry, tell the story better than I would. He said that the Lord Academy minister to him said, Hey, you're not going to have any of your own biological children. Are you okay with that, but you're going to have many sons, and many daughters anyway. And that's what the Lord I think is done with he and I because neither of us have our have any biological children of our own. But we have a lot of sin as well as a lot of y'all probably could share the same state of life where God has given you many sons and daughters in the faith that you have been the one to pour out into. And that's the way I look at these guys. In prison. It's as if God and and I guess I'm getting older, I guess I'm at the point, I could say, I'm a dad. But, you know, these are like my sons. And it's God given me there. And you talk to a lot of these guys, and they never had a father. Right? They are fathers in there. And they're feeling terrible now about not being there for their sons and daughters. So you have this wonderful dynamic opportunity to crush the head of the devil, who has destroyed their lives. We went in there last time we went in there, we took $100 Bill and said, Who wants it? And they were like, Yeah, I'll take it. And then we crushed it and threw it on the ground and stepped on it, and smeared it under our foot, pulled it up on unfurled it and said, Now who wants it? Everybody raised their hand said because the $100 bill still has the same value as it did when it was crisp, and clean. So do you, you start saying stuff like that, and you see people's faces? Amen. Rick, you see people's faces change from sad to glad when they get not that we have some eloquent speech, or that we're so amazing, but that the Jesus that lives inside of us, has kind of killed off the old man that was selfish, Garry talking about when he was in sin. And now this new man has come forward. And you know who that new man is? Is Jesus, Jesus and John Franz, Vicki, Judith, Rick, Garry, Pat , Michelene, Oberhiri, all of us, Sandy, it comes forward. And he begins to just minister love in a way that only Jesus can. And you see these guys go, Hey, I don't know what I'm going to get out of prison. I don't know what I'm going to do. But all of a sudden, I've got this new hope that everything's going to be okay. And you know, it's a one difference was the love of God in Christ Jesus, that
Rick Tarrant:man. I was reading. First Corinthians two, I believe Paul said he didn't come with eloquent speech. He didn't. He was saying don't rely on the wisdom of men, but on the power of the Holy Spirit. And that's, that's what you're describing right there. Our guest today on affirming words is guitarist extraordinare. Might I call you a virtuoso? Garry, Garry goes, and I would Garry, I would like to maybe break away here and give a couple of minutes to our affirming words of abundance family to ask you a question. But before before but before I do that, I'd like to, for the podcast audience, how do we learn more about Garry going how do we follow you? How do we keep up with your your projects like go You know when you're heading out on tour and, and things like that is their face on the face,
Garry Goin:Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you know how to use those platforms there. To get out outwards to what we doing. We have a few things is coming up to send a pipe right now we have something that's coming on March 5 at the holiday center next door to the was the Orpheum, which we do on a tribute to gospel, which to feature artists is Danny Cosby and Effie Johnson. And we got to take a little history, the evolution of gospel music, where it started and where it's at now. So it's got to be a great, great, great show.
Rick Tarrant:Mr. Stone, no,
Garry Goin:please don't miss that. You know, so it's gonna be at the Holloman center, march 5. Showtime is 730. And it's got some surprises in there. But I just mentioned to names but we got some few more surprises for you.
Rick Tarrant:On your own. Finishing up a project for Danny. I believe.
Garry Goin:Danny has a new project coming out called revival. And he's got some amazing songs on there. He's got one called a man. He has one call. A Sunday morning. Cast Listen, guys, Dan, back home. Come back. Come back home. Yeah, yeah. Hey, now. Guys, I mean, we recorded I think probably 20 Some songs. So we wrote probably 30 something. Wow. So we we did a like I say, you know, Danny and I process of writing is a little bit different. You know, we talk a lot. We don't work that much. But we but we get it done. You know? So we talked two hours and 30 minutes. That's all we need was the 30 minutes. Excellent.
Rick Tarrant:Well, let me we'll break away for a little q&a. But for for the podcast audience. If you're tuned in on our next broadcast, because we are going to have my friend Chuck Pryor. He is the earliest Good lord willing and the creek don't rise. He's the director of Joel Olsteen radio on Sirius XM satellite radio. And I'm dumb just thinking some of the some of the the O'Steen covering is maybe rubbed off on Chuck after several years of their association. So if you would just you can find our podcast on your favorite platform, whether that's Google Play or Stitcher, Spotify. Hopefully iTunes will list as one of these days. So go find it like subscribe if you would leave a friendly review that helps others find out about the affirming words of abundance and I will leave you with this. Speak the word renew your mind, transform your life