Affirming Words Podcast

Proverbs 21 - Danny Cosby

Rick Tarrant Episode 2012

Today on The Affirming Words Podcast: Our host, Rick Tarrant, reads through Proverbs 21 with recording artist Danny Cosby, in front of a live Zoom room audience. 

As a PK (pastor’s kid), Danny Cosby ( grew up in the church, singing and participating in music from a very young age. At eighteen, Danny started singing in rock bands and experimenting with drugs. By twenty-three, he was addicted to drugs and became broke and homeless. He wound up in a homeless shelter where he rededicated his life back to the Lord. It wasn’t long after his stint as a thief, caught up with him and he was arrested. While in prison, Danny sang in the worship band and helped bring many men to the Lord, including gang members. Today, Danny’s heart is to tell people about God’s grace through singing, preaching and giving his testimony.

There was so much we discussed today from Proverbs 21, from renewing our minds like a hamburger is flipped on a grill, learning to ruin the darkness with light and seeking wisdom which inevitably leads to a drenched and overflowing life of abundance. The renewing your mind process is only possible with God’s help, we cannot do it on our own.

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Show intro:

Welcome to the affirming words podcast, where you're encouraged to speak the word renew your mind and transform your life. Here's your host Rick Tarrant.

Rick Tarrant:

Hey there. Hi there. Whoa, there, it helps if you unmute the microphone. It's just sort of funny that away. So yes, welcome to affirming words of abundance. And we are recording our podcast today before a live Zoom Room audience, the faithful the few that we that we have gathered today. But before we get started, I just wanted to go ahead and tell you who our special guest is today on affirming words. He's no stranger to a wa In fact, he actually hangs out with us quite regularly. He is international recording artist, songwriter, author, motivational speaker, exhorted encourager, Danny Cosby, and I want to play you just a little bit of something I found this morning that he recorded with our friend Garry Goin who was a guest just exactly one week ago, and it was about the same time a year, I believe.

Danny Cosby:

Hey, everybody, welcome back to an AMA with Danny Cosby. Here we go. That's right. We're so glad you decided to join us on this Lent AMA we're going to be celebrating sacrifice and love what that looks like. We just got a couple songs wanna drop to you real quick. Just have some fun today. But I want to remind you, we love you. We thank God for you. You're here for a purpose. You're here for a reason. God made you and he wants to use you for something great. Hey y'all go ahead share this. Come on in the room and find somebody, create a watch party. We just don't sing to you while we wait. We just want to thank you so much for joining Oh, no

Rick Tarrant:

I could listen to that all day. You know, I never heard Isaac Hayes and and David Porter or Sam and Dave actually actually do that version. Danny, but because I always forget this. Let me just say for more information on booking Danny, would you contact info at Danny Cosby or find Danny Cosby on Instagram, Facebook, and all the other, you know, usual places out there in social media land. And he even has a website, Danny Go figure. So I always forget that at the end, Danny. So there you go. So yeah, David Porter, Isaac, KS, Sam and Dave, hold on, I'm coming at. I love the way y'all did that.

Danny Cosby:

Yeah, we put a little, we decided to do a little spin on that. I think that was around Christmas time we started doing this thing that you got A W A. And we were doing a AMA. So it was Ask Me Anything. And it was this I think it was a thing some celebrities were doing and we were like, Let's take a spin on that do it for Jesus. And so we were we'd start out with a song or we do a couple songs. And then we talked for a minute people send questions in on the live feed just about whatever it could be anything about life, the word, you know, whatever. And to Garry, to me to whoever, and we try to answer the questions, and then we do another song and about an hour and sometimes it go over an hour because people just keep flooding in it was just a lot of fun. So

Rick Tarrant:

well, you know, let's maybe we'll kind of continue that format today. And I'll I'll kind of lighten up my, you know, my, my need to control everything. And you know, let people actually open up their microphones if they feel I can interact with you a little bit more, because, you know, maybe I've been a little bit restrictive. And then of course, I think certain guests maybe require that you know what I mean? Like somebody who doesn't really know our community, it might throw them off, you know, like, what are these people? What are they asking? Me when I invited you to come on to a podcast and maybe I forgot to tell you Oh, yeah, there's gonna be other people there too. So anyway, but before we get into that, and I may want to ask you about Lent because I come from a background that didn't really observe maybe all the church, you know, calendar dates, it was more of an independent Anyway, so we may get into that. But before I did, I want to remind people that are listening, live on the stream and zoom facebook or on the podcast, YouTube, etc, that there is actually a process that we kind of go through with affirming words, and just in all honesty, some days, I don't do it every day. And it's not meant to be a religious exercise, okay, we can turn anything into a religious exercise. But this, these five steps are designed to help us to actually settle down, get quiet for a minute, and hear from God. And so the five steps, I'll run through them, and I'll read my journal entry from this morning, but it generally involves taking one versus scripture, and I like to use the journal but also, you know, put workbooks out there and facey facey tweets land, and I don't know why keep holding it up. I just think it's so pretty, you know, it's just, it looks like something of value. And guess what the words that I'm writing on this page are a value. So the five steps take one versus scripture, write it down. Step two, create an affirmation that speaks to you from that verse. Step three, get quiet and listen, what are you? What do you hear? Is the Holy Spirit speaking something to you write it down, then get quiet and respond? What's your reply to that? And then get quiet again. And and listen and see if you're hearing anything that you think is noteworthy, or I don't just write it down and then and go back and reread it. So here's my five steps for today. And I chose from Proverbs 21, verses 21 and 23. And again, this is not some great example of writing. It's just my thoughts from this morning, right? So proverbs 2121 says, He who pursues righteousness and loving devotion finds life, righteousness and honor. And verse 23, he who guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from distress. So that's step one, step two, my affirmation which I repeat three times, actually, I probably repeated it more like 21 times, but for right now, as I pursue God's Yeah, and you know what, we need to have some I think we need to have some music from Danny's brother. As I read this, this is what Josh Cosby creates for me as a soundtrack for these spoken word albums. So we got we got Danny and Josh right now. So step two as I pursue God's loving kindness, I am creating an honorable life. As I seek to guard my time, I am protected from distress. As I pursue God's loving kindness, I am creating an honorable life. As I seek to guard my tongue, I am protected from distress. As I pursue God's loving kindness, I am creating an honorable life. As I seek to guard my tongue, I am protected from distress. Step three. This is the essence of wisdom. As you show kindness to others, especially in return for unkindness, you are demonstrating how your life has been impacted by my love. As you choose to speak kind words, in the place of harsh words. You spare yourself a world of troubles. Step four. It seems to me that there are areas of my heart that I have not invited you into completely. I think the areas that react harshly or with meanness are areas of the heart that have not been fully healed by your love, helped me to submit these to you, in their entirety. Replaced my harshness with your grace helped me to see that others are harsh because they're hurting. Many have heard for so long, that meanness has become a habit, created me the desire to respond with your love, not mine. My love is inadequate, but yours is much more than adequate. And then step five. As you yield your life to me day by day, and moment by moment, I will breathe my life into you. And so my prayer is Lord, I submit and surrender yet again. Breathe your life into every area of my heart, mind, soul and being Amen. To 2222 2122 February 2120 22, that's a lot of twos in there. There'll be even more tomorrow. So this is the word of the Lord for February the 21st. At least that was the word that I felt like I was I was getting this morning. So hopefully I didn't put you to put you to sleep with the soothing soaking music in the background. That's one thing I love about your brother. Danny, he really the first time I mentioned, could you do like a soaking music piece? And he was like, Oh, I'm not sure what you're talking about. But man right out of the gate, he got it. He immediately nailed it. He captured that ability to just get quiet and you know,

Danny Cosby:

yeah, he's got a gift. He really does man you got telling you man, I don't know about the rest of y'all. But that right there and just does something for it's like going to gold's day spa for the soul or something. I don't know, it was a, you got an annoying thing you really do. Which to me is the the yoke breaking burden lifting power of God with your voice and I know is not me trying to make you you know, swell your head up or just the truth, man, it's that music combined with the word power that's in the word with the voice he gave the anointed voice and gave the man that we could like take a tie that up right now and just go go back home.

Rick Tarrant:

Pass the plate? Well, you know, I haven't really been mentioning or promoting because I'm kind of waiting to see if this is even an idea that that people would like and then you know, should it be free? Should it be something you know, people subscribe to I'm still sorting through those things. But I've been creating these albums this last year and created a website called affirming where people can can go and listen to this but I'm still sort of so I haven't really you know, promoted at Full Tilt yet but that's something I'm still still wrestling

Danny Cosby:

get those people that do ASMR I think it's called on YouTube and they've got millions and millions of subscribers and they make a living off doing that I can't and then they're talking about that like she's whispering an idea of cleaning the kitchen to relax you in your whispering and speaking the Word of God, which is way more effective.

Rick Tarrant:

seen that over the years? It seems like a strange thing to me where I've seen people like just sort of click their fingernails or something. Yeah, I don't know. It's like, okay, I think this might be a little more valuable. Thank you for that. Well, maybe that's what I'll do. I've put a few of them on our on our AWS YouTube channel so you know maybe that's the that's the deal. So I appreciate that. Do you want to run through let's read through a proverbs all of Proverbs 21 Because that is sort of the the star front and center. And I think I'll read it off of my iPad here. And I'll let you start you take three verses I'll take three and

Danny Cosby:

you got it awesome. Proverbs 21

Rick Tarrant:

are reading out of the passion, right? Correct. Yeah, I've

Danny Cosby:

got the passion version here. It's as easy for God to steer a king's heart for His purposes as it is for him to direct the course of a stream. I love the King James as we're memorizing so the king's Ark is in the hand of the Lord. He turns it whether soever he will like the rivers of water. He turns it I love it says that but anyway, moving on.

Rick Tarrant:

We can do the King James if you're like,

Danny Cosby:

Yeah, Allah. Well, I'll stick with the seem to have my King James around. You may think verse two, you may think you're right all the time, but God thoroughly examines our motives. It pleases God more when we demonstrate godliness and justice than when we merely offer him a sacrifice.

Rick Tarrant:

Arrogance, superiority and pride are the fruits of sin. brilliant ideas pay off and bring you prosperity. But making hasty impatient decisions will only lead to financial loss. You can make a fortune dishonestly. But your crime will hold you in the snares of death.

Danny Cosby:

Violent rebels don't have a chance for their rejection of truth and their love of evil will drag them deeper into darkness. You can discern that a person is guilty by his devious actions, and the innocence of a person by his honest, sincere ways. It's better to live all alone in a rickety shack than to share a castle with a crabby spouse. I like that they said spouse and they didn't specify like the game James does about a B being just a woman. I'm like, there's probably husbands that are crappy

Rick Tarrant:

go both ways. Yeah, right. Grab the wicked always crave what is evil. They'll show no mercy and get no mercy. Senseless people learn their lessons the hard way, but the wise are teachable. A godly righteous person has the ability to bring the light of instruction to the wicked, even though he despises what the wicked do.

Danny Cosby:

You close your heart to the cries of the poor then I'll close my ears when you cry out to Me. Try giving a secret gift to the world. He was angry with you and watch his anger disappear. It really works. A kind generous gift goes a long way to sue the anger of one who is livid. When, when justice is served the lovers of God, celebrate and rejoice but the wicked begin to panic.

Rick Tarrant:

16 When you forsake the ways of wisdom, you will wander into the realm of dark spirits. To love pleasure for pleasures sake will introduce you to poverty. Indulging in a life of luxury will never make you wealthy. The wicked bring on themselves, the very suffering they plan for others, for their treachery comes back to haunt them.

Danny Cosby:

Here we go again, it's better to live in a hut in the wilderness than with a crabby Stoelting spouse. In wisdoms house, you'll find delightful treasures and the oil of the Holy Spirit, but the stupid squander what they've been given. The lovers of God who chase after righteousness will find all their dreams come true, and abundant, life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction.

Rick Tarrant:

A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty. Watch your words and be careful what you say. And you'll be surprised by how few troubles you'll have. An arrogant man is inflated with pride, nothing but a snooty scoffer in love with his own opinion. Mr. mocker is his name,

Danny Cosby:

which I mean that's being well known. taking the easy way out is the habit of a lazy man, and it will be his downfall. All day long. He thinks about all the things that he craves, for, he hasn't learned the secret that the generous man has learned. Extravagant giving never leads to poverty. To bring an offering to God with an ulterior motive is detestable, for it amounts to nothing but hypocrisy.

Rick Tarrant:

No one believes in notorious liar. But the guarded words of an honest man stand the test of time. The wicked are shameless and stubborn, but the lovers of God have a holy confidence. All your brilliant wisdom and clever Insight will be of no help at all. If the Lord is against you.

Danny Cosby:

You can do your best to prepare for the battle. But ultimate victory comes from the Lord God.

Rick Tarrant:

But that one before that, that's really jumps off the page. In this version, all your brilliant wisdom and clever Insight will be of no help at all. If the Lord is against you, wow. Yep. Yep. All right. What's jumping off the page for you or anyone? listening, listening, listening live.

Danny Cosby:

And I'll, I'll kick it off. And for anybody that just jumped in here by chance, or what have you, we're just, we're all talking today. If you've got something jump in and say whatever the Lord's even if they got nothing to do with this, but something you want to share that the Holy Spirit's putting on your heart. But for me, I've always loved this proverb from love all of them, but this one in particular, verse one always hit me. You know, like we said, the King James says, The king's heart is in the hands of the Lord. And he turns it wherever he will turn it like the rivers of water. He turns it knows, like, wow, what does that mean? And I've gotten out of prison, November 24 2009. And I had been thinking about that verse. Because when you get out and you're like, Man, I don't know if I'm going to get a job. I don't know how things are going to work out. You know, I've been locked up for years. Am I going to meet a woman? Am I going to get my own place? Am I going to be able to build my own life, and I was 30 years old. So I was like, Man, I feel like I've lost all my 20s because I lost all my 20s to addiction. And the prison. I didn't get to experience my 20s. And so I was on fire for the Lord. I was ready to do something. I had nothing, nothing to my name. And I kept thinking about this verse, verse one. And so I went into this, my dad dropped me off at this little string of outdoor stores and I went into this place called winged hut and some, and I'm not sure what the sum was, but I know they served hot wings and I was always scared to ask what the some was, and I knew

Rick Tarrant:

maybe it was something else.

Danny Cosby:

Someone else and so I walk in there, and I'm looking for a job And I walk up to the cash register. And this guy was there and was this girl there? And I said, Hey, I was just wondering if you're hiring. And she turned around as most winged places you'll find in Memphis, it's just like a big family. They just scream at each other. It wasn't like, just one moment, sir. It's like, hey, somebody want to talk to you. And so Steve comes out the back. And he goes, Yeah. And I said, Hey, man, I just got out of prison. And I'm looking for a job. I was probably the wrong way to approach the moment. Because right next to the cash register, right? And he backs up, and he's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, man. And he, he, he said, I'm sorry, we're not hiring right now. But, uh, you know, maybe come back later if you want. So I was getting ready to leave. And he said, and I literally saw him turn his head. I said something like, Thank you, man, God bless. He turned his head. And then he turned back and looked at me. He said, matter of fact, you come in at five. And it was like, God put His hand inside that man's chest. Because, you know, he made him. God made the gardener. He made you and me. And he, it's like, he grabbed his heart. He turned his heart and his intern. And then he turned back to me with a whole nother perspective. And he said, Can you come in at five? Well, all I was doing was cutting hot wings and washing dishes making about $8 an hour that day. But man, I floated out of wing hut and some when he felt like I wasn't even on the ground. I was like, Man, I beat the stereotype. I got a job. My dad was out there. He said, Look, you're glowing. Are you okay? He was really happy. I said, I've got a job. I'm washing dishes, you know. And so it was like a song the Lord and I went back and I was cutting hot wings, washing dishes. And I remember I'll say this little piece of the story because it was funny. I was singing Amazing Grace. I think one day while I was washing dishes, I was just so happy. They How Sweet the Sound thank you for this job, Lord. And you know that feeling you have when somebody kind of near you're looking at you, maybe in the peripheral. And I had that feeling I've turned around and there was Steve, and he's looking at me. And he shakes his head and he goes, Man, I never seen nobody that happy washing dishes. He said, I'm gonna need you to pee in this cup.

Rick Tarrant:

We just got to make sure you're right.

Danny Cosby:

Right. Yeah. And so I passed the drug test. And it was like a series of passing peeing and cups and being painful. And it was just this watching God turn hearts, where it should have been one way people saying, Man, God's not going to open a door for you man against that record, but but he can't open in doors. And I think the only thing was meditating on the Word going into a situation. Instead of thinking, Man, are they going to hire me man? Am I going to be able to do all the fear stuff that sits up here. And instead, I mean, no one perfect, but it was like the word of God was turning in my head like a hamburger on the grill is just sin, turn it and then turn. So just searing my mind with the Word of God and all the juices were dripping down into my heart. And it was changing my my heart was getting marinated from the juice from the hamburger of you know, Proverbs and I started changing and, you know, one thing led to so anyway, that was that was the verse that has always, even now, you know, been out 1213 years. It's like steel works. Yes. Just powerful.

Rick Tarrant:

You know, and that so many things. racing through my mind at once, but one on the six out is that as you're, as you're saying that and going through this process, I mean, that's what we've been doing now for a year, in affirming words is taking a verse meditating on it, speaking it out loud. And even when I didn't know what I was doing a year ago, I didn't realize it was renewing my mind. I mean, I knew it was helpful. I knew it was beneficial. And it wasn't really until I think Rick Osborne came along and said, You're doing the you're, you're renewing your mind. That's what you're doing. Oh, well, that's cool. You know, I mean, I just knew that it was helpful in building my faith. I wasn't thinking of it in terms. So it's like, when, when when Rick teaches like in our renew your mind class, about presenting yourself, it's like well, presenting yourself, you know, pleasing, wholly pleasing, acceptable to God or whatever you're meditating on. So presenting yourself as like, Lord, I'm not worried about this. Because your Word says that you control the hearts of kings. Well, the king of this particular enterprise is the boss man. And I just trust you to you know that you're gonna control these kings hearts and go in the way and just trusting. It's more about trusting. It's not saying oh, I'm going to say this. I'm going to get my way right. It's not me. Maybe that was the wrong gig for you. Maybe the next maybe the next Chicken Shack was the gig. Maybe guess is fried chicken, you know, but but that just having that sense of, of trust and speaking the word out like for me this morning, I realized that I'm still I still have some harshness, especially when it deals with religiosity. Maybe it's because it's in my own heart, but I really get ticked off at certain preachers and things that I hear on the radio, I hear them criticizing other certain streams in the faith, and it really gets undermined. It's the cocklebur under my saddle, and I realized, you know, there is something still not healed there. If it was, I would respond more like people like Rick Osborne or my friend Jerry Bryant, oh, yeah, God bless him. You know, God, God love them. You know, that hasn't been my response. So I'm just playing that before you as this is an area where I need to guard my not only my heart, but my tongue. What else is jumping off I see me Michelene. And Lynn, we haven't heard from Lenny in a while because it's been he's been so busy in his new job he was he was affirming so many good things about how God wanted to prosper him, God put him in a new position. So we don't we don't see him as much. So happy Presidents Day Lenny

Lenny John:

Thank you, I was happy I had the day off and happy I got the time to come and spend it with y'all. First that jumped off at me was was a couple of them. First 12 jumped off at me the idea of godly righteous person having the ability to bring the light of instruction to the wicked, even though he despises what the wicked do. And in other versions, though, I looked at like the new king, James and a couple of the other versions and it kind of talks about overthrowing the wicked for their wickedness. And I think the passion translation, kind of shed some interesting light on overthrowing the wicked with with good, but you know, our light, our words, kind of breaking through the darkness and making a difference in these people's lives in which verse verse, this was verse 12. And again, you know, as bringing the light of instruction to the wicked, even, even if we despise what the wicked do, and, to me, what I'm really feeling from this is not judging people, and we don't have to like what they do. But we're also not to judge them. And we're to treat them with the same love and grace that Jesus treated us with. And that might actually make a difference in the light may actually overthrow their wickedness. And, and bring them to the Lord.

Rick Tarrant:

Man that is so insightful. And I really, uh, no, I don't always act that away. But I know that's the truth. You know. And, again, I want to guard my my tongue this morning. But you know, there are certain people in our family have made certain choices, and it's very difficult sometimes not to judge harshly. But, you know, like, they say, love covers a multitude of sins. And I was thinking about this proverb, we were reading, I think, earlier this month, where it, it talks, or no, no, no, I believe it was where you'll have to forgive me. But I think Jesus was saying that as we as we show kindness to our enemies, and maybe there's a proverb that we're like heaping coals of fire on their head. Right. And I've heard preachers say that from like, a real judgmental kind of thing. Yeah, just he told us heaping coals of fire on their heads, you know, down and then I was reading in the Amplified Version one morning down in the footnotes and some of the Bible study notes. And it was painting this picture of a High Priest, putting incense in the sense since sir, I think it's called in, in the, in the Holy Temple, you know, in the, in the, in the Holy of Holies, if you will, and, and filling with a with a sweet aroma. And, and the implication was that as we show love and kindness and provide a drink of water for our enemy, and you know, a coat when he's cold, that actually is warming up. His heart is cold, stone cold heart, and permeating it with God's love. And how if I'm hearing you, Lenny, I think that's what you're getting out of that. That will

Lenny John:

absolutely, yeah, yeah. And I'll say one thing, doing, affirming words of abundance over the last year has really got me doing is looking at, you know, when I pick a verse, I'll look at it instead. different translations. And luckily, things like the YouVersion app and Bible gateway, there are these resources now where you can do that very quickly. And I'll look at it in two or three different translations. So that kind of get a better idea of what the scripture may mean. Because the passion translation to me really open this particular verse up in a way that the others may not have. And then it was interesting to go back and look at the others. So

Rick Tarrant:

yeah, like in the Berean study, Bible, it says the righteous one considers the house of the wicked and brings the wicked to ruin. So that, you know that by itself kind of kind of it sounds like retribution in a way and I know that's not God's heart. For us. He is the he is the one. But if there's retribution to be had, he's the one who can dole it out.

Lenny John:

Absolutely. We could also be ruining wickedness, we could be ruining the darkness with light. Yeah,

Rick Tarrant:

better, a lot better. Yeah,

Danny Cosby:

I love how you amplify that, man, you brought that out like I would have. That's what I love about these kinds of things where we just it's, you know, not that a guest being interviewed restrict a visual lot of liberty and wisdom in that but this is kind of the I don't know about y'all, I'm gonna feel real free. Today, I feel liberated, which is why I keep coming back here. Even if I'm not a guest. I just, there's liberty says where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. And I feel like the Spirit of the Lord no doubt is excited about showing up when humans get together to feast on the Word of God. And so that's why I want to be you know, Rick, you you don't you ask my little brother. However long ago, hey, what prison ministry cannot donate to you donated to my prison ministry, then we met then I started being a part of what you're doing with this. And so I just keep it usually with relationships and ministry, you kind of, hey, love you. Thanks. God bless, okay, and you go your way, the other person goes their way. And so it's like, I keep coming back to this. And the Bible. Jesus also said, If I be lifted up, I'll draw all men and women on to me. And so I think you're lifting Jesus. I just wanted to, and that's why I keep coming back. Because you're it's not because of, you know, Fincher, you got a great voice.

Rick Tarrant:

Yeah, but you know, I'm no teacher. I'm just a sojourner on this journey with everybody else. I'm just trying to figure it out, y'all figure it out.

Danny Cosby:

So we keep coming back because of Jesus in you. But I mean, I'm glad Lenny said that because I really want to shut up so I don't hear everybody else cuz I'm sitting here with singles heart says the heart of a man or woman's deep waters, and a man of a woman of understanding draws it out. So as we talk, we're drawing out what's really actually going on in the surface, you know, all this, oh, I'm blessed. How are you? You know, at crap, you know, move into the sun, what's really going on? And you know, and that happens when we talk, especially about the word but, lady, man, you said it is because I struggle with the same thing Rick struggles with I think of the religiosity stuff, man, that's like a good little piano chord right there. But the, when you look at it, and it's like, how do I do this thing? Well, you know what I can't, I can't Jesus has to do this for me. But I have the thought of going into the darkness with light and love going into their, their lack of a relationship with Jesus, but they're using this thing as a power tool to control people instead of going in there. Oh, man, let me tell you about how stupid that is. Like walking in and going, Hey, I'm just gonna love you through this. And it's like, I can't do that in that way. And when I come to that resolve, calmness and peace come over me, I'd say this and the Shut up. Corrie 10, boom. came to mind. She was, you know, if y'all know her, she was in the Holocaust. Her family was killed. And she survived Hitler's stuff. And she was preaching one day, post all the Holocaust, post all of that. And she was preaching about forgiveness. And then after the sermon was over, she had people lining up to shake her hand and say, Cory, thank you, that was so powerful. I love you. And so she's getting all these good compliments, and she hears this guy, and she's kind of, I guess, caught up in the thing or story goes that she heard prior line. Can you forgive me? And chills went up her back. And she realized the man who was partially responsible for some of the death of her family that was a part of Hitler's regime was standing in front of her with his hand out, saying, Hey, can you forgive me? And she said, I, she just preached about forgiveness. And she's supposed to live it out. And she said, in that moment, she realized I could I can't do this. I hate this man. I want to dead and she said it was she said Jesus help. And she said it was like lightning shot through her body. Her arm went out, and her hand grabbed his hand. And she said I do. And she said she learned from that moment on it to live this Christian life to bring light into the darkness. I literally cannot do Jesus can, but I can't. And she said from that point, it was just a series of just walking the Christian life out because it was Christ in her so I'm glad you brought that up, man. I needed the reminder that Jesus acquit again. You get in pay acquit. Again, you get in so I vacate, he gets in vacate, he gets in, and then it's a big vacation. Being a Christian. So,

Rick Tarrant:

yeah, and it is the in fact, I think, this morning, what Yeah, I wrote, as you yield your life to me day by day, and moment by moment, I will breathe my life into you is what I was doing this morning. And for me, it is moment by moment, because, you know, you know, somebody see some of my you know, you cut me off in traffic. And I just had three other buttons pushed right before that. You know, there may be some sign language that's not so uplifting and and you know, if somebody saw that, that's probably one reason I don't have any Jesus bumper stickers on my car. You know. Lord have mercy. You know, somebody and you call yourself a Christian? Of course, my comeback to that is, yeah, but I didn't say it was a good one, you know? Because left to my own devices. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, but yeah, laying it down yet again. So I love that, that he was able to, she was able to forgive, but she was like, No, it wasn't because she had already determined it's no longer I've it live, but Christ in me, and the hand goes out. Well, you know, she, well, I, I don't but Jesus does. But you can't get away with that. We can't slide with that either. You know, it's like, you know, we can't wear that T shirt. You know, Jesus loves you. I think you're a jerk. We can't, we can't wait to happen. So anyway, thank you, Lenny, he always brings great insights I really do. I do think God has put the, you know, if not a preacher, certainly a teacher in the heart of Lenny John.

Lenny John:

Thank you. And we appreciate your recall, though. You're, you know, you really, you are obedient with affirming words of abundance, you've really created a space for us to have these conversations and to kind of collectively seek the Lord and share those experiences with one another. And it's really, it's been life changing, really, as

Rick Tarrant:

well appreciate that. Well, tagged, like, subscribe, all those good things. So we'll, we'll spread the word. Alrighty. Anybody else? Want to participate with our young friend, Danny, Danny Cosby, our young friend with a great hair.

Danny Cosby:

You're making me You're making me feel really good today, man. Uh, you know that I need to go back to those humility scriptures.

Rick Tarrant:

You know, when you get a few decades, you know, it's like, I try not to covet things. But I do find myself envying other other guys hair. So you know. So what shampoo do you use to get the volume? Yeah. So I see a hand from from Vicki and Judith. Well, actually, it looks like it's from Judith this morning. All the way up in Boston. All right. Did I say that right in Boston?

Danny Cosby:

You talking to me?

Rick Tarrant:

Now that's New Jersey.


Same verse attached me and I was thinking of in Annihilus. And he was asked by the what to go to so taxes and like hands on him. And he said to award Do you know who this man is? Do you know what he's done?

Rick Tarrant:

Yet? In other words, are you crazy?


Yeah, he'll pay. And that led to his his transformation, but also the transformation of Saul of Tarsus. who later became St. Paul and wrote the Epistles so just being obedient not you judging. Hey, this man or woman is with him. When the ward be the judge, because his way so higher than our ways?

Rick Tarrant:

Yeah, that's a that's a great insight. You know,

Danny Cosby:

that's great. Yeah. Cuz then and I would imagine it and that's why I love this group. Because y'all are real man. Geologists. Like here's where I'm at. Okay, you don't like it? I'm sorry. But, you know, Anna Nyasa. Judas, I would imagine, by the way, you got a great action. I'd love to hear you order pizza. That is like a pepperoni. If I can mix between jersey and Boston. It's just really cool to anyway. I'll chase rabbits that are unnecessarily needing to be chased. But within an eye it's just like I could imagine I could imagine it and ice was like you While he's walking into the house and saw the blind in areas, he's like, all the way up to that point. He's like, not excited about doing this. He's just man. I don't I don't like this guy. He was killing Christians in the murder god, did I hear you? Or was that the Doritos ate last night? What's going on? So, yeah, thanks. That's awesome. I just want to say that that was great that sometimes obedience has nothing to do with me being excited and in agreement with Jesus, sometimes I'm like, Lord, you're gonna have to dislocate my hip on this, because I'm gonna wrestle you all the way to the door until I get there. So that

Rick Tarrant:

I was thinking, what if? Yeah, what if? And, and was good. I said, No, no, we're not, we're not going to I'm sure God would have found somebody else. And who knows, maybe on an ice was number three on the list. You know, we don't know that either. You know, God's purposes will not be thwarted. But it is an interesting mental exercise to go. Yeah. What if? What if nobody had been willing to give any kind of grace to to solve the church murder? You know? Yeah. I see a hand shall we call upon said hand? It's actually a young lady I haven't seen in quite a while. And that would be CJ. I want to say CJ, the DJ, but S.J,


at all? No, I'm not a DJ at all.

Rick Tarrant:

You've been working 22 hours straight shifts? Is that what


that was? Yeah, that was That was crazy. I've been doing night shifts, and then somebody didn't show up in the day. And I just stayed right through and then they had some agency come in, and they didn't know what to do. So our candidate

Rick Tarrant:

from CJ, Ontario, Ontario. So what insight Are you bringing forth?


So first of all, I don't have access to right at this moment, the passion version that you were reading? Could you read me? 2121? Please.

Rick Tarrant:

Danny, Allah, you have the honors here.

Danny Cosby:

Absolutely. Good to good to hear you, CJ and no video off, lovey appreciate you. I'm glad you're here. Verse 21, Chapter 21 says in the passion, the lovers of God who chase after righteousness, will find all their dreams come true. an abundant life drenched with favor, and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction.


Wow. I have the Anna NLT. And it said, and that's actually got a coloring book that I'm doing here. It's complete. Proverbs inspired proverbs. And that was the verse that they highlighted big here. And it's whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life righteousness and honor. And I was thinking what you guys have already been saying today about this is a whole process. Our life is a process. Their Christian walk is a process. It's such a, but if we're pursuing it, and you know, it's really seeking what's right, even though we may not do what's right, but to totally seek it and to like pursuing to me is like really, really, you know, digging for it, you know, and that is our top focus and priority to look for his unfailing love and His righteousness and, and then he will add these other good things on to us. And again, the verse 23, I was thinking of John France, but he said the other day on one of the one of these projects, I forget what it was, but watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you'll stay out of trouble. And like even things at work, I tend to seem so much and I probably said the wrong thing to a new program manager. But I wanted, I end up apologizing to him. But I just said like, I gotta just keep my mouth shut and just do the right thing. I said, I really want to honor and respect you because you are a new manager. I'd never met him. But I said, this is the way I see things here in this house. You know, but,

Rick Tarrant:

you know, that kind of takes me back to my on Air Training when I was, you know, spinning the hits while you drink your Schlitz? I mean, what I eat your grill on the radio, and there was there was a phrase that a program director passed on to me and he said you he said you'll never regret what you didn't say. Right now that might not apply to every area of life, but it certainly applied to being on the air you will you aren't gonna regret what doesn't come out of your mouth.


Yeah. Yeah, that's so true. And we just need to just be really cautious and and All these verses have already said, you know, God's in the ultimate he's he's the one that controls at all and but if we just Yeah, keep quiet and listen, we learn so much more and just observe. And like I remember John Fran saying that the other day he's learned so much more just sitting back and listening to co workers and whatever and what's going on around them. And it's so true, yet Keven here that

Rick Tarrant:

we can all learn something from John for a very, very quiet up there. But can I just say it doesn't make for a very interesting podcast.


It's true. It's true. But I also like the pursuing part of that, verse 2141, like, we need to just our part in this is, seek His righteousness, seek His unfailing love, seek His a whatever, and then we will find the life and the righteousness and the honor God wills. He comes through if we do our part. And I know Dave Martin said one time we do the difficult but God does the impossible. And

Rick Tarrant:

pursue that's a good word. Yeah. And one more one liner, when in doubt, leave it out. So that's it. If you're wondering if I should say this, you know, your mind.


It's really great, guys. This is awesome.

Danny Cosby:

And I wanted to just want to paperclip on to what you said CJ, because that was good. I mean, that's what I love about what I didn't see that you saw that you know and see what Lenny saw Lenny SOT Lenny said something, and so on. And Vicki and Judith, I mean, come on. It's amazing. The minute I love the word that says it's not like an abundant life with some favor. No, it says drenched, you know, think about that picture of something being drenched. And then in a fountain that in say in a fountain that is filled halfway with satisfaction. No, it's overflowing. I just love that about God, how God's like, I'm telling you, son, that thing you think you want that I'm pushing in your heart that you need to let go? It's because I prompt telling you I've got something so much greater for you. A drenched overflowing life. And I think all of us could probably testify to those drenching overflowing moments where we were like, wow, what took me so long to get here. But then we're so fickle. I know myself. I'll go right back to the crap. I'll go right back to the vomit or I'll go right back to the pigpen knowing how good the Father's house is, I'm like I'm settling for apple cores when he's got Philemon yawn what's wrong with me? But he's thinking so graceful. He's so loving. He's like, hey, yeah, love the big thing there. But he's just he's like, Hey, I'm not going to talk about how dumb that was to go back to the apple core. So I'm just come on in here, take a bath. And I'm going to get the steaks on the grill. I just he's so gracious. Yeah, let's just move

Rick Tarrant:

on. Make my veggie burger Lord.

Danny Cosby:

I forgot the Vegeta you are.


For Danny, that was really good. I'd like that version

Rick Tarrant:

too. All right, let's see we let you know what we're getting real close to the to the end of our hour. So one person up. So there we go. Waiting for me. Chalene to wait, wait, wait. Okay. And while Misha leans coming on, I'll say hi to Tanya Williams, who's watching on Facebook. And also Jackie Raman, why aren't you here in the zoom, Jackie? So it looks like Alicia lien is going to have our last question, comment or teaching. I'm not sure what's got more prophetic word what's coming?

Michelene Trent:

What only knows, right? So I just want you to know that I woke up this morning with a song of Matthew. So my heart's saying that this person that it freezes you? Like it's not about the other person, right? But also God told me that Danny is coming today to free the prisoners and to open the bars. Because it's not just being in a prison, right? Like where? I mean? Yeah. So I just want you to know that I think that there is definitely freedom on today.

Danny Cosby:

Lord God, thank you for the

Rick Tarrant:

Spirit of the Lord is upon you, Danny, and he has anointed you to bring good news to the poor and bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted and to set the captives free. Hallelujah. Actually, I think that anointing is on everybody here. I think we're all called to that even though I wrestled with that some days, but the whole idea of reconciliation, this is what really gets my motor going in light of what's going on in the world today. You know, we'll praise Jesus out of one mouth, and then we'll say the most hateful despicable this wretched thing about you know, whatever political party you don't like, right? And it's like, Wait a minute. Let's go back and look at James again. Here we're praising God. And we're cursing in the same as the salt water and fresh water come out of the same fountain. And believe me, I'm chief of all sinners here. So I'm not exalting myself. I'm just again convicted and reminded, man, let's just analyze this thing we call faith, you know. So, but quick, Danny.

Danny Cosby:

Yeah, right now, man now just before we pray out, I just wondering, Rick, do you do you said you got to get tardy. I mean, we're not in the Facebook thing. I don't think I think they would arrest you. But do you have a song that's on your heart that you want to play for us real quick? If not, no worries, but

Rick Tarrant:

Ma? Yeah. I've been I'm working on trying to finish one. Run that that by but it's still in process. But I, I can run some of the Yeah, I don't think I'm ready to play it on guitar. But this whole idea that of Psalm 91, no disaster shall befall me no disease come near my tent. I've been in this secret place. It's time well spent, you know, dark shadows trying to harm me with fear on every side. The shadow of the Almighty is where I choose to hide. And then verse one, I know you love me with an everlasting love. Your grace and mercy are more than enough. I know your plans for me. They're working for my good plans to prosper, not to harm me. I know it's understood. And it's kind of it well, it's basically a scriptures and verse two is one thing I do, I'm going to forget about my past. I'm looking forward to the things that will last I'm pressing toward the goal so I can win the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ. And then verse three, I'm still working on and that is God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power of love and of a sound mind, dear, when fear comes knocking in the middle of the night. You get right in his face. Say you get out of this place. Oh, yes. And remind him, no disaster shall be farming, no disease come near my tent. I've been in the secret place. It's time well spent, though. Dark Shadows tried to harm me with fear on every side. The shadow of the Almighty is where I choose to hide. That could be a country song. It could be a rap song. You could be Oh, it sounds I'm working on that. So thank you for asking me that. That's, but that whole idea. I mean, with COVID, and everything is like no disaster shall befall me no disease come near my tent. It's just a constant litany. For me a liturgy, if you will, you know. And therein lies the beauty of liturgy is taking these words whether we feel like it or not. And speaking it and speaking the truth, you know, that's that I think breathes life into liturgy instead of just some lifeless religious exercise that we go through. So yeah, this is our own liturgy, you know?

Danny Cosby:

Yeah. Thank you. That was beautiful. Like to hear that with music. And to Sandy Lynn. I think she said, let's get you to do a rap or hip hop channel. Yeah, I just want to I really want to just pray over us with with the word keeps coming to mind today is us getting to a place to where we recognize our value, I think what record was it? Rick Osborn? Yeah, he started this out and how the Lord, watch the Lord just guide him to you and him both to a place of it's like I thought y'all were going one direction, but y'all went in this just like he said, Let's just shut the door on that direction. And let's talk about how we, how you've not been disqualified how you are still in the game. You still if you're alive and breathing, God still has a plan. So in lieu of prayer, I just want to read some of Psalm 139 over so want to bow your head or keep your eyes open or closed or whatever your position posture is, I just want to read some of this over us. And and also to remember Lord keeps bringing us in my mind, maybe it's for me. When Jesus is nailed to the cross, right? He's nailed, he's in excruciating pain, and to put that pain on top of more pain here he is. A guy walking up spitting on him, and yelling at him saying, You saved others. Save yourself. Why don't you come down off that cross? Now that'd be one thing. If I'm standing there with my shoes on, and I'm not in any physical pain. And you're saying that to me and be like, you don't want to get out of my way. He's physically exhausted and he's dying for that dude. right there and that guy's go, you idiot, look at you, you're up there on that cross you get, you can't even save yourself and then clearing his nostrils and spitting on him again. And Jesus was just, and then what did he say, Father, forgive him. You don't even know what he's doing. And I think the only way to do that is to say, Lord, help me to have that perspective. These folks that are doing wrong to me, or even when I was doing wrong, I don't even know what I'm doing. They don't even know what they're doing. And just to get into that mindset, but I want to read this over us and the wind and roll out and I love y'all thank y'all for Rick, thank you for sharing the steering wheel with me, man, and just everything you do. This has been a really special morning. Lord, you know everything there is to know about me. You've examined my innermost being with your loving gaze, you perceive every movement of my heart and so and understand my every thought before it even enters my mind. And if you want to play that music, Reiki can, verse three, you are so intimately, Oh, you are so intimately aware of me, Lord, you read my heart, like an open book. And you know all the words I'm about to speak, before I even start a sentence. You know, every step I'll take before my journey even begins, you've gone into my future, to prepare the way and in kindness you follow behind me, to spare me from the harm of my past. With your hand of love upon my life, you impart of Father's blessing to me. This is just too wonderful, too deep, too in comprehensible your understanding of me brings me wonder and strength. Where could I go from your spirit? Where could I run in hide from your face? If I go up to heaven, you're there. If I go down to the realm of the dead, you're there to if I fly with wings into the shining down, you're there. If I fly into the radiant sunset, you're there waiting. Wherever I go. Somebody say wherever I go, wherever I go, your hand will guide me. Your strength will empower me. It's impossible to disappear from you, or to ask the darkness to hide me. For Your presence is everywhere bringing light into my night. There is no such thing as darkness with you. And night to you is as bright as the day. There's no difference between the two. You formed my innermost being shaping my delicate inside and intricate outside and wove them all together in my mother's womb. I thank you God, for making me so mysteriously complex. Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it. How thoroughly you know me, Lord, you even formed every bone in my body when you create in me in the secret place, carefully, skillfully shaping me from nothing to something you saw who created me, you saw who you created me to be before I became me. Before I'd ever seen the light of day, the number of my days you plan for me? Were already recorded in your book. Every single moment. You are thinking of me how precious and wonderful to consider that you cherish me constantly in your every thought. In Jesus name.

Rick Tarrant:

Amen. Amen. We are cherished. Thank you, Danny Lee. Danny says, yeah, the only people that call him Danny Lee is mama when he's in trouble. But that's the only time I hear Richard Michael either. Either either mama or the IRS is reaching out. Fortunately, those days are behind me. Thank you, Lord. already. Thank you again, Danny. And of course we did this because you know, he was with us on the third of February and just all manner of chaos broke out and between lost power and lost internet connections. It was just kind of not a whole lot of fun. Anyway, so I wanted to this was this went much better. Except Except for you these Wait, wait, wait. I mean, even that's good. So let me leave you with this. Hello music here. Speak the word renew your mind and transform your life.