Affirming Words Podcast

Proverbs 2 - Rick Osborne

Rick Tarrant Season 1 Episode 2001

The Affirming Words Podcast encourages you to:
1) speak the Word 
2) renew your mind 
3) transform your life.
Recorded before a live Zoom audience

#20222 features multi-million selling author, Rick Osborne. Join Rick Tarrant and Rick Osborne as they read through Proverbs Chapter 2 in the quest for Affirming Wisdom.

Show intro:

Welcome to the affirming words podcast, where you're encouraged to speak the word renew your mind and transform your life. Here's your host, Rick Tarrant.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, hey there. Hi there. Whoa, there. Thank you, Danny girl. And yes, welcome to the live recording of the affirming words, podcast. So what does that mean? A live recording? Well, you know how some TV sitcoms will start with a noticed recorded before a live audience? Well, that's kind of what's even with that voice, you know, it's kind of what this is. So, this, that's what this is the live audience they're attending via zoom. We have a rather small but faithful few this morning. And we're live streaming, the affirming words of abundance Facebook group and in the YouTube channel. And so the little bit of background, we've been doing these date, these weekday zoom gatherings for one year now. And so now we want to expand the borders out into the podcast universe. And so you know, we're just, we're just real here, if things aren't slick, if they're not polished, if they're not otherwise professional, which I guarantee they won't be. Hopefully you can see past all our foibles. And in here, the heart of what we do here, which is speak the word renew your mind and transform your life. Or as our friend Danny in Australia likes to say.

Show intro:

Get a welcome to the Affirming Words podcast. This is where you're encouraged to talk God stuff, stop thinking rot, and get a life a better one. Here is me mate, Rick Tarrant. Sorry couldn't help myself.

Rick Tarrant:

So get up, get a lot, you know, think God stuff, quit thinking rot, and get a life. Get a better one. So thank you, Danni. Before we do that, I do want to explain the I which I think is the crucial part of the the affirming words of abundance and the firming words podcast. And that is what we it's what I call the five steps. Actually, I've sneaked a couple more in but it's five steps nonetheless. And basically, every day we're going to assign a scripture or in this case, in this month, you will take a scripture out of the book of the chapter of Proverbs that we're reading, and you chew on it, you meditate on it, as our friend Lenny says, we, we growl on it. So step number one, the verse, write the daily verse in your workbook or personal journal, and I will be making a workbook available. Probably by tomorrow. Step two, write your I Am affirmation in that workbook. I am fill in the blank, then listen and ask well, let me back up I am. Oh, I am more than a conquer it let's say that was your verse for the day. That could be your affirmation, you could expand upon it. And, and or take a couple of verses and expand it. But the idea is that you're speaking the Word and how that talks to you. Right? All right, Rick, you're you're rambling on too much here. So then get quiet. Listen and write what you're hearing from the Lord in your journal. Do you is that a thought that maybe is not yours, write that down. And we've had a lot of people say, you know, I feel like I'm hearing from the Lord for the first time in a long time. Then the next stop, or step is what is your response to what you hear? Write it down. And then finally, listen again. And if you feel like you're hearing from the Lord, write it down in your journal, and we'll we'll just stop there. I don't want to overwhelm you with too many more steps. But if you really want extra bonus points, you then take that affirmation, look in the mirror and speak that to yourself. You know, in my case, I've been doing it a lot lately around health and healing and things like that because you know, there's this little thing going around, so no disaster Shelby follow me. No disease come near my tent has been my daily affirmation for well for about two years now. But our guest today is best selling author and speaker Rick Osborne, who focuses on transformation through discipleship. And the books he's written and co authored have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. That's what I call mailbox money, but we won't talk about that today. He's written books for like Focus on the Family. He wrote The Five Love Languages for kids. He's written with Dr. John Trent Josh McDowell, Dr. Tom Blackaby, Dr. Gary Chapman, if you want to co write a book with Rick you have to be a doctor. And two of his latest books at work within and loves transformation are helping Christians. I was gonna flip over here I told you when Don't be slick, y'all. Love transformation. Come on. Come on. Come on. Here we go. Loves transformation and at work within our helping Christians abide in Christ and transform their lives. Rick and Luba live in British Columbia in a place so remote We can't even disclose the location. And speaking of can we bring Mr. Osborn unmuted onto the virtual stage here So good morning friend.

Rick Osborne:

so remote we can't even disclose the location in the beautiful radio voice of Rick Tarrant.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, you know, we we know, we know you have a lot of fans, so we don't like to really disclose exactly where you're at, you know, the paparazzi can really be can can be problematic.

Rick Osborne:

Like you got that because I mean, the last time you were just saying it all the time in the crowds, the crowds were really hard to handle.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, now that I've quit telling the disclosing the location, you know, you can get a little you can get some some some rest now, I'm sure. Thank you. Thank you. Well, welcome. So if, if, if you haven't guessed, ladies and gentlemen, we are doing affirming wisdom, this month, and a lot of us were going through the book of Proverbs in January. In fact, a couple of years ago, I was I determined I'm going to go through proverbs every day, I thought, that's just a great way to kick off the new year. And a friend of mine invited me to something called a wisdom challenge. And I remember at the time, it was like a $31 fee or something. I remember going $30 For someone to read Proverbs. I don't think so. Yeah, so I was a little bit of a different mindset. Since that time, I have been walking this path of mind renewal. And like I said, earlier, a year ago, we started affirming words of abundance and started speaking the word out. And then this gentleman came in, actually, this gentleman came into our lives and began to take it a lot deeper than what we were doing even with our five steps. So anyway, today, Rick Osborn is going to help us go through Proverbs chapter two. And how should we How should we proceed on this before and then we'll we'll talk about other things as we go along. But you want to you want to start with, you know, the King James Version, and then I take the Message version, or how would you like to do this?

Rick Osborne:

Can I can I can I give my story about the book of Proverbs first?

Rick Tarrant:

Oh, yeah, you know, this. I told y'all, it's not gonna be slick. You know? This is, this is like, this wasn't rehearsed. So yes, please. Yeah, this game great free.

Rick Osborne:

It's kind of hard to control your guests. Sometimes they but there's a mute button there somewhere.

Rick Tarrant:

Well, that's, we have our we have our lovely friend and Billy's kirim, who is got the control of the mute button. And

Rick Osborne:

yay, Graham.

Rick Tarrant:

So yes, tell us your proverbs story.

Rick Osborne:

When I got I came to the Lord just before my 19th birthday, and the first time that I was drunk and stoned was when I was 12, and 13, respectively. And my teenage years were that of rebellion, and just a blur. So by the time I got saved, I, it was safe to say that I was not very wise. I did not, I just really did not understand a whole lot of anything about the basics of life. Or, matter of fact, the first thing that needed to happen when I got saved was, I needed to have my mind healed because of the overdosing and stuff like that, that I've been through. And one of the first things that the Lord showed me to do was there's 31 chapters in Proverbs 30, or 31 days in a more 28 days in a month. And what you do is just take one chapter of Proverbs and meditate on it. On the day of the week, if you miss, you know, you've missed the 25th. And it's the 26th. Now you go to Jeff, you could have chapter 26, and you just do that. I did that record faithfully for years. And I would meditate on it. And I would pray and the Lord would give me wisdom for life and understanding. And it changed my life, any young person, any young Christian, that that wants his his wanting to grow up into life, into business, into marriage into anything I super recommend because the wisdom of Solomon, the wisdom of God is in that book. And when you meditate on it on a regular basis like that, it gives you the wisdom that you need. As you know, I went on to have enough wisdom and understanding in my life to You know, have a life and only have a life have a life that really counted and impacted and is still impacting people around the world. And the foundation of that where God started me the book of Proverbs. Wow.

Rick Tarrant:

Yeah, I don't recall being too very wise when I was a young man either. I think we share some commonality and are passed there so. So x hippies it sounds like or hippie wannabes. So shall we start? Let's start. This is day two. So let's just start a new thing. We're going to do it all through February, we're going to do exactly what you said. read. We read Proverbs one yesterday on the first. So today's the second, let's dive into proverbs two, which version of the Bible you're reading from?

Rick Osborne:

I'm going with the ESV today, but I may switch halfway through just to confuse people.

Rick Tarrant:

So that's alright. As long as I can try to follow along, because I'll be reading. So what we're talking about doing is recall, read a few verses, and I'll try to follow along and then follow it with the message and just see how Eugene Peterson what his thoughts on that were.

Rick Osborne:

Okay. How many verses Do you want me to read? And are we going to just go through the whole thing first, and then comment, or is the commentary you got?

Rick Tarrant:

What do you say again? Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. Yes. Thank you for that. Thank you for that reminder. So you read a few verses? And do you want to stop and then I'll pick up the message and we'll go back and forth tag team and then we'll have some comments along the way, if something jumped out that you wanna? Yes. And, and just know we people. Come the top of the hour, we will be gone. So I just want you to know that so. So, get it. get us started with Proverbs chapter two.

Rick Osborne:

Okay, my son if you receive my words, and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom, and inclining your heart to understanding? Yes, if you call out for insight, and raise your voice for understanding. If you seek it like silver, and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

Rick Tarrant:

And in the message, it says, good friend, take to heart what I'm telling you. Collect my counsels and guard them with your life. Tune your ears to the world of wisdom. set your heart on a life of understanding. That's right. If you make insight your priority, and won't take no for an answer, searching for it like a prospect or panning for gold like an adventurer on a treasure hunt. Believe me before you know it, fear of God will be yours, you will have come upon the knowledge of God.

Rick Osborne:

With good stuff. For the Lord gives wisdom from his mouth. From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright. He is a shield to those who walk in integrity, guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity. Every good path for wisdom will come into your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

Rick Tarrant:

In the message and here's why God gives out wisdom free is plain spoken in knowledge and understanding. He's a rich mine of common sense for those who live well. A personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere he keeps his eye on all who live honestly, and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones. So now you can pick out what's true and fair. Find all the good trails. Lady wisdom will be your close friend and brother knowledge your pleasant companion.

Rick Osborne:

Very well written Eugene.

Rick Tarrant:

Oh, he's a lovely, lovely writer.

Rick Osborne:

Discretion will watch over you. understanding will guard you. Oh, I want to preach, deliver. Hold on, hold on. I am delivering you from the way of evil from men of perverted speech, who forsake the paths of righteousness to walk in the ways of darkness, who rejoice in doing evil and delight in the perverseness of evil. men whose pathways are crooked and who are devious in their ways.

Rick Tarrant:

Good sense will scout ahead for danger. Insight will keep an eye out for you. They'll keep you from making wrong turns and following or following the bad directions of those who are lost themselves and can't tell a trail from a tumbleweed these losers who make a game of evil and throw parties to celebrate diversity, traveling paths that go nowhere, wandering in a maze of detours and dead ends.

Rick Osborne:

So, you will be delivered from the Forbidden woman from the adulterous with her smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth and forgets the covenant of her God for her house sings down to death, and her paths to the departed nun who go to her comeback, nor do they again, nor do they regain the paths of life.

Rick Tarrant:

Why his friends will rescue you from the temptress that smooth talking seductress, who's faithless to the husband she married years ago, never gave a second thought to her promises before God, her whole way of life is doomed. Every step she takes brings her closer to Hell, no one who joins her company ever comes back ever sets foot on the path to real living.

Rick Osborne:

So you will walk in the way of the good, and keep to the paths of the righteous, for the upright will inhabit the land, and those with integrity will remain in it. But the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the treacherous will be routed out of it.

Rick Tarrant:

So join the company of good men and women keep your feet on the tried and true paths. It's the men who walked straight who will settle this land, the women with integrity who will last their the corrupt will lose their lives. The dishonest will be gone for good. Bum Bum bum.

Rick Osborne:

Some sound effects need to get clear somewhere.

Rick Tarrant:

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. So this is Proverbs chapter two from ESV. And the message so Mr. Osborn started to get the Happy Feet going there a moment ago. So thank you, thank you for restraining yourself. So what was really jumping off the page at you that you wanted to expand upon?

Rick Osborne:

Well, I mean, all of this

Rick Tarrant:

there's a lot of wisdom especially for a young man here and just let me know man

Rick Osborne:

divided up and you know, distributed afterwards

Rick Tarrant:

I will turn this into Shall we turn this into a 10 hour proverbs Duke? Course? No. Okay. There's an idea there somewhere. Okay, go ahead.

Rick Osborne:

It's it's the Rick and Rick and other Rick and Rick session. Okay, so one of the things that I had on my heart this morning was to go to the verse six, for the Lord gives wisdom, from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Sometimes we get this idea that, you know, you read Proverbs, and you find that pithy that pithy saying, and, you know, you just you grab it, and sort of try and remember it when it's applicable. But the word there gives wisdom takes us back to Kings First Kings, were the writer of the person who wrote most of Proverbs Solomon, you know, God appeared to them in a dream and said, What do you want? And he said, Well, I want wisdom and discernment to lead your people. I'm just a kid at what do I know about these things? And God said, while because you've asked for wisdom and discernment, and not ask for, you know, your victory over your enemies or riches or any of these other things, I will give you wisdom, like no one else I've ever done before. And the word give there is the same word in the Hebrew. He gave Solomon wisdom, He gives wisdom. So Solomon's letting us know that in Proverbs here that God gave him wisdom. That's not just a one time thing. That's an open invitation. And it's not just about seeing them. And then in the New Testament, it talks about us renewing our minds and getting to the place where we're walking in something called that First Corinthians. First Corinthians, one, sorry, 216 says that we have the mind of Christ. So that mind is our thoughts, our will, our emotions, our intellect, everything. So the mind of Christ. Jesus said in Matthew You 1242 He said, You know, people when when Solomon was around, people came from all over the place, the Queen of Sheba came and saw him because of his great wisdom. And he said, there's one greater than Solomon here. So the invitation for us to be given wisdom is actually fulfilled in Christ who is made unto us wisdom. First Corinthians 216, he's made unto us wisdom. So the fact that it's not about just gluing on some principles and going through life, into walls, and then saying, hey, I need some wisdom here and just getting that little drip. It's about him, giving it to us, giving his us His mind, His intellect, these things are fulfilled in Christ. And Solomon, here are the Spirit of God through Solomon shows us that invitation, the one who said heard from God, I give you wisdom, he's saying, I give God gives wisdom. So that means it's on the inside of us, it becomes who we are. So the wisdom that Solon walked in, and even greater wisdom for every area of our lives, is given to us in Christ.

Rick Tarrant:

That's a lot to chew on. So for those of us who have been living in the echoes of the past, and in remembering the, our more unwise seasons of our life that may have led to certain circumstances along the way, and maybe speak negatively to ourselves, I don't know, I'm not talking about anybody I know personally. But, you know, who may say, Hey, you dummy, you know, or you can never figure this out? Or why do you always make all these bad choices? What would be a better? What would be a better use of our spoken word? In light of what you just told us about Christ giving us wisdom?

Rick Osborne:

Well, we need we need to, we need to put in our mouths, what what the Lord would say, we need to renew our mind put his Word in our mouth, because his word cooperates with the wisdom that he gives us. The foundation of the wisdom that he gives us is in His Word. And the application of it is what he's giving to us in that moment. So the more we renew our minds with his word, the more that we walk in the wisdom that He's given us. For instance, down below in this proverb, it talks about the adulterous woman. And you know, Proverbs talks about this, it says that we're supposed to be faithful to the wife of our youth, or the woman to the husband of our youth, right? And it says here that if you've embraced wisdom, you've been given wisdom by God and understanding right discernment, then you will say no, to that to the situation, you'll say no to the wayward woman. Well, we know that if you if you if you're thinking in the old man, and you're thinking thoughts about other women, right, which isn't wise, which isn't loving, which isn't righteous, right? Then when that woman or that opportunity comes is like what? You know, because you've been thinking it in here, the baits already in your brain, right? But when wisdom is part of who you are, and you see in God's word, that it says we're supposed to be satisfied on the what you know, with our wife's body, and everything that she

Rick Tarrant:

drink from your own cistern, my friend,

Rick Osborne:

exactly. So we we take that wisdom, and we understand that we understand that the Bible says that it destroys our life. When we do otherwise. And long term, it's always better to take the relationship that you have, and build it and grow it and love. Well, that becomes what you the way you think. It replaces those other thoughts of other women in your brain. So the wisdom he gives it to you that wisdom, that understanding that discernment, he gives it to you and you become grounded in that. So now when the opportunity comes, it's like no thanks. I understand where that road goes. And I know where the blessing of God is. And that's in the marriage that I have. So you can see it's it's not just in Oh, yes, I know that the Bible says that that's not right. tack on that piece of wisdom and try and live by No, it's him giving you the wisdom, you becoming it in your understanding and your discernment in your thoughts. So you are putting on the mind of Christ. You were putting on his wisdom that he's giving you by reading the Word of God and letting it renew your mind. And in that you get given all of that. Wow.

Rick Tarrant:

And you know, that's kind of it can be difficult to do if you've been feeding your mind with I'm guessing I've never read a romance novel but I'm guessing guessing romance novels would could lead somebody to having thoughts or certainly the movies that we see or even nowadays, just the regular sitcoms you know their lifestyle choices that are now presented as options that according to proverbs are not wise. And so if we're it's like, you know, the old proverb there's there's, there's there's two dogs living inside of your Rick One of them's evil and one of them's good and the one you feed is the one that's gonna win. Right? So it's so which which one are we? Are we feeding on?

Rick Osborne:

Exactly. And what we know that in Christ, we, the old man is actually dead, the old us the old fallen man is dead, died in the waters of baptism nailed to the cross. Right? We agreed with it when we got water baptized, so don't feed the zombies is what you're saying, feed the zombies. What we're doing now is we're putting off the old man, and the echo of the way we learned life. And we're putting on Christ putting on his wisdom, Jesus, this is such an amazing verse, Jesus has been made unto us wisdom. Gang, First Corinthians 216, Jesus has been made unto us wisdom, and other made unto us. In other words, he is our wisdom. Righteousness, he is our righteousness, sanctification, or holiness and the growth of us growing up into that is from him, he's already paid for it. And redemption, full redemption in every single area of our lives. In other words, redeemed to the point like It's like we were never in sin. And when you need to know that, like when we talked about the the adulterous woman, right, that anybody in here who has gone down those roads, or any roads of sin and unwise behavior, the Lord, you're not, you're not condemned, you're not, you know, Proverbs is pretty strong about it, that it will destroy your life. But in Christ Jesus, He that ends with redemption. It always ends with redemption, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. And he always calls us to wisdom, and then his righteousness. And He sanctifies us and he redeems us, no matter where you are, and what you've been through or how many mistakes you've made, you can start again, right now, his he's already died to forgive you for everything that you've done. He died for every sin, past, present, and future, every single one. So already under the blood of Jesus, all you need to do is say, Lord Jesus, forgive me for that. And I know because the Lord spoke to me about this, this this morning, that there's some people in here that feel that you've been disqualified somehow, for walking in the completeness of what God has for you because of past failures, mistakes. I'm not smart enough. Whatever it is, and the Lord specifically wanted me to say, and it might just be for not even people that are here, but people that are listening later, you are not disqualified. What you need to do is start embracing his wisdom, and his righteousness, and let him take you there by grace. And he will take you into sanctification, others transform, you change who you are on the inside and on the outside, and he will redeem every part of your life, no matter what's happened up to this particular point. First Corinthians 216.

Rick Tarrant:

Wow. Well, I'll receive that because, you know, there has been a long, you know, part of my story, but for those tuning into the podcast, who maybe don't, you know, some nearly 20 years ago, I went through a business crash, and it was ultimately my own fault led up to a lot of bad decisions. But let's just say I hit a little help in my failure along the way. And in my mind, it was public and humiliating. I used to produce a, you know, a nationally syndicated radio show, it was actually on in 23 countries. And so it was kind of like I had this, you know, position or level, you know, what I mean, you know, people actually returned my phone calls back then. And then when everything went Smash, you know, it was crash and burn. And I just went into this deep, dark depression. And you know, Lord, where are you in, and I think I wept for a year, honestly. And then after that, it was just, I don't know, just, it was just a long dark night of the soul as some people would call it, but call it but along the way, I thought, I've lost my position. I am no longer qualified. I just ashamed. It was so much rooted in so much past baggage that happened even before that in my life, it just like, you know, hit a point where just not only the facade came crumbling down, but the whole building came crumbling down. And it was I remember, I would wake up in the mornings and go, my, how the mighty have fallen, what shall become of me? And that feeling of disqualification? And then I would also hear an echo of a scripture saying the gifts and the calling are revocable. And if I'm not careful, I'm going to cry. So the gifts and the calling are irrevocable. And as I read that now I realized you know, Paul's talking about the Jews and how Hey, don't get too cocky that God has just grafted you in to his tree because and think that you know, he's cut off those branches never to come back on the gifts and the calling are irrevocable, but always thought. And I'll ask you, does that apply to me? If I was called as a 21 year old man? Did my failure along the way screw me up so bad that God's gone? Say no. Next I'm on I'm gonna call Rick Osborne since Rick Tarrant screwed up so bad.

Rick Osborne:

It doesn't disqualify you. There's one thing consistently and that that disqualifies you in the Word of God. And that is relying on yourself and your own ability for your salvation. When Paul talks about disqualified, disqualification when he talks about, you know, not being able to get you know, if you go past a certain point, or you do these certain sins, you were, you know, in every single case, or let's say, in 80% of those cases, he he is in the rest, he's alert, he's alluding to it, but the context is he's talking about like he did with the Galatians. You know, where they were going, they'd receive the grace of Jesus. They were saved and being saved, being transformed by grace through faith. And they were going back under the law, and thinking they could accomplish it themselves. So in Galatians, the same book, he says, Ricky's the Paul says, The Holy Spirit by Paul says, having begun in the spirit, do you think that you're made perfect, in other words, your salvation, your transformation is, is is fulfilled in the flesh? rhetorical question, How stupid is that? We're brought in by grace, we're transformed by grace. And it's the devil who tells us, Rick, you screwed up so bad, that you can't get back. And as soon as you receive the lie, what you're saying is that your performance is what makes you right with God, what you did or didn't do, not what Jesus did or didn't do, and you've taken yourself back under the law, not of grace. And the Bible says that you fall and we hear this and country songs fallen from grace. And they usually use it in the context of other words, I sinned, fallen from grace in Galatians, doesn't mean that fallen from grace doesn't mean you sinned. It means you started rely on the law and your ability to get yourself transformed, and not on the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's powerful. And you need to remember that everyone who thinks I'm disqualified, because I did or didn't do, if the grace of God got you in, what makes you think that the grace that God doesn't get you through? If the grace of God got you in? What makes you think that your behavior? In other words, okay, say it this way? If what you did didn't get you into the kingdom? That's what Jesus did. Right? What makes you think that what you do or don't do removes you from the kingdom?

Rick Tarrant:

One more time.

Rick Osborne:

If you know that getting into the Kingdom getting saved, right, had nothing to do with what you did or didn't do. It had everything to do with what Jesus Christ our Lord did for you. So what makes you think that anything you do or don't do removes can remove you from the kingdom?

Rick Tarrant:

So in other words, we're not that powerful. Yeah. And he

Rick Osborne:

says, Jesus said, that no one can take you out of he said, It's my father who keeps you and no one can take you out of his hand because no one's more powerful than him. Who is his hand, Jesus. No one can take you out of the hand of God, once you're in Christ. What happens is, in the warning is, is when we start thinking, it's up to us, our ability, our ability to please God, stuff like that. Now, he wants us to be righteous, he's made unto us wisdom and righteousness, but we grow in his righteousness by a gift of God. Philippians 213 says that we can, and 12 and 13 say that we can take our salvation to completion or perfection. Because why? Because he's at work within us. His spirit comes in us. He's at work within us causing us to want to do and do His good pleasure. So we continue like it says in Galatians We got in by grace, we continue to grow by grace, we never stopped to look at ourselves in our performance. We always keep our eyes on Jesus being transformed into His image by His grace. So you've got to be preaching now.

Rick Tarrant:

Not only were just gonna read through the book, chapter of Proverbs, no, that's good. So so if you let me you felt like your words specifically today was for those who feel like they've screwed up and been disqualified. Yes, then let's so I'm, I'm, I'm listening just happened to you know, a friend told me to listen to this podcast. I'm listening to your words today. Man, I've screwed up so bad, you don't even want to know. And I'm humbly coming before the Lord saying, Okay, put me back in the game coach. You talk a lot about doing mashups. And we talk a lot about speaking the word, what would you advise to someone who says, I want to get back on this path? I want to get wisdom again, I want to get back to what I was called to do. And

Rick Osborne:

well, it's it's first of all that prayer, just coming to the Lord and saying, Lord, I messed up. But your Word says that if if I do, I can come to you first, first, John, one, nine, I can come to you and you forgive me. And you cleanse me from all unrighteousness don't forget that part. He didn't say he just forgive you. He said, He cleanse you from the unrighteousness the thoughts, the the the the ways, the things that you've been doing. He's promised to cleanse you your life from them, take you into wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. So start with that prayer and trust him to take that brokenness and that sin out of your life. Jesus said, Who the sunsets free is free indeed. And he was referring to sin, you are free from sin, you don't have to walk under it anymore. Trust Him to take you out. That's the first step. The second step. The second step is start getting into the Word of God and getting into community. And one of that first steps for those listening here might be coming into Rick's group and starting to tune in every day to the podcast to the to the what's happening here, the video podcast, get involved in the group. Rick has a group as well. Start being encouraged by others and start getting the word of God back into your heart, building you up proverbs building you up the wisdom of Jesus building you up renewing your mind. Right? Start growing in Christ. Again, get excited about the fact that he's saying to you right now, step up, son, step up, daughter, I've got amazing things for you, and it's not too late. Start your life new today. Get into his word, get into prayer, get into fellowship, if you can do it here with Rick's group. You know, I'm not saying do this instead of church, if you got a church you could go to that's going to feed you and they understand, go there as well. But tune in to Rick's group and start renewing your mind

Rick Tarrant:

and quit hanging around the you know, the the trail and tumble we'd be the people that know that know the difference between a trail or a tumbleweed.

Rick Osborne:

Yeah, back to Proverbs chapter two. You will automatically not be like those people anymore because you are taking the mind of Christ. And I'm saying those people I'm not separating. There's one group We're all reading with Jesus died for us. All right. So even the people that proverbs talking about are the wicked people. Those are people that he's reaching out to and wants to say to has the same message to them, redeem them as well, no matter where you're at. Jesus is your answer. Because he died not just to forgive your sins, but to transform you and your life.

Rick Tarrant:

So step one, pray, repent, get back on the path to get into community. Is there a third step

Rick Osborne:

in the word, get into the Word, get into community, renew your mind, that community, the purpose for Christian community is to help us to grow in Christ help us to renew the mind, right? That's one of the reasons why I recommend your community rec is because this is what you do here. What's What's the mantra? Go ahead say

Rick Tarrant:

well, let's hear the Australian version

Show intro:

Welcome to the Affirning Words podcast. This is where you're encouraged to talk God stuff stop thinking rot and get a life a better one. heres me mate, Rick, Tarrant. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Rick Tarrant:

So more or or an American that would be speak the word renew your mind transform your life, but I kinda like to quit thinking rot.

Rick Osborne:

Rot Exactly. So is what Robert shows us to do.

Rick Tarrant:

So if I wanted to create a mash up in the area of let's say, Okay, I've been kind of unwise I want to get wise what's I know you teach in this and transform you. But for those who don't know your, your recommended process what what would be at least a beginner's guide to speaking the truth about my mind?

Rick Osborne:

Well start with start with what we talked about today start with Jesus being made into wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. That's in First Corinthians 216. Go to Romans 12 verse one and two, and where it says that you are to present yourself a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Start speaking what the Word of God speaks, what the Word of God says about you, embrace it, and make that the truth. Take the Proverbs, this is a great place to be this month, where Rick goes through the book of Proverbs, take the Proverbs and when it talks about getting wisdom, getting understanding the Lord giving it to you do embrace it, grab the verses out of there that say he's giving you wisdom. And you know, you need to put it in your mouth, you need to speak it, you need to hear it. And and start, start just writing the verses down that speak to you and going to God and saying, you know, exactly the process, that brick says, write it, write it down, go to God, get him to speak to you about it, where he's applying it to your life, he you know, reply to him, let him reply back to you, and start making that journal and start using the word of God to change the way you think, because he's given you the wisdom in Christ. But the way you get from here to there is by getting your self in God's word and in community, so you're changing the way you think, so that you're putting on Christ or putting on the mind of Christ.

Rick Tarrant:

I've often thought of the analogy of a tuning fork, you know, so like, the A note of a tuning fork, the number of cycles is 440 cycles per second, that little tuning fork is vibrating, right. And I've always thought that if that represents the Lord's frequency, and we're, you know, we're down here on a flat, or maybe we're, you know, you know, all the way over on C or D, and we're not even close to God's tuning. But reading and speaking the word begins to dial our, our own frequency, closer to his to get us in alignment with our thinking. And I have found and believe me, I don't have this in the bag. I mean, I can in an instant, you know, some of the echoes can come out of my mouth. But I'm also delighted, like the other day, I was running some errands. And I found myself basically prophesying to myself of who I am in the Lord. And it was like with, with great vigor and energy. And you know what I mean? It was like I was preaching to myself as what I was doing, you know, because I burn,

Rick Osborne:

Isaiah 5921, the Holy Spirit was coming out of your mouth, accompanied by the word, and he was, he was strengthening you in it and showing you his presence in it. That's a new covenant promise, Isaiah 5921 That the Holy Spirit and His Word will never depart out of our mouths.

Rick Tarrant:

Wow. Well, I would like to open up the stage, even though this is that we are recording this as a as a podcast. I, I we have we have some friends in in the Zoom Room. And you know, and Kareem, Kareem open up your microphone and say, Hello. Hello. So Kareem handles our tech and down in Belize, which this is just a miracle in the remote that how, let's see, you're in British Columbia, Rick Osborn, I'm in Memphis, Tennessee, Kareem is in is in Belize. And we have in the Zoom Room. I see Kansas City and London and New Jersey and Colorado and Texas. And it's what an amazing what an incredible time, you know, for all the stuff people say going on in the world is like what an amazing time to be alive. This kind of stuff I could only dream about when I first got into this business of radio starting on that ancient piece of equipment back there. But can I just say they built stuff to last back in the 40s y'all. You're not gonna buy that on But anyway, I digress. But just the amazing opportunity that we have to bring this all together. So that having been said kirim. And as we move forward and figure out what we're doing here, we'll probably have people raise a hand and he'll you know, maybe have some questions in the chat. But today we're just kind of kind of free forming it. But do you want to give us any advice before we take you off screen Corinne is how we should yeah, just just raise your electronic hand as Wally would say. All right, yeah, he's your electronic hand in zoom and those watching on Facebook and YouTube and over talking If you're listening to audio, it's like what are they talking about? Well, just you know, just hang hang with us. Remember, we have a live audience that I see on our screen, Judith, and Vicki. Good morning, ladies, you have one question for Mr. Osborn.


Well, as you were speaking, it dawned on me that couples who lived together for 4030 4050 years really do start to take on physical attributes of their partner, right. And some people even say people in their, their pets, but I'm not going to go there.

Rick Osborne:

You know, whether you want to go into that conversation, not depending on the pet yet, but you got to go with this.


So as he was speaking, I was thinking about that, and people can take on physical attributes, after living with a person, then each day as we as we live and listen to God, so it makes sense that our minds are transformed, and that, that we become more and more like that, because that's, that seems to be our, our nature to acclimate for the ones we love. Right,

Rick Osborne:

perfectly said, perfectly said, and now that we in Christ now that we share his nature, that we share his spirit that his spirit isn't inside of us, that we have the fruit of the Spirit inside of us. The more we read His word, the really the spirit. That's what the Spirit of God is about to it's like, make us. Did you do that? In first Corinthians six, it says that we are one spirit with God. Wow. So yeah, the Spirit of God inside of us is actually tasked with transforming us into the image of Jesus Christ. So exactly what you just said, great metaphor. That's what happens as we agree with that, believe that and read His Word. We are transformed into His image perfectly.

Rick Tarrant:

I see John Umstead. Has a we finished ladies. We're going to Kansas City, Kansas City. Here we come up. Hey, no product placement in the


sorry. You mean, I can't show the bakery. I can't know. Right. And let me get closer so you can't see anything.

Rick Tarrant:

And don't be showing any of these yummy, delicious cookies for your listening. Our friend John Umstead is owner of the yummylicious cookie company up in Kansas City, Missouri. And sometimes he graciously gives away cookies. For those who go into our Facebook group and post live videos and share their words of affirmation and affirming words. So I don't know if that is


graciously, or people graciously offered me to give them away. It works both ways. Which is fine. And sometimes they they purchasing giveaways. So it all works. It's all part of the

Rick Osborne:

you find out how good this this man's cookies are. And you just order them and pay for the

Rick Tarrant:

website and pay for them. Yes, yeah, I've done. I've also given away cookies, maybe a little too generously and realized, Oh, I got a belly up to the bar mon smells.


Tasted and see this is taste and see marketing and see ministry. Yeah.

Rick Tarrant:

Your contribution this morning. Yeah, I


just wanted to hop on and talk a little bit about this process. Having been into it for nearly a year. And you know, Rick, you and I started a year ago, doing this renewing the mind your five step process that you outlined. And it's very simple. But what's what's interesting is that simplicity, it just it builds. It's so powerful over time. And Rick Osborn, when you started to come in and talk about renewing of the mind. And you started to point out those verses that you went that you uncovered, maybe for some people for the first time, I would encourage you if you looked at those verses and go, What? That's a natural reaction. Because it's hidden in plain sight, or we never were shown it or what if for whatever reason, for 20 years as a believer, it was all about my efforts to go farther, to walk better to pray more to fast more, not that those things are incorrect. But my mindset was I needed to do that to get closer to become more righteous. When the reality is is Mr. Osborn attack was, I'm already there. So I would encourage you folks that if this stuff is new to you, write them down and just turn everything else off. Just go get quiet. Get with the Lord. Because I think I can tell you that I am not the same person that I was a year ago, or even nine months ago, or even three months ago. And it's an it's an accelerated process. Because the hardest part about moving, you know, what is it Newton's second law, a body that's in motion tends to stay in motion, a body that's at rest tends to stay at rest. In the natural, like, when we start first start working out, we ache, you know, and I'm getting back into working out again. And so those first few times like, this is really, but then once you start to do it, you get energy from it. And the same goes for my first spiritual life where it's like, Oh, I'm gonna grind through this. It seems like a toil. But it's not. We're just setting that groundwork. We're killing that spiritual soil. And when those seeds that Rick has just planted in you, right now, when they start to grow it, it's like bamboo. It is like gross three feet a day. Right? And so I come as a testimony to this process to what Rick, Rick Osborne and Rick Tarrant are offering here, just do it.

Rick Tarrant:

to coin a phrase, just do it. Yeah, as you were saying that about Rick planting the seeds, you know, I'm thinking of that parable, which is often come to mind over the last 20 years of my, you know, however many years in the wilderness, it's been, you know, I had a word someone had spoken to me that I had to go through something bad. And then I would find out what it is to help show other people how to drive away the birds. And I've often looked at that proverb where the birds are the story that Jesus told her that he this, this, the seed was sown, the seed represented the word, and immediately the birds come, and they devour those seeds. They don't even have a chance. And I've often pondered what does that mean, Lord did drive away the word, the birds, and I do believe that you drive them away with the truth, just like Jesus did when he was tempted in the wilderness. And he spoke Deuteronomy, primarily to, that we know about, you know, he might have spent 40 days quoting scripture to him, you know, but we know that he quoted out of Deuteronomy and said, you know, Thou shalt not live by bread alone, and shall not tempt the Lord thy God. And that's how we drive away the birds. When that word comes coming out of our mouth when we are tempted or tempted to go into despair, or make an unwise decision, go, No, speak it, drive that bird away, and then be armed for the next battle. That's what I think.


And I do want to before I forget, I, I really did enjoy Mr. Osborn having to continue to read I could see him going he can do it.

Rick Tarrant:

I see one more hand and this will have to be our last question before we

Rick Osborne:

walk in commentary, John, but it's good to know that you you you are a bamboo. Christian. Good to know that John.

Rick Tarrant:

Yeah, he didn't let those he didn't let those seeds get plucked up. So yes. Lonnie, and Colorado. Okay, how much snow Do you have? As we're recording this podcast? It is February 2022. You got snow?


Yes, a lot.

Rick Tarrant:

You don't seem too excited about


it. Well, I was outside shoveling, oh, no more. And I kind of blew it this morning. I put those cleats on my husband shoes so that he wouldn't slip and fall and I had him on my own shoes already. Well, I went outside and lasted 15 minutes for my fingers got cold, but then I went back out there and he wanted to move the cars across the street. He's working on that house. Um, it's gonna be an Airbnb, so nobody's there. So there's six unlike I'm yelling at him because he can't hear me and I'm like, Why do you want me to park here? If it hasn't been shoveled? I've got to get stuck. He's like me. He knows my car. I mean, it's like I get stuck. Six inches of snow. So I pull in there. And then he yells at me. You did you leave me enough room and I'm like, You want me to go further down? Anyway,

Rick Tarrant:

do you have a question about wisdom?


Well, the wisdom wasn't coming was it?

Rick Tarrant:

But I do. I do have some wisdom for you. You can do like a friend of mine posted yesterday. He said I'm offering free up in Ohio. I'm offering free free this week only free snow shoveling tips. In fact, I've got classes going on. All you have to do is bring your own shovel and I will be happy to teach you how to properly shovel driveways. And so I think you should open that up and now you're an entrepreneur and you know, I'm sure you'll have a back end offer. But now your question. Okay, your question and we'll wrap this up this


way. Anyway, I just, I just, I just mapped under my breath wasn't, I was inside the car, and then I immediately repented. And then I came back. And I got online with you guys. And I hadn't. I was like, worried something bothered my spirit. So I went outside and he had fallen behind because he took those cleats off his shoes, and I couldn't resist. I couldn't resist. I'm like, Why did you take those cleats off?

Rick Tarrant:

So you weren't

Rick Osborne:

affirming? So here's, here's Leilani, congratulations that you you felt the Spirit of God right away when you took the wrong direction with expressing your love to your husband, gay. Congratulations that you realized that. Like it says in Philippians grumbling and quarreling, even if you're just doing one side of the quarreling, you're starting it is not what we do as Christians, you acknowledge that? Awesome. What happens? This is a perfect example what happens with wisdom and we first start renewing our mind. Right? We understand, right? And so the Spirit of God starts to show us what we're saying and or not saying, right? And then we correct our behavior. We go out and check we say I'm sorry, we, but get the word coming out of your mouth and saying, This is not who I am. Who I am is loving, patient kind, understanding, gentle, okay, so as you're saying those things, your mind is being renewed and Lolani, you eventually get to the place where you won't even think about saying those things, because it's not who you are anymore. But in the meantime, there's a process of trans, renewing your mind, where you're taking the Scripture, putting it in your mouth, and saying, This is who I am. The old Lolani is dead. Like I said in a class last night, I said, you know, take the old man, kick him in the head, remind him he's dead.

Rick Tarrant:

Because born the rapper, the big O, yo, yo, yo,

Rick Osborne:

oh, thank you for that example. That's perfect. That's how we grow in it. We start and it's a little bit it's a little bit stilted to start with, but as we do it, the more we do it. Next thing you know, our spouses are going you everything you say to me. What's with you?

Rick Tarrant:

I like it, washing him in the word. That's what it sounds

Rick Osborne:

like. Bonnie, thanks for your thanks a lot. Thanks for your story, your illustration perfectly illustrated.

Rick Tarrant:

Oh, before I forget, let me remind listeners to the podcast or on YouTube, if you'd like to join this crazy little tribe, just go to affirming And fill out the little form, give us a couple of details about your, you know, no social security number, nothing like that. But you can find out what we're talking about. As far as the affirming words of abundance community or a wa as it's been called, or as my wife likes to say, Allah Wa, which I hate. But anyway,

Rick Osborne:

a lot of it's a podcast that's live, it's interactive and has a community that interact

Rick Tarrant:

podcast so that's one of my commitments is or I'm, I'm praying Lord, no post production is like what What You See Is What You Get, hit the end, put it out there and let the chips fall where they may, as they say, so thank you for coming on. Mr. Osborn, you I will also we you will hear us mention a lot in this podcast. And also in this group, something called the renew your mind masters class, which Rick came alongside several months ago and, and helped us do. And I'm sure we'll be offering that to you at some point before, before the month is out. But I want to thank you for coming alongside to do that and for coming on today. And most of all, for being committed to seeing us not just be hearers of the word but doers also and encouraging us and maybe even chiding us along the way to not stay where we are. But to keep on moving and maturing even though you would think by now. We would be as materials one could get. I have proven otherwise. So I'm still on the maturing process. So thank you for showing us the way.

Rick Osborne:

Amen. Even Paul Rex even Paul said, when he was talking about pressing on towards the mark of the high calling the Christ Jesus, which is his image, even Paul at the end of his time, he said haven't got there quite yet. So he was still pressing on, pressing on towards that mark. So we will always be pressing on so never never get discouraged about where you're at. Just keep on moving. Just like Lolani, keep on moving, keep on moving, keep on moving. And I want to say thank you, Rick for having me on. I always I love you. I love this community. I love the people in here. Man, I just got to say, this is a great place to be anybody who's hearing this. Go Go to the link, and join up and you're going to be hooked. I'm just telling you love being here, Rick, thanks for inviting me again.

Rick Tarrant:

So run the race, as Martin Luther King said, Run. And if you can't run, lock, if you can't walk, crawl, but keep moving. Keep moving, God will honor that step. I know that I know it with all my heart, he will breathe a wind into your wings. And just keep moving. He will honor whatever little step of faith we can bring. In fact, years ago when I first heard the Lord's voice in a church service, and in not from a sermon point of view, a lady said to the pastor, I feel like I have a word for somebody about business, the Lord saying, if you'll take the first step, I'll take the next steps. And I believe that was for me, I took a step. And that led to like a 20 plus year, business and career and it was like, wow, so I've seen that happen. So just take a step and keep moving. Alright, I will leave you with this. And if you're in the live audience, join us again tomorrow, same bat time, same bat station, which is 10 o'clock Elvis time, I'm sorry, central time, which is 11. Eastern 4pm. London. I don't know where it is in British Columbia. Oh, it's who knows 8am. So if you want to join us in the live audience, go to affirming And we can give you some information about that. I'll also send you the video of the five steps a PDF of the five step process. And we probably have some other goodies in the Facebook group but gotta go to go register first. Okay, so I'll leave you with this. Speak the word renew your mind, transform your life. Or as I like, I like the way Danny says it down in Australia.

Show intro:

welcome to the Affirming Words podcast. This is where you're encouraged to talk God stuff. Stop thinking rot and get a life a better one. He's me Mike, Rick Tarrant. Sorry I couldn't help myself.