Affirming Words Podcast
Affirming Words Podcast
Proverbs 7 - Bill Scott / Vidare Creative
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Proverbs 7 provides us with life’s road map and clear boundaries for living. Listen to the encouraging discussion between our host, Rick Tarrant and guest, Bill Scott. Bill has been in the radio industry for 40 years. Currently he is the Chief Client officer at Vidare Creative in Nashville.
Have you ever been in a dark/tough place? It’s like trying to fight your way out of a wet paper bag! Bill gives us a couple of suggestions on how to get out of tough situations. First, get into the Word, when you bring it into the light, it will be alright. Second, have a close community of people that can speak into your life. If you walk alone, you die alone due to the hardship. Know that God is the One who restores the wounded heart.
Welcome to the affirming words podcast, where you're encouraged to speak the word, renew your mind and transform your life. Here's your host, Rick Tarrant.
Rick Tarrant:Well, good morning. Well, at least it's it's morning in Memphis, as we are recording this. And so good morning to you, but it may good, be good afternoon. It could be good evening, wherever in the world. You are welcome to the affirming words of abundance group, we're calling it the returning what we've been doing for a year in Facebook, into a podcast even though I've never liked that word podcast. You know, I come from radio. So you know, to me, what's, what's a pod anyway? I mean, if you're listening on this, it's an iPad. Why don't we call it a podcast. But I digress. That's a, that's a that's a swimming upstream battle that I'm never going to win. So welcome to affirming words. To give you a little background, we are taking this live stream, and we're turning it into a podcast. And we are all about speaking the Word and renewing our mind and transforming our life. And one of the very first I believe from day one, in February of 2021. This gentleman came and joined the group. And that's Jon Umsted, of yummylicious. Jon, would you open us this morning?
Jon Umsted:Yeah, thank you, Rick, I will do that. When we come to you today, we set aside this time. And thank you for gathering us from around the globe, from our vast different experiences, Lord, but we are united around you. And I pray, Lord, that this prayer of unity would draw us together today and in the days to come. And I pray for this, your revelation to flow forth. And I thank you for the platform that you have given Rick and how he stewards that continue to lead him and guide you are their hearts be open to hear what you have for us today. We'd love you, Jesus. It's in your mighty name, your power and authority that we pray. Amen.
Rick Tarrant:Thank you, Jon. And let me welcome and introduce you to my friend, Bill Scott. And, Bill, I've already forgotten how to pronounce the name of your company, but dar the Vidar Creative? Did I get it? Right?
Bill Scott:Pretty close. Pretty close. I'll give you one here. I'm honored to be here. Yes, the dare the dare, okay, and the meaning of the dare just to advance
Rick Tarrant:To advance I like that. Advancement and acceleration are our two themes that I'm kind of partial to right now. So I have known Bill for I think I said in a letter I sent out last night probably more decades than either of us would really want to admit in public. But I think Bill was 12 and I might have been 19 Maybe Maybe it was something like that. So it was just a minute ago. But my background for a couple of decades was producing productions for Christian music, radio stations. And back in the 80s. There just weren't that many. And I met Bill at one of those radio stations down in Lakeland, Florida, WC I II, I believe it was an outreach of the Assembly of God church there in Lakeland if memory serves, and so we've kind of our lives have sort of interwoven from from time to time and we have that that that commonality So, but you're not at a Christian radio station now. Now it's more like you're like 500 radio stations. Can you tell us a little bit about what you do before we jump into the Proverbs for today that they're the dare? Or yeah, or do I dare ask
Bill Scott:you to now right? Instead of just being on Christian radio, I help fun Christian radio. So vedera is a fundraising company that comes alongside not for profit Christian radio stations and we help them raise their budget for the year and so it's stations I've worked for Wow My goodness over the last 17 years from New Zealand Australia, the UK, Canada and the US so it's really I love it because I believe in Christian radio and it's a great way to help them further their ministry thus the name for dare to advance
Rick Tarrant:to advance I like that I like that. Yeah, when we got into it there wasn't you know, Christian radio in my mind meant 15 minute preaching programs right you know that were sold for you know, we just say $1 a holler kind of a thing and then if there was any unsold time the management might let the young disc jockey such as yourself for me play a few minutes of well I don't know Amy Grant are one of those cutting edge artists like Michael W. Smith, you know, and for us back then, you know, if there was a searing lead guitar in there, you know, the the owner's wife would go in there with a yellow China pencil and, and scratch through the the the grooves on the record, so you couldn't say you couldn't play that devil music you know, so
Bill Scott:it's true. My mom used to put nail polish on my Christian albums on the cuts that were too rocky so she Putting nail polish will try to play an entire album and they all sound like oh, that must be a really good song, actually. But she did that on a couple Amy Grant
Rick Tarrant:albums. Oh, that must have been with DeGarmo and key backing her up in
Bill Scott:probably. There's a guitar solo got the nail polish.
Rick Tarrant:Oh, funny. Funny Funny. Well, speaking of DeGarmo& Key, Ed DeGarmo is going to be a guest on affirming words in about two weeks. On this very stage, good lord willing and the creek don't rise. Well, before we have further conversation. Shall we jump into Proverbs. I want to kind of keep that front and center of what we're doing this month in our affirming wisdom. And it's the as we record this, it's the seventh. So I've got the New King James, I believe Bill has the message. So Bill, how about if we just go back and forth and I'll start with the translation and let you follow up with the paraphrase ation. And I'll just read a few verses and then let you take over and we'll just kind of whenever you start like a winner. Yeah, vice versa. We're just we're just playing this by ear, y'all. Alrighty, alrighty. Proverbs chapter seven, my son. Keep my words and treasure my commands within you. Keep my commands and live in my law as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers. Write them on the tablet of your heart. Say to wisdom you are my sister and call understanding your nearest kin. That they may keep you from the immoral woman from the seductress who flatters with her words.
Bill Scott:Want me to pick up at six here?
Rick Tarrant:Yeah, no, no or just repeat that now just because it's so yeah, I can
Bill Scott:quite different in the message quite different. Yeah. Dear friend, do what I tell you treasure, my careful instructions. Do what I say and you will live well. My teaching is as precious as your eyesight guarded. Write it out on the back of your hands. etching on the chambers of your heart. Talk to wisdom as to a sister treat inside as your companion. They'll be with you to fend off the temptress that smooth talking honey tongued seductress.
Rick Tarrant:The heading in the New King James says the Crafty harlot. For at the window of my house, I looked through my lattice and saw among the simple I perceived among the youths, a young man devoid of understanding, passing along the street near her corner, and he took the path to her house in the twilight in the evening, in the black and dark night. And there a woman met him with the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart. She was loud and rebellious, her feet would not stay at home. At times she was outside. At times, she was in the open square, lurking at every corner.
Bill Scott:As I stood at the window of my house, looking out through the shutters, watching the mindless crowds stroll by I spotted a young man without any sense, arriving at the corner of the street where she lived. Then turning up to the path of her house, it was dusk, the evening coming on, the darkness thickening and tonight, just then, a woman met him. She'd been lying in wait for him. Dressed to seduce him brazen and brash. She was restless and roaming, never at home, walking the streets loading in the mall, hanging out at every corner in town.
Rick Tarrant:So she caught him and kissed him with an infinite face. She said to him, I have peace offerings with me. Today I've paid my vows. So I came out to meet you diligently to seek your face. And I have found you. I have spread my bed with tapestry colored coverings of Egyptian linen. I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love until morning. Let us delight ourselves with love. For my husband is not at home. He has gone on a long journey. He has taken a bag of money with him and will come home on the appointed day.
Bill Scott:She threw her arms around him and kissed him boldly took his arm and said, I've got all the makings for a feast. Today I made my offerings. My vows are all paid. So now I've come to find you hoping to catch sight of your face. And here you are. I've spread fresh clean sheets on my bed. Colorful importing linens. My bed is Romick with spices and exotic fragrances. Come Let's Make Love all night spend the night and a static lovemaking. My husband's not home he's away on business and he won't be back for a month.
Rick Tarrant:With her enticing speech she caused him to yield with her flattering lips she seduced him. Immediately he went after her as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stalks till an arrow struck his liver as a bird hastens to the snare. He did not know. It would cost him his life.
Bill Scott:Soon she was. Soon she has him eating out of her hand bewitched by her honey speech. Before you know it, she's trotting behind her. He's trotting behind her, like a calf led to the butcher shop, like a stag Lord into ambush, ambush, and then shot with an arrow like a bird flying into a net not knowing that it's flying. Life is over.
Rick Tarrant:Now, therefore, listen to me, my children, pay attention to the words of my mouth. Do not let your heart turn aside to her ways do not stray into her paths, for she has cast down many wounded, and all who were slain by her were strong men. Her house is the way to hell, descending to the chambers of death.
Bill Scott:So friends, listen to me. Take these words of mine most seriously. Don't fool around with a woman like that don't even stroll through her neighborhood. countless victims come under her spell. She's the death of many a poor man. She runs a halfway house to hell fit you out with a shrouded with a shroud and a coffin.
Rick Tarrant:This is the word of the Lord. Thanks. This was very intense. You know, I think Eugene Peterson was a songwriter Because oftentimes, when I hear a verse that I hear a song, like don't Don't fool around with a woman like that there's a song in there. Don't fool around with a woman like that. I hear a little Kenny Chesney thing going on there. Yeah. So yeah, that is pretty intense. And honestly, that is, this is a subject matter that I'm never comfortable even talking about. And we don't have to we read the proverb, we can talk about whatever we want. But you and I were both young men once upon a time, you like I said, I met you a WCI. You are a very young man. All dapper in your little tie. I never saw disc jockeys wearing ties until I went to Christian radio stations. But how did you navigate as a young man and wisdom? These these waters? Because it's I think it would be rare to find the man who has not faced temptation in this way. So Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, not just young men. Can I say? Yeah, that's true.
Bill Scott:Just I think anybody, man or woman, if we're not careful with our boundaries, could be sucked into places that we never intended to go. And you know, the one thing about Satan is he is very patient. And so he waits for that right time, he waits for a time that you're not like, at your best, not the strongest, because maybe things are going on in life. And then he brings in some of those temptations, and it could be this it could be anything else because you find people and when they're in a world of hurt begin to self medicate. I think that's a natural thing, you're hurting, you want the pain to stop and you start desperately trying to medicate yourself. And, and Proverbs, it would be something like this. But it could be anything else could be alcohol, or drugs, or anything that would become an addiction. And so I think, in advance, it's good to have those boundaries, that roadmap. So when the tough times do come, you know, where you're not going. And, you know, I think in this Proverbs, it's very clear that this leads to death. And may not be death physically, although it could be it has been for some, but it could just even be death of a marriage relationship, even your emotions and who you are as an individual, it could really put a stake through your heart.
Rick Tarrant:You know, I was meditating this morning on the forgiveness of God. And how we are forgiven. We are redeemed, we are restored. But yet, it's still important that we read this book of Proverbs. You know, I know some people have said all that stuff was nailed on the cross just kind of ignored. I, as I read the words of presumably Solomon saying, listen, listen to me, pay attention to me. You don't want to go down this path. It sounds like the voice of somebody who maybe has some experience. I've seen what this can do. And I remember I used to really enjoy Jim Rohn. When he was alive, motivational speaker, they called him a business philosopher. And he agreed he would preach out of Proverbs without actually doing it. But one day he was talking about proverbs and he said no, when you when you when you read this ancient book, I think that's how we refer to Do it, you know, in front of a mainstream audience, in the ancient writings, he says there there are, there are warnings. And there are examples. And all through Proverbs, you see the example. And you see the warning. And he said, if they should ever add an extra chapter with your life in it, Bill, make sure it's an example and not a warning. And I feel like I've done enough stuff that that I could probably at least fill up half a chapter of Proverbs with the, with a lot of warnings, and I'm sure you could come with the example of how I how I should have behaved. But it's to me, it's like, that's the importance of the word and why we should spend time there. And in affirming words, we talk about speaking it out loud, so that it becomes a part of you, and it gets into your head and into your heart. And, and your mind is renewed in the process. Because like you were saying, sometimes we go through some, some deep, dark stuff. And it would be easy to get off the path if it was not a part of us. So I'm just, I'm just, I know, and I don't want to go somewhere. You don't want to go in this conversation. Right. But I do know, you've been through some tough stuff. How did you navigate? How did you?
Unknown:How did Yeah, well,
Rick Tarrant:how did you get out of the dark?
Bill Scott:Yeah, you know, it's pretty tough when you when you get into a dark place, that's, that's really a tough place to get out of, I don't know if you've ever been there or not. But I have. And it's like trying to fight your way out of a wet paper bag. And I think, you know, there's two things. I know, that helped me, but it would help anybody get out of those situations. One is being in the word, because the word is healing. The word restores it almost be like if you had cancer, and yet you're unwilling to go to the doctor and trying to figure out how do I treat this? Well, it's the same thing, you're wounded, you're hurt. And it's God's word that's gonna put you back on that path to recovery, because God restores, that's the gospel is restoring us, right. But I think just as powerful is having people that you walk life with, because if you don't have a group of folks, and it doesn't have to be a lot could be one could be two could be three. If you don't have that, well, I tell men's group that I do. If you walk alone, you die alone. Because at some point, hardship is going to find you whether you have done something that was not so smart. Or life just happens. For me, it was last last May, my wife decided she didn't want to be married, I had no clue literally went to lunch came home, she was gone. I've never sat down and talked to her since I just was an absolute shock. And you know, those are one of those times, that puts you in a very dark place real quick. But thank the Lord, I had about eight guys that I was doing Bible studies with every Thursday. And of course, they showed up at the house instantly. Man, they brought me meals, they took me out, they encouraged me because I would say the first four months was pretty, pretty black, pretty dark. And they just didn't want to see me go someplace that would be dumb, which is very easy to do when you're hurting. You know, people aren't dumb, but when you process something through hurt, it always comes out distorted. And so they knew I was not at a place to make good decisions. And, you know, so having them walk with me, I think just really saved my life. So I stayed on track and didn't go this way or that way and even caused more harm to what was already going on in my life. And so I've had those men walk with me over the last nine months. And I'm just telling you, I told them the other day I said I don't know where I would be today. If it wasn't for the fact that I was walking with good men. And so I would encourage you to make sure that you have one or two people, three people in your life that can come to your aid when when times hit hard. Great example, have an employee. It was the Monday after Thanksgiving. So just a few months ago, I was trying to find her couldn't find her and then I found out she found her daughter deceased, who was 26 years old. She'd been trying to find her cut to the apartment and her daughter was gone. I have no idea why. But I can tell you it's been a very difficult time. That's something she never saw coming. She didn't do anything wrong. It just life happens right? And she's had good people walking alongside her and it's been very difficult still very difficult for her But because she's got good people walking alongside of her, they're holding her up. So the time she claps, they pull her back up, and they speak into their life. So I think reading the Word is always a big deal that that that is your strength on the inside. And then having good people to walk with you, when the hard times come could be the death of a loved one could just, it could be anything, Life is not easy. I can see the age of most of the people on here. And you have lived a few decades. And so I think everybody would agree. There's times that life just absolutely is hard.
Rick Tarrant:My guest today on Affirming Words is Bill Scott from Vidare Creative over in the Nashville, Tennessee, I got it right that time, right? You did. And for those who don't know, maybe listening on the podcast, we have a live Zoom Room, the VIP backstage, if you will. And one of these days, I'll come up with the right name for this. And if you're interested in joining us in that go to affirming wisdom.com. I should do all this stuff at the beginning, Bill. But you know, that's now that I've been out of radio for years, I forget some of the, you know, the finer points of the what do we call them the programming elements, if you will, so it ain't radio. But you bring up something that so far I think every guest this month has brought up and Frank Reed did on on Friday, as we were I was broadcasting from a truck in a Starbucks parking lot, you know, without any power here at the studio. But he talked about when he went through a dark time after somebody betrayed him and actually stolen from from
Bill Scott:him. Yeah, that wasn't that long ago, just literally like three years ago, I think.
Rick Tarrant:No. And he was just saying how he immediately he went and called three couples that they were close to and just said hell yeah. And and then got the counseling he needed. And then, you know, the time and the word and the prayer and just he he got he got diligent about getting healed. Yeah, he it's like he went after it. My friend, Chris work who beat cancer as as some years ago, talks about how he would just he took massive action, and he encourages people that are walking down that dark trail to take massive action on behalf of your own nutrition and your own health. Right. Well, Frank took massive action to get his spiritual health back after just running into a Mack truck. And and I reiterate that that was the biggest mistake I made when I went through my crash and burn some 18 years ago was I isolated myself, because I'm filming this public shame. I thought I was embarrassed. You know. And then in a recent conversation with Bill here, he says, Rick, we didn't even really know what was going on. And I'm like, Oh, don't tell me that. You mean, I went off into a dark dark place and, and hid away and, and nobody even knew or cared and that that really, it's not that they didn't care. But you know, we we psych ourselves out and we let the enemy whisper and those voices come in. And we're not. That's why we have to as my friend Lenny John says, We have to fight voice with voice. Yeah. So you hear that negative voice, the whisper that comes in the accuser, the liar who wants to know where the gun is, you know what to do with it is like, that's why we need to get back in here. And I And let me just go over the process that we've been doing for the last year bill, and that is taking a verse of Scripture. Now, not a chapter, not a book, a verse, sometimes it could just be a word, but a verse of Scripture and write it down. In a journal, I think I've filled up five or six of these in the last year. And, and then turn that verse into an affirmation. And then speak that out loud. And I even some days, do it into the mirror, you know, when I really need to remind myself when I wake up, fearful, or I have anxiety and I, you know, I have here I am a grown man. And I have to say, God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and have a sound mind. I have the spirit of power and of love and a sound mind. So stop acting this way, Rick, you know, and just have to talk to myself, like David did throughout Psalms. So as an example, I'd like to read what I wrote this morning, which was it started in the in the seventh chapter of Proverbs. But as I pondered the opening, exhortation, it was like, I'm not going down this path. And whatever dark paths I've gone down before I have been forgiven of. Yeah, and that was my starting point. And as I was reading in Proverbs, I just remembered that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. So I looked that up in Second Corinthians five, and went to verse 17, where it says, If anyone is in Christ Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. And so that's me. Right? That's you. And my affirmation this morning, which I repeat three times. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, the old is gone, the new has come. All of God's promises for me are yes and amen. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, the oldest gone, the new has come. All of God's promises for me are yes, and amen. A third time, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, the old is gone. The new has come. All of God's promises for me, are yes, and amen. And then I encourage you to get quiet and listen, and do you hear the Holy Spirit speaking. And if so write it down. And this is what I felt like I was hearing this morning, your past was forgotten. As soon as you came into the fold, I robbed you in my righteousness, I redeemed reconciled and restored you to My Kingdom. Go in confidence that I am making your way straight. I am leading, I am directing your steps. I am keeping you from evil. My Promised Land promises are every bit as much for you as they were for the children of Israel more so in fact, as they did not have access to the reconciliation of my son. And then I journaled some more, but I'll leave it at that, and going through this process has caused for me in the last year bill to feel like I hear more clearly. And some days I'll open up my journal from the last several weeks or months ago, I forgot, you know, his like, little word of instruction, a little direction, you know, an idea, and just an affirmation that I am a new creation. And it's no longer i that live, but Christ in me. So if it's Christ living in me, I don't have to struggle. I don't have to strain. I don't have to be a good boy. You know, I just walk in the natural tenant now natural, we say, well, that's unnatural. Well, it's unnatural for the old man. It's should be natural for us as new create creations, and I'm doing all the talking bills. So I need to I need to I need to breathe a question in here or a comment from you just this process of Yeah, no, I have a process that you go through. Yeah, I
Bill Scott:think the process is good. And I like to hang on to different verses as well. And, you know, I think you read it the first time. And it may make sense. But I think rereading it, like you were just talking about really gets it into our spirit, because we have to reprogram our mind. And so we're not thinking this, but we're thinking No, I am forgiven. We're not thinking I'm doomed. But no, there's grace, and but we've got to be able to receive that. And I think sometimes when we read it, it's eye opening, but I'm not so certain it's made its way into our heart and our brains. And so I think over and over again. And, you know, one verse I love and it's found in the message found in Psalm 5117, his heart shattered lives ready for love. Don't for a moment escaped God's notice. And I had to reread that a number of times because I was at a point where somebody asked how my heart was doing. I said, I don't have one. It's like in a million different pieces. And then you read that that heart shattered lives don't for a moment escaped God's notice. Okay, so that tells me a couple of different things. One, God notices that I've just been destroyed. But he cares, right? He cares about it. He's crazy about me. And it says, you know, for a moment, not even for a moment, does it escape his notice? And God is very detailed. Why? Because He's crazy about us. And so that just sort of made me feel like, okay, God's got this. But I have to read that over and over again, especially when the doubts comes like No, God knows what's going on. God's repairing and putting my heart back together piece by piece. And this is not gone. Like unnoticed by God. He knows exactly what's going on. So I just thought, yeah, what you're saying is just great. And those are the things that change our lives because it gets us to think in a different way. You know, Satan wants to think get us to think one. First of all, we're the only ones struggling and that nobody out there is having challenges or hurting is totally bogus. But if you go into hiding, or you isolate yourself, like Rick, you said you did many years ago, for way too long. You're only hearing the voice of Satan. And it's you're alone. You're an embarrassment, you shouldn't show your face when really, the other side was not that many people were thinking about it. But Satan is a liar. And he's just there to destroy you. He's gonna hop on top of the hurt and even make it that much more. And so that's why it's so important to have those people round to go, Hey, Rick, really, nobody's thinking much about this. That's truth. And also be it in the word hearing, even if they did. You know, God can rebuild, God still restores, he's going to give you the strength. And he's going to bring about true righteousness. And even in the midst of that, reminding you that you need to forgive. And that's hard when you feel like somebody is just totally ripped your guts out, for no reason. And we need to be reminded the power of forgiveness, not for them for us. You know, cuz God talks about if we're not willing to forgive, neither is he though, that's, we don't we sort of gloss over that. But I was telling somebody the other day, they had something they really need to forgive, I said, you're not doing it for them, you're doing it for you. You're doing it because God wants to repair your heart. And as you release them, doesn't mean you trust them. You go into relationship with again, you're giving up your right to get even, that's basically it and saying, God, I, I'm just going to trust you to handle this in the way that you see fit. And then you move on with your life. And man, when you can finally do that you begin to heal. But it all comes back. Like you're saying, right, being in the Word, and making sure people are speaking into your life.
Rick Tarrant:One of those people was a gentleman named Chuck Finney, he's a radio consultant in the Christian radio came from, you know, top 40 radio came into Christian radio. And back during those early days of my darkness, he sent me a book, I can't remember the gentleman's name, I think his last name was Kendrick, he's a theologian. And he had written a book on forgiveness. And reading, reading through that, I remember I had to come to a point I have forgiving, you know, my, the, the, you know, my, my betrayer. And then I had to, I felt like I had to forgive God, because it was like I was, I was so mad at him, why did you let this happen to me, you know, and then Darnit. Number three, I had to, at some point come to a point of forgiving me, because I was the one I was really mad at. Because I was the one that was not using wisdom. I was the one that you know that that's the way I was interpreting things. And then as I say all that it's like, how much more beneficial would it have been if I had gone through this process of speaking this truth over me, you know what I mean? Taking my information and speaking it out loud, and looking myself in the mirror until it got deep down and renewed my my mind and my heart. So that's years ago, I had a word that said I had to go through this in order to show others how to drive away the birds. And I pondered that for years, Lord, the birds? Well, they're the ones that come to steal the word that is planted. They're the ones in the parable that Jesus talks about, they come and they, they steal the word, they steal the seed before it even has a chance to sprout and take root. If they if they will, they'll they'll get it even then, and if not, then they'll throw some cares of the world into the mix to come. Come check it out. And for me, this has been the process of driving away those birds when they come with the, the negative the negative chatter, you know, to go squawking around your head, marine, I was like, in the name of Jesus, just speak the word over Him and praise and worship and time in the Word. It's like, it's a powerful mixture, but basically getting out of your head. I think that's, I think that's good. Let's look that echoes of the old man die, take, you know, the Paul talks about putting on Christ. And so we got to take off the old man and put on Christ. And, you know, I think for me, it's a daily, it's a daily, it's a daily wardrobe change. You know,
Bill Scott:what it is, I mean, every every day is a new day, you know, look today may be highly successful for you tomorrow, you may actually drive your head into a wall because you make a bad decision. But the good news is, God forgives and he restores, and we can get back up and give it another shot. And you're not alone. You're not alone. Today, if you're hurting. You're not alone. Today, if you're struggling with sin, you're not alone. You're just not alone. Everybody is struggling with something. It just, unfortunately, unless you've got a small group, nobody's talking about it. You know, it's funny, we all go to a hospital church on Sunday, but we pretend like we're all healthy. Right? You know, almost be like going to the ER and the nurse comes in what's wrong? Oh, I'm fine, man. I'm feeling good top of my game, but we're all sitting in the ER, there's got to be a reason I'm blessed and highly favored. Yeah, well, you know, and that may be true, but that doesn't mean that life doesn't suck at times. And I think if we were all honest, what we were going through, at least in a small group, we wouldn't feel alone and there's power and I used to have a friend of mine. When you bring it out into the light it's going to be alright. It just so often we never bring it out into the light For just a few people to see. And so I would just again, I just keep banging the drum, you've got to have a few people that you're walking life with. So you know, you're not alone. I have guys come over on Thursday. And it's interesting. It's musicians and radio, guys. So it's a very weird group. Trust me, you get all those creative types together. It's just a very weird group. But you know what I have learned. And there's probably probably about 20 of us that rotate in and out, because a lot of these guys are touring. So we probably have about eight or nine on a Thursday night, everybody's going through something. And we've now found a safe place where we can all be honest. And we're sharing what's going on in our lives. And there's a lot of freedom in that. And there's healing in that when we start talking about what we're facing. And we get others that are willing to pray for us. So again, it doesn't have to be a lot of people, I don't get on the radio and share the fact that my wife left me last May. I have never done that, and may never do that. Matter of fact, this is probably the only place I've ever really shared it with just absolute strangers. But the reason I do it, I just don't want you think that you're alone. You know, your spouse may not leave you but there's other things that could still disrupt your life. And you're just not alone. Life is difficult, but God is good.
Rick Tarrant:That's one of the things I have appreciated about this affirming words of abundance group or as some call it, the A WA family or as my wife calls it much to my great chagrin and irritation Awa don't call it our I'm gonna I'm gonna change the last letter. So you can't say it's a wah. But every one of us in this Zoom Room. You know, we've lived life we've been through stuff and especially when COVID hit in 2020 is like talk about isolation. Suddenly, the world was thrown into ice isolation except for those of us in the voiceover and radio biz. I jokingly say, social distancing, isolation, I've been isolated for my whole career. I'm in a 10 by 10 box, what are you talking about? But for me when COVID happened and then a year ago when we launched the affirming words of abundance challenge, and these people started showing up and then sticking around and people like John unstead and John France and Judith and Ober Riri you know, started and Kathy finkin and me Chalene and, and Sandy Lynn, you know, they were just here and I was like, what, what's going on here? Well, it was we found it as a place that we could, you know, share what's going on and be encouraged to not just feel sorry for each other but to speak the word out over our lives and to have faith that God is for us and that there's reason for encouragement right so I found my community in here after after a long dark night and now have plugged into our local church and local pastor again after because part of my story too was when the business went away and the house went away and kids went off to live their lives my church went away it all you know, it was like all the supports went away and that's why this is all the more important to me now and what you're saying and I can't wait to get over to to the essay what it's B OB is that the brothers of broadcast is that
Bill Scott:yeah by now it's a Band of Brothers Band of Brothers Okay, okay, but it can go either way I went I went to music way for I think there's more musicians and broadcasts here so I went to music way
Rick Tarrant:I want to go over to Nashville for for one of those Thursday night gatherings but also wanted to open up the it for some conversation with our friends in the affirming words, Zoom call. But before I do that I wanted to in the live stream, and give people an opportunity to find out more about Bill Scott and vedera And do you only work with nonprofit radio stations? Or do you also work with other not for profit ministries
Bill Scott:just not for profits? Overall, we work with Compassion International, which is just really a great child sponsorship program and world concern and there's just a few others so yeah, if it's not for profit, and if it's Christian, we definitely want to advance what they're called to do for the kingdom.
Rick Tarrant:So do you sit down and strategize and and go over their their goals and mission and then just figure out a way to to best attack that?
Bill Scott:Yeah, we really do and how to present that to people so that they if they have a vision, at least for what you do, they're jumping on board as well which I think is so cool. And and I love watching a lot of these organizations begin to just expand and as you go back you just see it begin to grow and the impact for the kingdom is just phenomenal when it goes to a whole new level. I love that so yeah, I'm Glad I get to do that as part of my, my job because I just believe in it anyway. So it's like, this is really awesome. I get to do it for a job.
Rick Tarrant:Sounds like you are doing what you were created to do? I think so yeah. Which is, you know, that whole, we call it the revelation of the kingdom, finding out what your purpose in this world, what were you created for from the foundation of the world, and walk in that and then whether we make a lot of money or a little money or, you know, it's an exalted position or low for doing what God created for us to do then. Right. That's a pretty great place to be.
Bill Scott:I totally agree. And I'm just I'm blessed to be here.
Rick Tarrant:We'll how to, if somebody wanted to ask for your assistance. How would they find you?
Bill Scott:Yeah, just Bill@VidareCreative.com. Yeah. And I don't have people to do my email. I'm not like, Rick, I don't have management in different layers. It should come to me.
Rick Tarrant:Well, you have me confused with somebody else. Somebody, Oberhihi helped me I need some administrative help Michelene. I'm, where's that? You know? Who are we giving away? Cookies do? I don't know. I don't Yeah, nobody's filtering my emails either. But I did want to say that tomorrow, we're going to have a mutual friend on who is the director of Joel Olsteen. Radio, he'll be Oh, you got Chuck coming on. Hi, Chuck Pryor. It will will be in the house tomorrow. So I'm, I'm, you know, I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and assume that, you know, he spends time with Joel and Victoria, like on a daily basis. You know, some of it's got to rub off. Right. So I'm hoping we'll get some of that. That love and encouragement by osmosis tomorrow with with Chuck Pryor.
Bill Scott:I think you probably will.
Rick Tarrant:So hang around for a little bit of conversation. I'll remind the our audio listeners that if you'd like to learn more, just go to affirmingwisdom.com That's the URL this month anyway affirmingwisdom.com And I don't have a fancy schmancy outro Bill, but I do have something that my friend Danni Synot down in Australia put together for me in a in well in her own unique way. This is this is our closing phrase of "speak the word, renew your mind, transform your life." I'll let Danni say it the way she does it.
Show intro:Get a welcome to the Affirming WordsPodcast. This is where you're encouraged to talk God stuff. Stop thinking rot and get a life - a better one. Sorry I couldn't help myself.